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Please see “ portrait orientation ” PowerPoint file for Chapter 3. Figure 3.3 . Examples of ARM memory addressing mode. Please see “ portrait orientation ” PowerPoint file for Chapter 3. Figure 3.4. ARM memory addressing modes involving writeback. LDR. R0,POINTER. Load. address. LOC. in.
Please see “portrait orientation” PowerPoint file for Chapter 3 Figure 3.3. Examples of ARM memory addressing mode.
Please see “portrait orientation” PowerPoint file for Chapter 3 Figure 3.4. ARM memory addressing modes involving writeback.
LDR R0,POINTER Load address LOC in to R0. LDRB R1,[R0] Load ASCI I c haracters LDRB R2,[R0,#1] in to R1 and R2. AND R2,R2,#&F Clear high-order 28 bits of R2. ORR R2,R2,R1,LSL #4 Or [R1] shifted left in to [R2]. STRB R2,P A CKED Store pac k ed BCD digits in to P A CKED. Figure 3.5. An ARM program for packing two 4-bit decimal digits into a byte.
LDR R1,N Load coun t in to R1. LDR R2,POINTER Load address NUM1 in to R2. MOV R0,#0 Clear accum ulator R0. LOOP LDR R3,[R2],#4 Load next n um b er in to R3. ADD R0,R0,R3 Add n umber in to R0. SUBS R1,R1,#1 Decremen t lo op coun ter R1. BGT LOOP Branc h back if not done. STR R0,SUM Store sum. Figure 3.7. An ARM program for adding numbers.
Memory Addressing address or data lab el Operation information Assembler directives AREA CODE ENTR Y Statements that LDR R1,N generate LDR R2,POINTER mac hine MO V R0,#0 instructions LOOP LDR R3,[R2],#4 ADD R0,R0,R3 SUBS R1,R1,#1 BGT LOOP STR R0,SUM Assembler directives AREA D A T A SUM DCD 0 N DCD 5 POINTER DCD NUM1 NUM1 DCD 3, 17,27, 12,322 END Figure 3.8. ARM assembly language source program for the program in Figure 3.7.
READ LDR R3,[R1] Load [INST A TUS] and TST R3,#8 w ait for c haracter. BEQ READ LDRB R3,[R1,#4] Read the c haracter and STRB R3,[R0],#1 store it in memory . ECHO LDR R4,[R2] Load [OUTST A TUS] and TST R4,#8 w ait for displa y BEQ ECHO to b e ready . STRB R3,[R2,#4] Send c haracter to displa y . TEQ R3,#CR If not carriage return, BNE READ read more c haracters. Figure 3.9. An ARM program that reads a line of characters and displays it.
Calling program LDR R1,N LDR R2,POINTER BL LIST ADD STR R0,SUM . . . Subroutine LIST ADD STMFD R13!, { R3,R14 } Sa v e R3 and return address in R14 on stac k, using R13 as the stac k p oin ter. MO V R0,#0 LOOP LDR R3,[R2],#4 ADD R0,R0,R3 SUBS R1,R1,#1 BGT LOOP LDMFD R13!, { R3,R15 } Restore R3 and load return address in to PC (R15). Figure 3.10. Program of Figure 3.7 written as an ARM subroutine; parameters passed through registers.
Please see “portrait orientation” PowerPoint file for Chapter 3 Figure 3.11. Program of Figure 3.7 written as an ARM subroutine; parameters passed on the stack.
Please see “portrait orientation” PowerPoint file for Chapter 3 Figure 3.12. Nested subroutines in ARM assembly language.
Please see “portrait orientation” PowerPoint file for Chapter 3 Figure 3.13. ARM stack frames for Figure 3.12.
ADR R1,A VEC R1 p oin ts to v ector A. ADR R2,BVEC R2 p oin ts to v ector B. LDR R3,N R3 is the lo op coun ter. MO V R0,#0 R0 accum ulates the dot pro duct. LOOP LDR R4,[R1],#4 Load A comp onent. LDR R5,[R2],#4 Load B comp onent. MLA R0,R4,R5,R0 Multiply comp onen ts and accum ulate in to R0. SUBS R3,R3,#1 Decrement the coun ter. BNE LOOP Branch back if not done. STR R0,DOTPR OD Store dot pro duct. Figure 3.14. An ARM dot-product program.
