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RI Traumatic Brain Injury Attorneys

If you are dealing with a brain injury, or if a member of your family has been affected by one in Rhode Island then read this PDF to learn about head and brain injury law in RI and know how our Personal Injury Attorneys Rhode Island can help you to file a claim for compensation. For more information contact us today at 401-751-8855.

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RI Traumatic Brain Injury Attorneys

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  1. Law Offices of Ronald J. Resmini, LTD. The brain is not only the control center for every physical function of the body, it is the center of the self. Each of us is a unique individual, with personality, character, and cognition residing within the brain. So a person who has suffered a serious brain injury is almost never the same as before the injury occurred, either mentally or physically. The loss is often devastating, to the victim and his or her family. A traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a catastrophic injury than frequently results in life-changing physical, sensory, psychological, cognitive, and behavioral changes. According the National Institutes of Health (NIH), half of all traumatic brain injuries are caused by car, motorcycle, and bicycle accidents crashes. Among older Americans, falls are the leading cause of brain trauma.  IMPAIRMENTS FROM TBI Survivors of serious head injuries involving brain trauma are generally left with mental and physical impairments. The type and severity of the impairment will reflect on the type and severity of injury, along with the specific area of the brain affected. Potential impairments include:  Headaches  Vertigo  Nausea and vomiting

  2.  Confusion  Memory loss  Blurred vision  Hypersensitivity to light  Eye muscle weakness  Involuntary eye movements  Tinnitus (ringing in the ears)  Hearing loss  CLAIMING DAMAGES FROM A TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY If the traumatic brain injury was caused by an accident that resulted from someone else negligence, recklessness, or deliberate wrongdoing, the victim and his or her family may have a claim to monetary compensation for damages stemming from the accident , for example these economic damages:  Cost of medical treatment and expected future medical expenses  Costs of rehabilitative physical and occupational therapy  Cost of psychotherapy and behavioral counseling  Lost earnings and loss of future earning capability  Physical pain, suffering, and disability  Mental, emotional, and psychological disturbances  Cognitive dysfunction  Loss of enjoyment of activities and relationships  HELP FOR THE VICTIM AND FAMILY If you are dealing with a brain injury, or if a member of your family has been affected by one, it is important to have an extremely well experienced personal injury lawyer advocating for you. Choose an attorney who practices personal injury law exclusively, and who has a proven record of success with catastrophic injury cases. Law Offices of Ronald J. Resmini, LTD. limits the time in which you can file a claim for compensation. Don’t risk losing that right. Call 401-751- 8855 for an appointment today.

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