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Experimental Areas Technical Meeting, 3 June 2014 https://indico.cern.ch/event/322360 / CLOUD office and meeting room Antti Onnela, PH-DT, CLOUD Technical coordinator and GLIMOS. CLOUD experiment. CERN Austria: University of Innsbruck University of Vienna
Experimental Areas Technical Meeting, 3 June 2014https://indico.cern.ch/event/322360/CLOUD office and meeting roomAntti Onnela, PH-DT, CLOUD Technical coordinator and GLIMOS
CLOUD experiment CERN Austria:University of Innsbruck University of Vienna Finland:Finnish Meteorological Institute Helsinki Institute of Physics University of Eastern Finland University of Helsinki Germany:Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research Portugal:University of Beira Interior University of Lisbon Russia:Lebedev Physical Institute Switzerland:Paul Scherrer Institute Tofwerk AG United Kingdom:University of Leeds University of Manchester United States:Aerodyne Research Inc. California Institute of Technology Carnegie Mellon University • Studies the influence of galactic cosmic rays on the Earth's climatethrough the media of aerosols and clouds. • Uses CERN’s PS T11 beam as artificial ‘cosmic rays’, up to 100x natural levels. • Multi-disciplinary collaboration of 20 partners from 8 countries:
CLOUD in the PS East Hall Note that between runs all measurement instruments return to their home institutes for other campaigns.
CLOUD experiment • 2006: Approved as CERN experiment Technical pre-run with a 8 m3 chamber in the East Hall T11 area. • 2008-2009: Design and construction of 27 m3 aerosol chamber Modification of East Hall T11 area to accommodate the chamber, its supplies and measurement instruments • Until now 8 beam-runs of 1-3 months. 9th in autumn 2014. • Continuous upgrades between beam-runs: Gas system and its controls Thermal system (-70C operation, temperature measurements) UV-systems Additional / improved measurement instruments
CLOUD experiment CLOUD is a unique research facility, combining: • High-energy particle beam • State-of-the-art aerosol chamber: • Temperature stability: <0.1°C • Temperature range: from -70°C (in 2015: -90°C) to +30°C; cleaning at +100°C • Surface cleanliness: <10 pptv (10 x 10-12) organics contamination, stainless steel (and gold), no teflon, no O-rings • Ultrapure gas supplies • UV system: negligible heat load by use of fibre optics • Field cage 30 kV/m • Best suiting measurement instruments brought from the institutes for each run. • CLOUD’s scientific potential is proven to be very high • Results published in Nature 2011 and 2013, Science 2014, and several scientific proceedings. • The field of studies ahead is large • Scale: Further 10 years • Bottle-neck of CLOUD activities at CERN: lack of office and meeting room space. • CLOUD team has grown in number of scientists resident at CERN or visiting during runs • Daily run coordination meetings are crucial and need to involve also people off CERN.
Space available / needed Space currently available for CLOUD • T11 beam area • T11 control room • Cryogenic fluid and gas storages outside East Hall • Shared material storage space inside East Hall (for heavy equipment like racks) • Small storage room in the basement of building 13 (for delicate equipment) • 3 offices on temporary loan from PH-DT group in building 17, used by 6 CLOUD fellows and students • The PH-DT group needs to get these offices for their use. Space needed • Office space for the 6 fellows and students resident at CERN. • Office space for scientists visiting CERN during beam runs. • Must be close to T11 • Meeting room • Daily data analysis and run planning meetings during data taking campaigns, with up to 30 participants + Videoconferencing equipment to involve scientists off CERN.Must be close to T11. • Weekly technical and physics meetings for CERN team, including videoconferencing with the CLOUD Analysis Working Group members in other institutes.
What could be the solution? • Existing space from PH department? • NO. Requested since the beginning of CLOUD. Due the general lack of space no solution has been found. With the growing number of CERN users (essentially in PH department) the situation does not seem to improve. • Existing space from some other department? • VERY UNLIKELY. The Meyrin area close to T11 lacks office and meeting space in general. • Let me know if there are opportunities! • A new, small building at the proximity to the East Hall? One single multi-purpose room addressing all space needs: • Open office for the CLOUD fellows and students resident at CERN, as well as for visiting scientists. • Meeting room for daily data analysis and run planning meetings during measurement campaigns, and for weekly technical and physics meetings for CLOUD CERN team.
Possible solution? Here an example: bat. 3893 made of 2 pre-fabricated units at LHCb site (LHC Point 8) - Full dimensions 6 m x 7.5 m - Open space, modulates between meeting and office use.
Possible location for a bungalow? • Must be close to T11 where all work takes place, in particular during measurement campaigns. • For radiation protection reasons cannot be inside bat 157 • Following initial discussions involving Raul Fernandez Ortega (GS-SE), Lau Gatignon (EN-MEF), Michael Lazzaroni (EN-MEF, TSO of 157), Antti Onnela and Robert Kristic (CLOUD) the area between bat 512, 251 and 352 seems best suited. T11 ? ? ? ?
New “bat 657” ? Doors
New “bat 657” ? • ~ 6 m x 6 m • Initial cost estimate: 50 kEuro, including foundations and electricity. • Use existing sanitary facilities in b. 512 (already used from East Hall)
Summary • CLOUD has no access to adequate office and meeting room space. Particularly problematic during beam runs. Time scale of the need: 10 years. • The office/meeting space needs to be close to East Hall / T11. • No solutions amongst existing facilities has been found. • A multi-purpose open-space office/meeting room would be a well-matching solution. • Preliminary study of a new “building 657” located close to East Hall. • Now going through involved technical parties: • East Hall TSO and Radiation protection: a priori OK. • Experimental Area Technical Meeting: Today. • PH Space Policy Board SPOB: To be done. • Others? • Financing to be agreed. Consider also rental. • Investment cost estimated at ~50 kEuro, including foundations and electricity. Thank you for your attention. Comments, feed-back ?
CLOUD systems Large size beam
Slow data collection rate in CLOUD • The measured processes are slow. • Typically only few data points collected per beam day; All beam days are precious.
CLOUD Facility • Aerosol chamber (27 m3, ultra-high cleanliness) • Platforms at chamber mid-level and top • Beam and cosmic ray hodoscopes • Thermal housing and ventilation system • Thermal measurement and control systems • UV systems • Gas and water supply and control systems • Dewars and Gas supply racks (located outside East Hall) • Expansion system • Electrical supplies, including HV. • DAQ and on-line monitoring systems (in the T11 counting room) • Thermally controlled racks for measurement instruments