Please see “portrait orientation” PowerPoint file for Chapter 3 Figure 3.15. An ARM byte-sorting program.
Figure 3.16. An ARM subroutine for inserting a new record in to a link ed list. Subroutine INSER TION CMP RHEAD,#0 Chec k if list empt y . MO VEQ RHEAD,RNEWREC If empt y , insert new MO VEQ PC,R14 record as head. LDR R0,[RHEAD] If not empt y , c hec k if LDR R1,[RNEWREC] new record b ecomes CMP R0,R1 new head, and STR GT RHEAD,[RNEWREC,#4] insert if y es. MO V GT RHEAD,RNEWREC MO V GT PC,R14 MO V R CURRENT,RHEAD If new record go es after LOOP LDR RNEXT,[R CURRENT,#4] curren t head, CMP RNEXT,#0 find where. STREQ RNEWREC,[R CURRENT,#4] New record b ecomes new tail. MO VEQ PC,R14 LDR R0,[RNEXT] Go further? CMP R0,R1 MO VL T R CURRENT,RNEXT Y es, then lo op bac k. BL T LOOP STR RNEXT,[RNEWREC,#4] Otherwise, insert new record STR RNEWREC,[R CURRENT,#4] b et w een curren t and MO V PC,R14 next records.
Subroutine DELETION LDR R0,[RHEAD] Chec k if record to b e CMP R0,RIDNUM deleted is the head. LDREQ RHEAD,[RHEAD,#4] If y es, delete MO VEQ PC,R14 and return. MO V R CURRENT,RHEAD Otherwise, con tin ue searc h. LOOP LDR RNEXT,[RCURRENT,#4] Is next record the one LDR R0,[RNEXT] to b e deleted? CMP R0,RIDNUM LDREQ R0,[RNEXT,#4] If y es, delete STREQ R0,[R CURRENT,#4] and return. MO VEQ PC,R14 MO V R CURRENT,RNEXT Otherwise, lo op bac k B LOOP to con tin ue searc h. Figure 3.17. An ARM subroutine for deleting a record from a linked list.
Please see “portrait orientation” PowerPoint file for Chapter 3 Figure 3.18. The 68000 register structure.
Please see “portrait orientation” PowerPoint file for Chapter 3 Figure 3.21. The 68000 instruction ADD #9, DD3.
Please see “portrait orientation” PowerPoint file for Chapter 3 Figure 3.22. A 68000 route for A [A] + [B].
Memory Addressing address or data lab el Op eration information Assem bler directiv es C EQU $202200 OR G $201150 A DC.W 639 – B DC.W 215 OR G $201200 Statemen ts that MO VE A,D0 generate mac hine ADD B,D0 instructions MO VE D0,C Assembler directiv e END Figure 3.23. 68000 assembly language representation for the routine in Figure 3.22.
MO VE.L N,D1 N con tains n , the n um b er of en tries to b e added, and D1 is used as a coun ter that determines ho w many times to execute the lo op. MO VEA.L #NUM1,A2 A2 is used as a p oin ter to the list en tries. It is initialized to NUM1, the address of the first en try . CLR.L D0 D0 is used to accum ulate the sum. LOOP ADD.W (A2)+,D0 Successiv e n um b ers are added in D0. SUBQ.L #1,D1 Decremen t the coun ter. BGT LOOP If [D1] 0, execute the lo op again. MO VE.L D0,SUM Store the sum in SUM. Figure 3.25. A 68000 program for the addition program in Figure 2.16.
– MO VE.L N,D1 Put n 1 in to the SUBQ.L #1,D1 coun ter register D1. MO VEA.L #NUM1,A2 CLR.L D0 LOOP ADD.W (A2)+,D0 –1. DBRA D1,LOOP Loop bac k un til [D1]= MO VE.L D0,SUM Figure 3.26. An alternative 68000 program for the program in Figure 3.25.
