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Chapter 4

Chapter 4. Ancient Egypt Lesson 1-2 Pages Part 2. The three crowns and what each one represents: Red Crown- Lower Egypt White Crown- Upper Egypt Red and White Crown- United Upper and Lower Egypt. Land of the Pharaohs.

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Chapter 4

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  1. Chapter 4 Ancient Egypt Lesson 1-2 Pages Part 2

  2. The three crowns and what each one represents: • Red Crown- Lower Egypt • White Crown- Upper Egypt • Red and White Crown- United Upper and Lower Egypt. Land of the Pharaohs

  3. Due to much fighting between villages, the people banded together into two separate kingdoms. • Towns in Upper Egypt supported a king with a white crown. • Towns in Lower Egypt supported a king with a red crown. This all changed in 3100 B.C. Let’s read on page 74-75. Land of the Pharaohs

  4. The joining together of separate parts, such as in Upper and Lower Egypt, is unification. • As a result, Menes became the first pharaoh of Egypt. • Pharaoh means great palace, but came to stand for all the rulers of Egypt. • Note the picture w/ caption on pg. 75 • This created a dynastywhich is a series of rulers from the same family. Land of the Pharaohs

  5. The ancient Egyptians believed the pharaoh was to be worshipped as a ______. And had absolute power or complete control. god Land of the Pharaohs

  6. As villages grew, leaders evolved to guide the development of the people. • Kings or pharaohs would lead the people in a complex system of government. Some good and some bad. Land of the Pharaohs3100B.C.-2000B.C.

  7. The time when Egypt’s early pharaohs worked to build unity was called the Old Kingdom and lasted about 2686 B.C. to 2181 B.C. • Two other major periods in Egypt’s history, Middle Kingdom and New Kingdomwould follow. Land of the Pharaohs

  8. Memphis was the capital of Egypt’s Old Kingdom. • It was located on the Nile River between Upper and Lower Egypt, near present day Cairo. • The pharaohs ran the government much like it is now days; it became very civilized. • The governors would ensure that the pharaoh’s laws were carried out. Land of the Pharaohs

  9. The pharaoh was the center of the economy. • Economyis the way its people manage money and resources for the production of goods and services. • Egypt’s economy was based on agriculture. • Since there was no money system, the people paid their taxes by giving a large portion to the pharaohs. • Goods and services were exchanged for food and clothing (commerce). Land of the Pharaohs

  10. The pharaohs had great political powers, but they also had religious powers. Egyptians believed that the pharaoh was the child of their sun god, Ra(Rah). • Ra was the most important of the many gods whom ancient Egyptians worshiped. • The Egyptians believed that Ra gave life to Earth and the pharaohs gave life to Egypt and the people. Religion in Egypt

  11. Writing in Egypt Hieroglyphics

  12. Egyptians developed a method of writing called hieroglyphics. • This helped the pharaohs keep track of all the business details. • Hieroglyphicsis a system of writing made up of about 800 picture signs (hieroglyphs). • These signs would stand for objects or sounds. • Scribes were writers who kept records and copied letters and official documents. • Only boys could be scribes. • They began training at the age of 10. • If their minds ever wandered, they ran the risk of being beaten. Writing in Egypt

  13. They first wrote on “Scrap paper” which was pieces of broken pottery. • They graduated to writing on papyrus. • a reed plant that grows along the Nile. • Scribes would sharpen reeds (of other plants) as pens and dip it into disks of red or black ink. • At your table, answer the question why would they have to have great penmanship and be good at math to be a scribe? You have 3-5 seconds. What did they write on?

  14. About A.D. 400, hieroglyphics fell out of useand their meaning was lost. • The symbols were lost until in 1799 a French soldier was digging in the Nile Delta town of Rosetta. • There he found a large, black stone with writing on it –the Rosetta Stone. • It contained a passage that was written three times in hieroglyphics, Greek, and demotic (form of Egyptian). • A French scholar, Jean Champollion, worked to solve the mystery of hieroglyphics by translating it using the Rosetta Stone. Hieroglyphics

  15. Mummies and Glass • They were the first society to mummify their dead. • Mummification taught the Egyptians the anatomy of the human body. • Anatomyis the structure of human body and its organs. • They were also among the first to change the shape of glass by heating it. Other Inventions by Egypt

  16. Pyramids in Egypt

  17. The Great Pyramid is the most spectacular monument and was built by the Pharaoh Khufu in 2600 B.C. • He wanted it to be his tomb and would be buried with his belongings for the afterlife. • It took 20 years and 100,000 people. • Pyramids became the place where all pharaohs were buried. Building the Pyramids

  18. The importance was, the projects took a toll on the economy and the people of Egypt. • The people began to complain and in 2000 B.C. leaders in Upper Egypt revolted and set up a new pharaoh in the new capital of Thebes. • As a result, the Old Kingdom came to an end. Pyramids

  19. The Sphinx of the Great Pyramid of Giza symbolized: • The Power of the Pharaoh • A guardian for the pyramid • Half lion/half human Great Pyramid of Giza

  20. The Valley of the Kings is the location of pyramids that contain the tombs of some of ancient Egypt’s most famous pharaohs. Valley of the Kings

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