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Plagiarism. Accident or Not It’s Still Plagiarism When…. Copying text word for word and failing to put quotation marks around it even if you cite it Inaccurately quoting a source Cutting and pasting Omitting in-text citations even though the source is cited on the works cited page
Accident or NotIt’s Still Plagiarism When… • Copying text word for word and failing to put quotation marks around it even if you cite it • Inaccurately quoting a source • Cutting and pasting • Omitting in-text citations even though the source is cited on the works cited page • Failing to include the citation on the works cited pg.
How do I Avoid It? • Use your own words and ideas • Give credit for direct quotes using quotation marks and citing the source • Give credit for websites, photos, diagrams, graphics, multimedia • Paraphrases, restating the author’s words or ideas in your own words, must be cited • Cosmetic changes still require a citation, i.e., reversing order, changing layout
Ways of Citing Sources • Quoting - the direct quotation of the words of others • Paraphrasing - putting someone else’s words or ideas in your own words • Reference List - details of information sources cited or paraphrased in your text or project
1. Quotations • Double quotation marks around short quotations (<40 words). • Longer quotations (>40 words) block indent and omit quotation marks. • Changing quotations, i.e., omitting text (…) or inserting text ([ ])
In Text Short Quotation (<40 words) “An honor code usually consists of a signed statement in which students promise not to cheat and not to tolerate those who do” (Harris, 2001, p. 117).
Athletes are searching for anything that will make them more competitive including nutritional supplements, such as vitamins, energy bars and drinks that may compensate for dietary deficiencies, and over-the-counter products like shark cartilage and amino acids, which purport to increase muscle mass, boost energy and endurance, prompt weight gain (or loss), or reduce recovery time between workouts. (Jollimore, 2004, p. 54) In text Long Quotation (>40 words)
2. Paraphrasing • Restating the author’s ideas into your own words • Need to do more than just change a word or two
Figure Example (Curran & Canning, 2007, p. 141)
References Curran, K., & Canning, P. (2007). Wireless handheld devices become trusted network devices. Information Systems Security, 16(3), 134-146. doi:10.1080/10658980701401686.
References Hameed, R., Qadeer, W., Wachs, M., Azizi, O., Solomatnikov, A., Lee, B. C., ... Horowitz, M. (2011). Understanding sources of inefficiency in general-purpose chips. Communications Of The ACM, 54(10), 85-93. doi:10.1145/2001269.2001291
Reference List • Acknowledges all the sources you have cited in your project • Organized in alphabetical order • Strictly follows citation style format (APA, MLA . . . )
Reference List Rules to Remember • For journal articles, books, videos, and websites: Only capitalize the First letter of the title, proper nouns & first word after a colon. • Authors’ names must be inverted, using only the first & middle initials. For more than one author use the “&” before the final name. • Indent each line after the first line.
There is no period at the end of a website citation. • Personal communications are only cited in text, not in reference list.
Rules of Italics • Italicize the titles of journals, magazines, newspapers, books, videos and web documents • Italicize the volume number of a journal but not the issue number Canadian Art, 24(3) • Do not italicize article titles from journals and magazines
Anderson, D. (August 3, 2001). Statement by Environment Minister David Anderson on Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Retrieved from http://www.ec.gc.ca/Press/2001/010803_s_e.htm Blicq, R. (2001). Guidelines for report writing. Toronto: Pearson Education Canada. Booth, W. C., Colomb, G. G., & Williams, J. M. (1995). The craft of research. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Edwards, C., & Crockett, R. (2007, April 16). New Music Phones--Without the i. Business Week, Retrieved from Ebsco database. Harris, R. (2001). The plagiarism handbook. Los Angeles: Pyrczak. Jollimore, M. (June 21, 2004). Fuel’s gold: why Canada’s athletes pay so much attention to what they eat. Time, 163(25), 52-61. Reitman, J. (2004). The Baghdad follies. Rolling Stone, 952/953, 110-117. References
Reference Generators APA http://apastyle.org Knightcite http://www.calvin.edu/library/knightcite/