MO VEA.L #LOC,A1 Initialize p oin ter register A1 to con tain the address of the first lo cation in memory where the c haracters are to b e stored. READ BTST.W #3, INST A TUS W ait for a c haracter to b e en tered BEQ READ in the k eyb oard buffer DATAIN MO VE.B D A T AIN,(A1) T ransfer the c haracter from D A T AIN in to the memory (this clears SIN to 0). ECHO BTST.W #3,OUTST A TUS W ait for the displa y to b ecome ready . BEQ ECHO MO VE.B (A1),D A T A OUT Mo v e the c haracter just read to the output buffer register (this clears SOUT to 0). CMPI.B #CR,(A1)+ Chec k if the c haracter just read is CR (carriage return). If it is not CR, then BNE READ branc h bac k and read another c haracter. Also, incremen t the p oin ter to store the next c haracter. Figure 3.27. A 68000 program that reads a line of characters and displays it.
Calling program MO VEA.L #NUM1,A2 Put the address NUM1 in A2. MO VE.L N,D1 Put the n um b er of en tries n in D1. BSR LIST ADD Call subroutine LIST ADD. MO VE.L D0,SUM Store the sum in SUM. next instruction . . . Subroutine – LIST ADD SUBQ.L #1,D1 Adjust coun t to n 1. CLR.L D0 LOOP ADD.W (A2)+,D0 Accum ulate sum in D0. DBRA D1,LOOP R TS Figure 3.28. Program of Figure 3.26 written as a 68000 subroutine; parameters passed through registers.
Please see “portrait orientation” PowerPoint file for Chapter 3 Figure 3.29. Program of Figure 3.26 written as a 68000 subroutine, parameters passed on the stack.
Please see “portrait orientation” PowerPoint file for Chapter 3 Figure 3.30. Nested subroutines in 68000 assembly language.
Please see “portrait orientation” PowerPoint file for Chapter 3 Figure 3.31. 68000 stack frames for Figure 3.30.
MO VEA.L #LOC,A0 A0 p oin ts to data. MO VE.B (A0)+,D0 Load first b yte in to D0. LSL.B #4,D0 Shift left b y 4 bit p ositions. MO VE.B (A0),D1 Load second b yte in to D1. ANDI.B #$F,D1 Clear high-order 4 bits to zero. OR.B D0,D1 Concatenate the digits. MO VE.B D1,P A CKED Store the result. Figure 3.32. Use of 68000 logic instructions in packing BCD digits.
MO VEA.L #A VEC,A1 Address of first v ector. MO VEA.L #BVEC,A2 Address of second v ector. MO VE N,D0 Num b er of elemen ts. SUBQ #1,D0 Adjust coun t to use DBRA. CLR D1 Use D1 as accum ulator. LOOP MO VE (A1)+,D2 Get elemen t from v ector A. MULS (A2)+,D2 Multiply elemen t from v ector B. ADD D2,D1 Accum ulate pro duct. DBRA D0,LOOP MO VE D1,DOTPR OD Figure 3.33. A 68000 program for computing the dot product of two vectors.
Please see “portrait orientation” PowerPoint file for Chapter 3 Figure 3.34. A 68000 byte-sorting program.
Subroutine INSER TION CMP A.L #0,A0 A0 is RHEAD. BGT HEAD MO VEA.L A1,A0 A1 is RNEWREC. R TS HEAD CMP .L (A0),(A1) Compare ID of new record to head. BGT SEAR CH MO VE.L A0,4(A1) New record b ecomes head. MO VEA.L A1,A0 R TS SEAR CH MO VEA.L A0,A2 A2 is R CURRENT. LOOP MO VEA.L 4(A2),A3 A3 is RNEXT. CMP A.L #0,A3 BEQ T AIL CMP .L (A3),(A1) BL T INSER T MO VEA.L A3,A2 Go to next record. BRA LOOP INSER T MO VE.L A2,4(A1) T AIL MO VE.L A1,4(A2) R TS Figure 3.35. A 68000 subroutine to insert a record in a linked list.
