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Can Satellite Altimetry Be Used to Map Small Eddies, 25-75 km in Diameter?

Can Satellite Altimetry Be Used to Map Small Eddies, 25-75 km in Diameter? Harley E. Hurlburt, Jay F. Shriver, and Ole Martin Smedstad Naval Research Laboratory, Stennis Space Center, MS, USA Planning Systems Inc., Stennis Space Center, MS, USA International GODAE Steering Team Meeting

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Can Satellite Altimetry Be Used to Map Small Eddies, 25-75 km in Diameter?

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  1. Can Satellite Altimetry Be Used to Map Small Eddies, 25-75 km in Diameter? Harley E. Hurlburt, Jay F. Shriver, and Ole Martin Smedstad Naval Research Laboratory, Stennis Space Center, MS, USA Planning Systems Inc., Stennis Space Center, MS, USA International GODAE Steering Team Meeting Met Office UK, Exeter, UK 14-16 November 2005

  2. SeaWiFS Ocean Color – 2-6 Oct 2002 Composite

  3. SeaWiFS Ocean Color – 2-6 Oct 2002 Composite Eddies numbered in order of decreasing size

  4. Iran Gulf of Oman Arabian Peninsula Comparison of 1/32 Global NLOM and SeaWiFS in the Arabian Sea SeaWiFS ocean color 1/32° NLOM sea surface height (SSH) and surface currents 26°N 26°N 24°N 24°N Altimeter data assimilated No assimilation 22°N 22°N 20°N 20°N 18°N 18°N 16°N 16°N 56°E 56°E 56°E 58°E 60°E 62°E 58°E 60°E 62°E 58°E 60°E 62°E (in mg/m3) (in cm) 0.3 0.4 0.6 1.0 1.6 2.5 4.0 Oct 6 2002 Oct 6 2002 No assimilation of ocean data Composite of most recent data Oct 2-Oct 6 2002, most is from Oct 6 With assimilation of ERS-2, GFO and JASON 1 altimeter SSH data Both used atmospheric forcing from FNMOC/NOGAPS Adapted from Shriver et al. (2005, JMS accepted) http://www.ocean.nrlssc.navy.mil/global_nlom

  5. Iran Gulf of Oman Arabian Peninsula Comparison of 1/16 and 1/32Global NLOM and SeaWiFS in the Arabian Sea SeaWiFS ocean color NLOM sea surface height (SSH) and surface currents 26°N 26°N 24°N 24°N 1/16 NLOM 1/32 NLOM 22°N 22°N 20°N 20°N 18°N 18°N 16°N 16°N 56°E 56°E 56°E 58°E 60°E 62°E 58°E 60°E 62°E 58°E 60°E 62°E (in mg/m3) (in cm) 0.3 0.4 0.6 1.0 1.6 2.5 4.0 Oct 6 2002 Oct 6 2002 Composite of most recent data Oct 2-Oct 6 2002, most is from Oct 6 With assimilation of ERS-2, GFO and JASON 1 altimeter SSH data With assimilation of ERS-2 and GFO altimeter SSH data Both used atmospheric forcing from FNMOC/NOGAPS Adapted from Shriver et al. (2005, JMS accepted) http://www.ocean.nrlssc.navy.mil/global_nlom

  6. 1/32 NLOM Nowcast SSH and Currents with Altimeter Tracks Overlaid 26°N 26°N 24°N 24°N 22 Sept 2002 29 Sept 2002 6 Oct 2002 22°N 22°N 20°N 20°N 18°N 18°N 16°N 16°N 56°E 58°E 60°E 62°E 56°E 56°E 58°E 60°E 62°E 58°E 60°E 62°E (in cm) Altimeter track data from ERS-2 (red), GFO (black), and JASON-1 (white) were assimilated daily using a 3-day data window and the model as a first guess Altimeter tracks are overlaid with the most recent seven days as solid lines Daily MODAS SST analyses are also assimilated Atmospheric wind and thermal forcing is from FNMOC/NOGAPS

  7. Comparison of Global NLOM and SeaWIFS Eddies in the Arabian Sea NP = not present * = fused with another eddy Composite of most recent data Oct 2-Oct 6 2002, most is from Oct 6 Adapted from Shriver et al. (2005, JMS accepted)

  8. Comparison of Global NLOM and SeaWIFS Eddies in the Arabian Sea NP = not present * = fused with another eddy Composite of most recent data Oct 2-Oct 6 2002, most is from Oct 6 Adapted from Shriver et al. (2005, JMS accepted)

  9. Conclusions

  10. Implications

  11. Iran Gulf of Oman Arabian Peninsula Comparison of 1/32 Global NLOM and SeaWiFS in the Arabian Sea SeaWiFS ocean color 1/32° NLOM 26°N 14 9 10 15 24°N 11 1 17 Altimeter data assimilated 18 20 16 19 22°N 3 20°N 4 12 13 2 8 18°N 6 5 7 16°N 56°E 56°E 58°E 60°E 62°E 58°E 60°E 62°E (in mg/m3) (in cm) 0.3 0.4 0.6 1.0 1.6 2.5 4.0 Oct 6 2002 Composite of most recent data Oct 2-Oct 6 2002, most is from Oct 6 With assimilation of ERS-2, GFO and JASON 1 altimeter SSH data atmospheric forcing from FNMOC/NOGAPS Adapted from Shriver et al. (2005, JMS accepted) http://www.ocean.nrlssc.navy.mil/global_nlom

  12. Comparison of Global NLOM, NCOM and SeaWIFS Eddies in the Arabian Sea NP = not present Adapted from Hurlburt et al. (NRL Review 2005, in press)

  13. 1/32 global NLOM 1/16 global NLOM Hawaiian Islands Subregion 23N 22N 19 Mar 2004 Assimilation of SSH data from 1 altimeter (Jason-1) r = .30 21N 20N 19N 18N 22N 5 Jun 2004 Assimilation of SSH data from 3 altimeters (Envisat, GFO, Jason-1) r = .94 21N 20N 19N 18N 159W 158W 157W 156W 155W 154W 159W 158W 157W 156W 155W 154W (in cm) Adapted from Shriver et al. (2004, JMS submitted)

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