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Changes in Rule: 16 th and 17 th Centuries

Changes in Rule: 16 th and 17 th Centuries. England Spain German States (HRE) France Russia. England. Catholicism to Anglican Seeds of rebellion. England. Henry VIII – Elizabeth I Drastic changes in religion Catholic to Anglican to Catholic to Anglican again Era of strife

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Changes in Rule: 16 th and 17 th Centuries

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  1. Changes in Rule:16th and 17th Centuries England Spain German States (HRE) France Russia

  2. England Catholicism to Anglican Seeds of rebellion

  3. England • Henry VIII – Elizabeth I • Drastic changes in religion • Catholic to Anglican to Catholic to Anglican again • Era of strife • Paved the way for Constitutionalism

  4. Henry VIII Tudor Dynasty

  5. Henry VIIIr. 1509 - 1547 • Started out a Catholic • Wife Catherine of Aragon not birthing a son (heir) • Henry desire an annulment • Pope denied annulment

  6. Henry VIII broke from Catholic Church • Created Anglican Church • Divorced Catherine and married Anne Boleyn • New Church • Very similar to Catholics • Led by monarch and council of Bishops • Confiscated Catholic land and sold off estates

  7. Henry had • Six wives • Two daughters (Mary: Catholic, Elizabeth: Protestant) • One son (Edward VI: Protestant)

  8. Wife # 1Katherine of Aragon

  9. Wife # 2Anne Boleyn

  10. Wife # 3Jane Seymore

  11. Wife # 4Anne of Cleves

  12. Wife # 5Katherine Parr

  13. Wife # 6Katherine Howard

  14. Edward VITudor Dynasty

  15. Edward VIr. 1547-1553 • Country ruled by regents due to Edward being too young to rule when Henry VIII (daddy) died • He only actually ruled for a couple years • He was Anglican • He did nothing spectacular

  16. Lady Jane Grey

  17. Jane Greyr. 1553 (9 days) • ‘Placed’ in charge by Protestants to try and keep next in line (Mary I) from returning Catholicism to England • Jane was a pawn in a political intrigue game between powerful nobles • Mary raised an army and ‘removed’ Jane from the throne

  18. Bloody MaryTudor Dynasty

  19. Mary I (Bloody Mary)r. 1553-1558 • Mary was Catholic • Nicknamed ‘Bloody Mary’ due to her numerous public executions of Protestants • She married Philip II of Spain • Many English hated Spain • Mary lost support due to this arrangement • Mary and Philip had no children (heirs)

  20. The Virgin QueenTudor Dynasty

  21. Elizabeth I (Virgin Queen)r. 1558-1603 • Protestant • Not overly concerned with religion • Passed 13 Articles that made Anglican the state religion but allowed Catholics to exist • She was very Shrewd • Intelligent and manipulative

  22. She favored the arts • Age of Shakespeare • She commanded respect and was an excellent ruler • She never married (Virgin Queen) • Used her eligibility to woo suitors and acquire treaties and agreements that favored England • Died without an heir

  23. Hired pirates to sink Spanish ships in New World • Francis Drake was most famous • She denied this accusation • Defeated the Spanish Armada • Poor weather sunk most of Spanish ships • Paved the way to England’s rise to most powerful navy

  24. Prelude to Constitutionalism • Sale of Catholic land (Henry VIII) allowed an increase in wealth and power of Nobility • New business policies gave wealth to non-aristocratic people • Monarchs began relying on gentry for financial aid • Weakened power of king • Increased influence of the gentry

  25. Spain Creation of a new country and Catholic fanaticism

  26. Spain • Creation of Spain • Fanatically Pro-Catholic • Reconquista kicked out non-Catholics • Spain’s Rise and Fall • From Columbus to King Philip II

  27. Columbus asks Ferdinand and Isabella for funding

  28. Ferdinand & Isabellar. 1479-1504 • Isabella (Castille) and Ferdinand (Aragon) married and united their territories • This created a new country called Spain • Reconquista • Kicked out Moors (Muslims in Spain) • Kicked out Jews • Made Spain ‘hardcore’ Catholic

  29. Spain financed Christopher Columbus (and others) to search for new trade routes • Ugly, isn’t he?

  30. Columbus’ travels Columbus Cortes

  31. Rule of Regentsr. 1505-1516 • No clear succession was established • Temporary rulers reigned for 11 years • Many were Catholic cardinals • In 1516, a Hapsburg took charge (Charles V) • He was also the HRE Emperor

  32. Charles VHapsburg dynasty

  33. Charles I of Spain (V of HRE)r. 1516-1556 • Financed conquistadors • Conquered land in New World • Spain got rich • Imported a lot of gold from America’s

  34. Spain led Europe in New World exploration • Spain wealthier than any other European nation • Charles divided Hapsburg holdings • Spain and New World given to Philip II • HRE and European holdings given to Ferdinand I

  35. Philip IIHapsburg Dynasty

  36. Philip IIr. 1556-1598 • Philip a fanatical Catholic • Tried to restore Europe to Catholicism • Wars with Low Countries • Wars with HRE Protestants • War with England • Philip blew all his wealth on these wars • He lost most of them!

  37. Philip II lost naval power • Invincible Armada on way to attack Netherlands • Storms near England wrecked much of his fleet • Elizabeth I (England) destroyed the remaining Spanish fleet • Spain went from #1 world power to a weakened state after the reign of Philip II

  38. HREThe German States Fragmented and Religiously divided

  39. Fragmented • 300 States • 1,500 Knightdoms • Some with populations under 300 • Held a lot of independence • Ruled by Electors • Hapsburg family ‘elected’ constantly to rule as Emperor • Had little actual power

  40. Religiously Divided • Northern territories mainly Lutheran • Southern mainly Catholic • Peace of Augsburg • Local ruler determined religion (Lutheran or Catholic) • NO religious toleration or freedom • DID NOT include Calvinists

  41. 30 Years War • War between Lutherans, Catholics and Calvinists • Motivations switched from religious intent to political intent • France, England, Austria, and others involved

  42. Treaty of Westphalia (1648) • Same as Peace of Augsburg except Calvinists were added • Kept HRE fragmented and weak

  43. Austria • One of the German States • Austrian Hapsburgs gained power through territorial expansion during the wars • Pragmatic Sanction • Hapsburg territory will never be divided

  44. Prussia • German State on the rise • Rulers transformed Prussia into a weak state to a powerful military state • Throughout 30 Years war and other conflicts, Prussia acquired more and more land • Hohenzollern family ruled Prussia

  45. France Religious wars and the Age of Magnificence

  46. Religious Wars • 9 Wars between: • Huguenots (French Calvinists) and Catholics • Bourbon, Guise, and Valois families • Very chaotic period of time

  47. Henry IVBourbon dynasty

  48. Henry IV of Navarrer. 1589-1610 • “Paris is worth a mass” • Henry was Huguenot • Converted to Catholic to unite France and end religious wars • Passed Edict of Nantes • Allowed limited religious toleration

  49. Louis XIII and Cardinal RichelieuBourbon Dynasty

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