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Communication Transformation (from Traditional to Modern Tools)

An IP private branch exchange (PBX) is a telephone switching system which enables the users within an organization to communicate through local lines and enable external communication through VoIP...<br>

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Communication Transformation (from Traditional to Modern Tools)

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  1. CommunicationTransformation(fromTraditionaltoModernTools) AnIP private branch exchange (PBX)is a telephoneswitchingsystem which enables the users within an organization to communicate through local lines and enable external communication through VoIPand external phone lines. Atypicalkind of PBX canalso switch calls between a traditional phone and VoIP oreven amongtwo traditional phones just like thetraditional PBX. Theabbreviation ofIP/PBX comein manyfaces i.e.IP-PBX,IPPBX, or IP/PBX. Thetraditional PBX onlyallowed on medium of communication at a time. Yet two different PBX wererequired to connectIPphones andtraditional phones simultaneously. Nowwith the advent ofIP/PBX, thesystem has easeto entertainmorecommunication mediums simultaneously. Theconverged data and networktechnique applied inIP/PBX have allowed the communication throughVoIP,Internet,and traditional access at once. Same asthe PBX,andIP- PBX is also owned byanenterprisesand used forbusiness communication. Benefits and PracticalAdvantages With the help ofIPphonesystem,all the internal communication is routed through the LAN (Local AreaNetwork),yet adifferent network is not required for the telephone channels.In addition to this theIP-PBX is also possible to connect to the same networkthroughgatewayto PSTN. ConnectinganIP-PBX to the overall network means employingmore communication mediums i.e. VoIP, telephonethrough internet, and manyother communication channels. IP phoneallows the freedom of choicewhen it comes to connection,yet the connection to theIP phoneitself is constrained bythe traditional hardware. With the useofIP-PBX now onedo not haveto search for afreetelephoneport on theexchange.Instead, the phone can beconnected through any LAN connection aroundthe office. Furthermore, theIP-PBX have eliminated all boundaries andrestrictions to abusiness communication.IP-PBX have enabled connection through the internet which enables to virtuallysetup an office almost everywherein theworld. This geographic distanceis usuallycalibrated through a VLANi.e. virtuallylocal areanetwork. This provides independenceongeographic location ofthe users,yetallowingall of them to connect to the same network at once and build communication.

  2. Thebiggest practical advantageofIP-PBX is the communication between the teams at officeand the mobileteams (who arenotin thesame office). This connection is independent of the location even if theperson is on road, travellingor in anairplane. All what an employee requireto connect to anIP-PBX is avalid internetconnection. Thepossiblehardware forthis connection toIP-PBX isSmartphones,IP phone, laptops, desktops, andtablets. This has provided the companywith anadvantageto connect to thecustomer without evening the person knowingthat theperson connectingis in the officeor not. Conferenceswere previouslyscheduled keepingaclose tab oneachexecutive’s scheduleyettoenable each executiveto be at the conference. Now with theIP-PBX, the executives canconnect to the office through anypossible location and medium. Source: http://www.1sthappyfamily.com/2017/05/communication-transformation-from-traditional-to-modern-tools.html

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