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SVD2 software and performance H.Ishino (T.I.T.) 19th Nov, 2003 BGM. SVD2 software team SVD2 performance results with cosmic ray muon data w/o magnetic field internal alignment, intrinsic spatial resolution and hit efficiency. performances in the luminosity run
SVD2 software and performanceH.Ishino (T.I.T.)19th Nov, 2003 BGM • SVD2 software team • SVD2 performance • results with cosmic ray muon data w/o magnetic field • internal alignment, intrinsic spatial resolution and hit efficiency. • performances in the luminosity run • data length, occupancy, cluster energy • MC studies • IP resolution • J/psi Ks events • Summary and schedule
SVD offline software team • Basic software • Gsim (T.Hara) • calsvd (Ishino) • recsvd (Onuki, Kawasaki) • trak (Karim) • tsim (K.Hara, Ushiroda) • Monitor • DQM (Okuno) • QAM (Matsumoto, Kawasaki) • SVD_ME (K.F. Chen) • web (Ishino) • DATA quality check (Matsumoto, Takahashi, Kibayashi) • alignment (Maria, Takahashi, Kawai) • Low momentum tracking (Karim and tracking group) • Vertex • new algorithm (Mitaroff and Vienna people) • quality check (Lesiak, Shibata) • IP profile (Shibata)
Straight track cosmic ray muons (internal alignment) x shift Two independent groups from Krakow (Maria san) and Tokyo (Takahashi san and Kawai san) are studying the SVD2 internal alignment. y shift Left figures show the comparisons of the internal alignment constants between the two groups. z shift The two constants are consistent within ~10mm. z shift difference Cosmic ray muon tracks were reconstructed using a stand-alone tracker (we did not use CDC track information.) By Maria san
Straight track cosmic ray muons (spatial resolution) residual distributions before alignment after alignment x (rf) intrinsic spatial resolutions sx: 12.0±0.4mm Pitch size : 50mm +300mm -300mm +300mm -300mm z sz: 22.3±0.8mm Pitch size : 75mm by Takahashi san +300mm +300mm -300mm
Straight track cosmic ray muons (Hit efficiency) a muon track hit or not? DSSDs expected hit efficiencies are obtained the inefficiencies are due to flex deficit, miss-wire bonding and malfunction of read-out chips by Matsumoto san
Straight track cosmic ray muons (IP resolution) requiring 8 hits for each track very preliminary!!!! rphi: 18mm dr1 dr2 z: 19mm by Takahashi san
Collision data quality data length : ~10kB per event DAQ system is working stably, i.e. no data deficit has been observed.
A typical collision event Y Y Z x
Time variation of occupancy for each layer 1st layer: ~10% 2nd layer: ~4% 3rd layer: ~2% 4th layer: ~2% In total ~3%
Time variation of noise for each layer in a run with beam 1200~1400e without beam ~1100e 1st 3rd ~1400e ~1300e We have observed many backgrounds caused by the beam especially for the 1st layer. 2nd 4th
A typical collision event Y Y Z x I' m full!
Cluster energy distributions Clusters associated with tracks reconstructed by TRAK. peaking at 20000 electrons
cluster energy distributions of each DSSD DSSD #0 (1st layer) DSSD #60 (3rd layer) miss-association to the background hits?
MC studies for SVD2 performances (IP resolution) SVD1 MC rphi: 9.4+25.7/p mm rphi: 16.4+52.6/p mm z: 31.0+46.9/p mm z: 17.4+33.6/p mm by Karim san
MC studies for SVD2 performances (J/y Ks) Reconstruction efficiency and vertex resolution have been estimated for J/y Ks events with a MC simulation. selection criteria: J/y→e+e- : -0.15<M-M(J/y)<+0.036GeV J/y→m+m- : -0.06<M-M(J/y)<+0.036GeV Ks→p+p- : -0.015<M-M(Ks)<+0.015GeV -0.04< DE<+0.04GeV Mbc > 5.27GeV no PID and flavor tagging. require SVD hits (2hits for z and 1 hit for rphi at least) by Shibata san and T.Hara san
MC studies for SVD2 performances (J/y Ks) Improvement on the tag side vertex reconstruction Very preliminary results!
Summary • SVD2 data have been taken successfully • With cosmic ray muon data without magnetic field • two independent groups perform internal alignment, giving consistent results within about 10mm. • intrinsic spatial resolution ~12(22)mm for rphi(z) • hit efficiency 95~98% • Very preliminary IP resolution ~18 (19)mm for rphi (z) • With beam collision data • data length ~10kB per event • Occupancy and noise is very high for the inner most layer. • Cluster energy distribution peaks at 20000 electrons. Much background contamination in the first layer. • MC studies show • IP resolution is much improved compared with SVD1 • J/y Ks : dz resolution 10%, recon. eff. 4% improvements.
Plan • Internal alignment improvement and systematic studies with MC and real data (helix parameter correlation, delta z bias...) • We are waiting CDC constants. • CDC constants for Exp.31 will be finalized within 1 month? • global alignment • check SVD2 performance (Matching eff., IP resolution ... ) • Improvement of vertexing algorithm especially for tag side • adopted method proposed by Vienna group? • Data quality check to make data quality uniform. • Studies for physics analysis • reconstruction, vertex, systematics ... • The first physics results with SVD2 in the next summer.