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NLC work for ILC BDS design. review what has been done by O.Napoly, J.Payet, D. Angal-Kalinin et. al and what we can do. A.S., September 7, 2004. Study collimator survivability of NLC BDS with 3.5m L* for ILC parameters, determine minimum beam sizes at spoilers in ILC BDS - Lew
NLC work for ILC BDS design review what has been done by O.Napoly, J.Payet, D. Angal-Kalinin et. al and what we can do A.S., September 7, 2004
Study collimator survivability of NLC BDS with 3.5m L* for ILC parameters, determine minimum beam sizes at spoilers in ILC BDS - Lew • Study existing ILC BDS optics and crossing schemes solutions - A.S., Tom • Design optimized ILC optics (based on NLC) with optimal collimators, L* 4.2 and 5m and tail folding - A.S. • Accommodate Geant model of SiD and/or LD detectors to ILC IR parameters, find or build Geant model of ILC/Tesla detector - Takashi • Study halo performance of new ILC BDS with Turtle and Geant - Lew, Takashi • Optimize collimator gaps and photon masks location in new ILC BDS - Lew, Takashi • Study collimator wake-field performance of ILC BDS - P.T. • Review Brett's linac dump design, if acceptable and no redesign needed, modify to include second order dispersion correction - Mark • Design 30m FFS optics for demonstration at ATF - Mauro, A.S. • Start work on pair monitor distribution analysis with realistic beams and various crossing angle (continue work of Achim Stahl) - Glen • Study realistic ILC BDS tuning with errors and misalignment - Yuri • Continue fast feedback optimization (s-shaped bunch question), and include collimator and resistive wakes - Glen • Extraction line design - Yuri • ILC Detector solenoid field optimization and compensation - Yuri, A.S.
Saclay, Daresbury work • BDS optics design • NLC style • Hybrid style (NLC style for Y, traditional for X) • Design for L* of 3,4,5m • Collimation requirement evaluation • Constraint to preserve head on option => ~250m free straight path till beamstrahlung dump • Collimation redesign (2nd energy slit) • Opposite FD acceptance => FF w. Final Quadruplet • Octupole folding being designed? (not reported yet)
Next: Slides from O.Napoly, J.Payet, April 2003 and January 2004
Hybrid Correction, l*=5m Beamstrahlung Dump SH SH SV2 SV1 IP angular dispersion, D’x* = 2.6 mrad
NLC type correction, l*=5m Beamstrahlung Dump SF3 SF2 SF1, SD1 SD2 IP angular dispersion D’x* = 10 mrad
Collimation • requirements • for • l* = 5m • Φ = 48 mm • inner mask • - s = 4 m • - Φ = 24 mm 1st order transport • new collimation section required with tail folding by octupoles
The collimation section • We use the TDR collimation section with some changes : • Reverse the first • dispersion bump • Introduce a second • energy spoiler • (ΔΨx =2 between • the 2 energy spoilers)
NLC-like optics Hybrid optics Betatron spoilers : gx = 1.8 & 1.2 mm gy = 0.7 mm Energy spoilers : gx = 0.9 & 0.7 mm Momentum acceptance : -0.42 % , +0.57 % all δ-order transport Betatron spoilers : gx = 1.8 & 1.3 mm gy = 0.7 mm Energy spoilers : gx = 0.8 mm Momentum acceptance : -0.39 % , +0.52 %
Next: Compilation from O.Napoly, J.Payet, April 2003, R.Appleby, D.Angal-Kalinin,O.Napoly, J.Payet, LCWS 2004 New: Daresbury group modified FF optics to use Final Quadruplet => improve extracted line acceptance for head on or small vertical x-ing. Some consideration of small horizontal x-ing.
φ* Beam Extraction • Final doublet acceptance • Θ*max(E,φ*) • with • l* = 5m • Φ = 48 mm • Solenoid BS = 4 T
[R. Brinkmann] Beam Sizes for –40% energy tail particles at MSEP (~50 m from IP) in the extraction line: With doublet With quadruplet
Next: Slide from K.Busser, LCWS 2004 IR design for L* > 4.05m Last week A.Stahl was suggesting that > 4.2m is needed?
Proposed Design for l* ≥ 4.05 m Design by Achim Stahl
Impression on optics • Hybrid optics may be unusable with tail folding • Present NLC-like design may be not optimized for tail folding • What seem to be missing (perhaps work is ongoing) • detailed analysis of collimation performance • design and performance of tail fording • collimator wakes analysis • detailed analysis of small H or V crossing angle • Impression on x-ing angle schemes • small horizontal x-ing has less chances than small vertical x-ing • the latter depends on crab cavity and electrostatic separator experimental tests
BDS design work, assumption • head-on remain an option until experiments show performance of crab cavity and electrostatic separator • Design two BDS versions with head-on constraints and without • complete design, with collimator and tail folding and performance study • design two version of collimation – passive survival and consumable ? • Study IR background with small and large x-ing schemes • Extraction schemes…
90deg. The NLC b-collimation is optimized for consumable spoilers. Beam size in SP1,3 and SP2,4 cannot be increases simultaneously. To achieve passive survival, would need to change to 45deg and twice more cells