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Introduction to using social media for work as an individual

Equip yourself to effectively promote your work on social media. Learn to select channels, identify audience, principles of communication, and practical advice on Twitter and LinkedIn. Explore key features and quick start guides. Resources and tools provided. Relevance, frequency, authenticity, and more are covered.

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Introduction to using social media for work as an individual

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Introduction to using social media for work as an individual James Dodd, Head of Digital Marketing and Communications

  2. Introduction

  3. What this session covers • Aim: “To equip you to select and use a social media channel to confidently and effectively promote your professional reputation and work” • Covers: • Personal social media accounts used for professional promotion • Identifying your aims, audience and channel • Outline of key features of the main social media channels • Principles of social media communication • Basic practical advice on setting up and using Twitter and LinkedIn • Doesn’t cover: • Using official Royal Holloway social media accounts • Using purely personal social media accounts • Detailed practical instructions on using channels

  4. Marketing and Communications directorate

  5. Digital Communications team

  6. Before you start

  7. Three starter questions

  8. 1. What are your aims and who is your audience?

  9. 2. Is social media right for you?

  10. 3. What channel is best for you?

  11. Channels overview

  12. Twitter

  13. Twitter – pros and cons

  14. Facebook

  15. Facebook – pros and cons

  16. Instagram

  17. Instagram – pros and cons

  18. LinkedIn

  19. LinkedIn– pros and cons

  20. YouTube

  21. YouTube – pros and cons

  22. Social media principles

  23. Summary • Relevance • Concision • Content factors • Frequency • Timeliness • Broadcast/dialogue • Authenticity • Be nice • Legal

  24. Relevance

  25. Concision

  26. Content factors

  27. Frequency

  28. Timeliness

  29. Broadcast/dialogue

  30. Authenticity

  31. Be nice

  32. Legal

  33. Quick start guides - Twitter

  34. Creating a profile

  35. Following other accounts

  36. Engaging with other accounts

  37. Composing a post

  38. Measuring success

  39. Quick start guides - LinkedIn

  40. Creating a profile • Profile image • Background image • Intro • Background • Skills • Accomplishments • Additional info

  41. Connections

  42. Joining groups

  43. Composing a post

  44. Free and premium accounts

  45. Resources and tools

  46. Royal Holloway accounts

  47. Resources and information • Royal Holloway: • Social media policy • Digital Best Practice Toolkit • Cyber Security Moodle course • External tools: • Hootsuite • Tweetdeck • Buffer • External resources: • Social Media Examiner • Sprout Social insights • Hootsuite blog

  48. End

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