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Pigeons light up New York skies

Thousands of pigeons with tiny LED lights strapped to their legs swoop through the skies of New York as performance art

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Pigeons light up New York skies

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Pigeons enlighten New York skies

  2. LED lights attached to pigeons leave light trails in the sky while they fly as part of the "Fly By Night" art installation by Duke Riley above Brooklyn, New York, May 5, 2016. REUTERS/Lucas Jackson

  3. Pigeons with LED lights attached to them fly overhead as part of the "Fly By Night" art installation by artist Duke Riley above Brooklyn, New York, May 5, 2016. REUTERS/Lucas Jackson

  4. Pigeons with LED lights attached to them sit by their coops before becoming part of the "Fly By Night" art installation by artist Duke Riley above Brooklyn, New York, May 5, 2016. REUTERS/Lucas Jackson

  5. LED lights attached to pigeons leave light trails in the sky while they fly as part of the "Fly By Night" art installation by Duke Riley above Brooklyn, New York, May 5, 2016. REUTERS/Lucas Jackson

  6. LED lights attached to pigeons leave light trails in the sky while they fly as part of the "Fly By Night" art installation by Duke Riley above Brooklyn, New York, May 5, 2016. REUTERS/Lucas Jackson

  7. Pigeons with LED lights attached to them fly overhead as part of the "Fly By Night" art installation by artist Duke Riley above Brooklyn, New York, May 5, 2016. REUTERS/Lucas Jackson

  8. Artist Duke Riley uses a flag and pole to direct pigeons with LED lights attached to them as part of the "Fly By Night" art installation above Brooklyn, New York, May 5, 2016. REUTERS/Lucas Jackson

  9. LED lights attached to pigeons leave light trails in the sky while they fly as part of the "Fly By Night" art installation by Duke Riley above Brooklyn, New York, May 5, 2016. REUTERS/Lucas Jackson

  10. Artist Duke Riley uses a flag and pole to direct pigeons with LED lights attached to them as part of the "Fly By Night" art installation above Brooklyn, New York, May 5, 2016. REUTERS/Lucas Jackson

  11. LED lights attached to pigeons leave light trails in the sky while they fly as part of the "Fly By Night" art installation by Duke Riley above Brooklyn, New York, May 5, 2016. REUTERS/Lucas Jackson

  12. Artist Duke Riley uses a flag and pole to direct pigeons with LED lights attached to them as part of the "Fly By Night" art installation above Brooklyn, New York, May 5, 2016. REUTERS/Lucas Jackson

  13. LED lights attached to pigeons leave light trails in the sky while they fly as part of the "Fly By Night" art installation by Duke Riley above Brooklyn, New York, May 5, 2016. REUTERS/Lucas Jackson

  14. Pigeons with LED lights attached to them land as part of the "Fly By Night" art installation by artist Duke Riley above Brooklyn, New York, May 5, 2016. REUTERS/Lucas Jackson

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