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Project FRESCO: An Occupational Heat and Sun Safety Education Program for Farmworkers . The National Action Summit for Latino Worker Health and Safety Presented by: Alicia Gonzales, MSSW, Project Director, gonzales@ncfh.org.
Project FRESCO: An Occupational Heat and Sun Safety Education Program for Farmworkers The National Action Summit for Latino Worker Health and Safety Presented by: Alicia Gonzales, MSSW, Project Director, gonzales@ncfh.org Supported by: The Southwest Center for Agricultural Health, Injury Prevention and Education at the University of Texas Health Center at Tyler and funded by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
Project Team & Advisory Committee Project Team • Sylvia Partida-Principal Investigator • Alicia Gonzales-Project Director • Renee Cantu-Project Coordinator • Christine Dipboye-Project Coordinator • Monica Saavedra-Project Coordinator • Dr. Maria E. Fernandez-Intervention Development & Evaluation Consultant Advisory Committee • Roberta Baer - University of Southern Florida/Anthropology • Mirasol Bravo - Migrant Health Promotion • John May - The New York Center for Agricultural Medicine and Health (NYCAMH) & Bassett Healthcare • Karen B. Mulloy - University of Colorado Health Sciences Center • Dr. Howard Rosenberg - UC Berkeley • Sylvia Sapien - La Clinica de Familia • Ted Scharf - National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
Program Goal To design and pilot test an intervention to increase farm safety practices among migrant and seasonal farmworkers (MSFWs) in various geographic regions and agricultural settings using the lay health worker model as the mode of intervention. Program Aims Formative research Develop and pretest educational materials Research minimum competencies for promotoras Develop promotora curriculum Pilot Intervention and evaluate results Certify promotora curriculum with TxDSHS
Intervention Mapping (IM) IM is a step-by-step process for merging theory, empirical findings, and stakeholder input to create effective health intervention programs. IM provided a roadmap for decision making while carrying out the program aims. Core Steps in IM: Assess needs Identify target behaviors, determinants, and then change objectives Identify methods and strategies Develop program materials Plan for program adoption and implementation Evaluation
AIM 1: Needs Assessment Literature Review • Identified heat and sun exposure as a priority occupational health problem through a literature review and focus groups with farmworkers and promotoras. • Conducted formative research to identify: • What farmworkers are doing/not doing to protect themselves from the heat and sun. • Why they are/are not protecting themselves (individual and environmental determinants) *Partners: La Clínica de Familia -Las Cruces, New México Migrant Health Promotion/Weslaco, Texas Mano a Mano/Brownsville, Texas Collier County Health Department/Immokalee, Florida Campesinos Sin Fronteras/Yuma, Arizona Nuestra Clinica Del Valle/San Juan, Texas Lay Health Worker Focus Groups Farmworker Focus Groups
AIM 2: Identification of Target Behaviors, Determinants, and Change Objectives Target Behaviors – Drink water, Cover up, Cool off Behavioral and Environmental Determinants – Knowledge, Skills, Self Efficacy, etc. Matrices of Change Objectives –crossed Target Behaviors with Determinants to answer the question “What needs to change to allow the FW to perform the target behaviors?”
AIM 2: Selection of Methods and Strategies and Development of Program Materials • Identified theoretical methods (peer modeling, guided practice) and practical strategies (flipchart and fotonovela with farmworkers giving testimonials and information about key messages) that best addressed the change objectives. • Designed layout, content, and messages of program components • Developed materials: Flipchart and fotonevela Flipchart: Farmworker’s View Flipchart: Promotora’s View Fotonovel
AIMs 3 &4: Plan for Program Adoption and Implementation * AIM 6: Promotora curriculum will be certified by the Promotor(a) Training and Certification Program of the Texas Department of State Health Services
AIM 5: Evaluation: Pretest and Pilot Intervention Pilot • Pre-post data collection with control group • Will evaluate changes in farmworkers’ attitudes, beliefs, knowledge, and practices related to sun and heat safety. Pretest • Individual and group feedback • Will answer the following questions: • Do FWs and promotoras understand key messages? • Does the content appeal to FWs and promotoras (messages, photos, layout)? • Is the time needed to deliver the session reasonable? • Are the materials easy to use? • Is program easy to implement? *Partner: Migrant Health Promotion/ Weslaco, Texas • *Partners (Tentative): • Campesinos Sin Fronteras/Somerton, AZ • Health center TBD in California Central Valley
Thank you… Alicia Gonzales, MSSW National Center for Farmworker Health, Inc. 512-312-2700 Gonzales@ncfh.org