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An animated presentation on the eight laws of health.
THERE ARE FINANCIAL STORMS • The one that works from paycheck to paycheck knows that when a crisis or storm hits---it is over! So reason goes to show that putting something aside for a rainy day is key. Joseph put aside 1/5 or 20% of his increase during the times when there was not a problem
THERE ARE ACADEMIC STORMS The one that goofed off the whole semester or college years knows that the blast of the storm in the many varied test and all the final examinations he barely passed. But this goes with him the rest of his life testifying to his unfaithfulness in his studies and maybe less elevated positions as a result. But what is worse, is perhaps making all the A’s and having all the knowledge, but yet lack the ability to apply in the real world, through indolence or lack of wisdom and skill and is no better off for having studied.
THEN THERE ARE THE WEATHER STORMS The tornado, hurricane, Tsunami—all these storms burst upon us in their angry fury. But many times, we are given a warning and it is how we decide to prepare to heed this warning is an individual thing.
JUST STOP THE STORM? No one can prevent them from coming—the only thing we can do is to prepare sufficiently for them. I have never seen anyone prevent a hurricane from coming—it is simply how we resolve to deal with it.
TARGETED WITH TERRIBLE EXACTNESS AND PRECISION Years ago when the Tsunami hit, there was an unknown scientist who studied intensely the relation of the earth and moon and had now figured out with precision and exactness the time an earthquake will hit. And frantically tried to warn the officials of a coming Tsunami. Because he was unknown and despised, his pleadings fell on death ears. The officials failed to warn the people and we know the rest of the story. But an amazing thing happened right before the Tsunami—all the animals in all the nearby regions fled frantically. During Noah’s time, God got the animals to listen when man refused to heed the warning.
THERE IS ANOTHER STORM THAT IS GATHERING The storm of disease Many go on from day to day carelessly lessening their hold on life, through faulty diet, and lifestyle.
BUILDING A SOLID ROCK FOUNDATION The RECOVERY principles or eight laws to health are your solid building blocks for a solid foundation in health.
THE SOLID ROCK PRINCIPLES • Rest (Resting or trusting in God) • Exercise (In the open air) • Careful in temperance (don’t over do it whatever it is) • Optimal Nutrition (no snacking) • Very generous amounts of water (at the right times) • Effective fresh air (where there are plenty of trees) • Rest 2 (a bodily rest) (every hour before midnight is like getting 2 extra hrs.) • Yes sufficient sunshine. (get enough avoid too much) • Adhering to these eight principles will help give you that solid foundation. Only Divine aid can assure success.
RESTING ON A SOLID FOUNDATION When you build on a solid foundation you are protecting yourself and loved ones from harm.
VITAL FORCE All are given a certain amount of vital force not only by God-but by their parents. Depending how well your parents adhered to the RECOVERYprinciples determined the amount of vital force you received at birth. Vital force can only be preserved, we are not given more we have to use wisely and carefully that which we have—every violation of the eight laws of health depletesyour account of vital force.
EXAMPLES Parents that give their children much vital force. Parents that give their kids less vital force. Parents Grew up in the fresh air of the country life. Adhered mostly -not all to the 8 laws of health. Encouraged the child in keeping the principles of health Parents do not even know that the 8 laws to health exist—but those that may know choose to ignore them. Parents were raised in the smog of the city life—inhaling of tainted air continually now raising their kids here too.
DIFFERENCES IN VITALITY AT BIRTH Of course when God created Adam his vital force was so great he lasted for over 900 years before he died. But since then things have been going down hill for the human race as they depart more and more from the laws of LIFE.
DIFFERENCES IN VITALITY AT BIRTH This is like a bank account of health you are given at birth. You see—if the parents were violating the eight laws when you came along and you followed in their footsteps knowingly or unknowingly you have depleted your account to almost nothing. But there is hope, if one now reforms and began implementing the 8 laws, the outcome for this one will be much better. So now….
WHEN THE STORM OF DISEASE HITS What if you do not have a solid rock foundation?—or--you have no foundation ---or what the scriptures call a sandy foundation—and when the storm of disease hit-your body will not have the fighting power to withstand its fury—so disease will conquer and the victim will fall in death or may be sustained artificially by drugs and /or machinery.
WHEN THE STORM OF DISEASE HITS Matthew7 26And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand: 27 And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it.
THE BEHAVIOR OF STORMS REMEMBER, We can never stop a storm from coming—it is just a part of our human experience. There are germs that simply float in the air—when inhaled can cause problems like tuberculosis. But your body can safely resist this effectively and many other diseases promptly if a good foundation has been established.
REMEMBER THE UNKNOWN SCIENTIST Take heed the warnings—the officials may not warn you. If they refuse the advice does not mean you have to blindly follow them. Lets not always let the dumb animals take the supreme privilege of obeying God in frantically fleeing from danger.
PROTECT YOUR SELF AND YOUR LOVED ONES. • Protect them from people who do not care about having a solid foundation. • Protect them from officials who fail to hear practice the eight principles of health and prevent others by not giving the warning.. • Help them to preserve the precious vital force which may already have been depleted greatly at their birth—share the principles with them so that they can live a quality life without unnecessary sickness and premature death.
WILL THE TRUE HEALTHCARE PRACTICE STAND UP The true art of health has been lost. The world has set aside the only simple means of gaining and retaining health—the Bible—The word of God. Its like purchasing a new car and throwing away the manual and everybody just decide on their own how to take care of their new car. One may decide that putting orange Juice in the gas tank is a much better idea than gasoline and others decide to do other things differently. Everybody claims to have the answer but there is only one true—would you like to know and practice the truth? Then this is for…
..those who would like to take a closer look into the truth. Also include other healthful books with good information that can help-- email us below if you would like suggestions. 1st began with your BIBLE in searching out the principles of true health. Study and take action for yourself so….
WHEN THE STORM OF DISEASE HITS You do not have to worry because you have prepared a rock solid foundation to resist and conquer disease. This is not intended to take the medical advice of your physician or promise a cure. ©Copyright 2010 The Best Way To Wellness Media For You For Better Health abetterwaytowelness@yahoo.com