Subroutine DELETION CMP .L (A0),D1 D1 is RIDNUM. BGT SEAR CH MO VEA.L 4(A0),A0 Delete head record. R TS SEAR CH MO VEA.L A0,A2 A2 is R CURRENT. LOOP MO VEA.L 4(A2),A3 A3 is RNEXT. CMP .L (A3),D1 BEQ DELETE MO VEA.L A3,A2 BRA LOOP DELETE MO VE.L 4(A3),D2 D2 is R TEMP . MO VE.L D2,4(A2) R TS Figure 3.36. A 68000 subroutine to delete a record from a linked list.
Please see “portrait orientation” PowerPoint file for Chapter 3 Figure 3.37. IA-32 register structure.
Please see “portrait orientation” PowerPoint file for Chapter 3 Figure 3.38. Compatibility of the IA-32 register structure with earlier Intel processor register structures.
Please see “portrait orientation” PowerPoint file for Chapter 3 Figure 3.39. Examples of addressing modes in the IA-32 architecture.
Please see “portrait orientation” PowerPoint file for Chapter 3 Figure 3.40. IA-32 program for adding numbers.
.data NUM1 DD 17 , 3 , 51 , 242 , 113 N DD 5 Assem bler directiv es SUM DD 0 .co de MAIN : LEA EBX , NUM1 SUB EBX , 4 MO V ECX , N Statemen ts that generate MO V EAX , 0 mac hine instructions * STARTADD : ADD EAX , [EBX +ECX 4] LOOP ST AR T ADD MO V SUM , EAX Assem bler directiv e END MAIN Figure 3.42. Complete IA-32 assembly language representation for the program in Figure 3.40b.
LEA EBP ,LOC EBP p oin ts to first b yte. MO V AL,[EBP] Load first b yte in to AL. SHL AL,4 Shift left b y 4 bit p ositions. MO V BL,[EBP+1] Load second b yte in to BL. AND BL,0FH Clear high-order 4 bits to zero. OR AL,BL Concatenate the BCD digits. MO V P A CKED,AL Store the result. Figure 3.43. An IA-32 routine to pack two BCD digits into a byte.
LEA EBP ,LOC EBP p oin ts to memory area. READ: BT INST A TUS,3 W ait for c haracter to b e JNC READ en tered in to D A T AIN. MO V AL,DATAIN T ransfer c haracter in to AL. MO V [EBP],AL Store the c haracter in memory INC EBP and incremen t pointer. ECHO: BT OUTST A TUS,3 W ait for displa y to JNC ECHO b e ready . MO V D A T A OUT,AL Send c haracter to displa y . CMP AL,CR If not carriage return, JNE READ read more c haracters. Figure 3.44. An IA-32 program that reads a line of characters and displays it.
Please see “portrait orientation” PowerPoint file for Chapter 3 Figure 3.45. Program of Figure 3.40a written as an IA-32 subroutine; parameters passed through registers.
Please see “portrait orientation” PowerPoint file for Chapter 3 Figure 3.46. Program of Figure 3.40a written as an IA-32 subroutine; parameters passed on the stack.
Please see “portrait orientation” PowerPoint file for Chapter 3 Figure 3.47. Nested subroutines in IA-32 assembly language.
Please see “portrait orientation” PowerPoint file for Chapter 3 Figure 3.48. IA-32 stack frames for Figure 3.47.
LEA EBP ,A VEC EBP p oin ts to v ector A. LEA EBX,BVEC EBX p oin ts to v ector B. MO V ECX,N ECX is the lo op coun ter. MO V EAX,0 EAX accum ulates the dot pro duct. MO V EDI,0 EDI is an index register. * LOOPST AR T: MO V ED X,[EBP+EDI 4] Compute the pro duct * IMUL ED X,[EBX+EDI 4] of next comp onen ts. INC EDI Incremen t index. ADD EAX,ED X Add to previous sum. LOOP LOOPST AR T Branc h bac k if not done. MO V DOTPR OD,EAX Store dot pro duct in memory . Figure 3.49. IA-32 dot product program.
Please see “portrait orientation” PowerPoint file for Chapter 3 Figure 3.50. An IA-32 byte-sorting program using straight-selection sort.