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Best Analysis – Rebecca Florentina EDUC 516, Section 900 May 25, 2010. Sarah Stango. Imagine that you are a senior in high school, waiting to attend one of the last, and probably one of the most anticipated dances of your high school career – prom.
Best Analysis – Rebecca FlorentinaEDUC 516, Section 900May 25, 2010 Sarah Stango
Imagine that you are a senior in high school, waiting to attend one of the last, and probably one of the most anticipated dances of your high school career – prom. You’re happy and excited to share this special moment in life with your partner…except your school has denied you the opportunity to go to prom because your partner is of the same sex that you are…
Constance McMillen • “McMillen fought an Itawamba County school board to be able to take her lesbian partner and wear a tuxedo to the Itawamba County Agricultural High School prom…The school board responded… announcing they were canceling the entire prom…” http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-504083_162-20000321-504083.html?tag=contentMain;contentBody
Adenda • Rebecca Florentina • Bronfendrenner’sBioecological Systems Theory (BEST Theory) • Rebecca Florentina & BEST • Instructional Strategies • Conclusion
Rebecca Florentina • 17 year old High School senior • Resides in West Blueridge, Massachusetts • Primarily White and middle-class • Sexual Orientation - Lesbian • Active student
Bioecological Systems Theory (BEST) • Direct and Indirect Influences • Microsystems • Mesosystem • Exosystem • Macrosystem • Chronosystem
Microsystem • Divorced Mother • Older Sister • West Blueridge • Stephie (Girlfriend) • Rainbow Youth • Gay/Straight Alliance (GSA • Teachers
Guidance Counselor- Rebecca: “…it was precisely because of the guidance counselor’s skepticism about her ability…that Rebecca decided to prove the counselor wrong.” Mesosystem Rebecca-Mother: “Do whatever you want, as long as you are happy” REBECCA Teachers Gay-Straight Alliance Guidance Counselor Mom West Blueridge School School-Rebecca: Safe-zone stickers, GSA involvement West Blueridge-School “It’s West Blueridge, it’s Accepting”
Ceara Sturgis “But when Sturgis - an honor student, trumpet player and goalie on the school's soccer team - wanted her senior photograph in a tuxedo used in the 2009-10 yearbook, school officials balked. Traditionally, female students dress in drapes and males wear tuxedos. “ http://carnalnation.com/content/35412/4/lesbian-high-school-student-banned-yearbook
Exosystem • Governor’s Commission on Gay and Lesbian Youth • Massachusetts’ Governor’s Commission Report (1993) • Protect gay and lesbian Students from Harassment • Encourage and offer training • School-based support for gay, lesbian, and heterosexual students • School-based counseling • Governor Jane Swift(2002)
GLSEN's 2007 National School Climate Survey. Because of student’s sexual orientation, over the past year: • 86.2% of LGBT students reported being verbally harassed • 44.1% reported being physically harassed • 22.1% reported being physically assaulted
Macrosystem EXOSYSTEM White Race MESOSYSTEM REBECCA MICROSYSTEM Jane Swift Guidance Councelor Teachers Mom Governor’s Commission West Blueridge Gay-Straight Alliance Italian Culture
Chronosystem • Stonewall Riots (1969) • Harvey Milk (1977) • Don’t Ask Don’t Tell (1993) People outside Stonewall, New York City http://www.sanfranciscosentinel.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/07/stonewall-5.bmp
Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act “Over the past 10 years, there were more than 12,000 reported hate crimes based on sexual orientation alone. And we will never know how many incidents were never reported at all.” -President Barak Obama
Lesson Plan • NJ Grade 4 Content and Standards: • 6.1.4.A.1: Explain how rules and laws created by community, state, and national governments protect the rights of people, help resolve conflicts, and promote the common good. • 6.1.4.A.2: Explain how fundamental rights guaranteed by the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights (i.e., freedom of expression, freedom of religion, the right to vote, and the right to due process) contribute to the continuation and improvement of American democracy.
Instructional Strategies Kristin M. Perry v. Arnold Schwarzenegger (Proposition 8) • Before: The class will discuss the various factors that surround gay marriage. In addition, the class will have the opportunity to explore online resources to gather more information about the LGBT community. • During: The class will be separated into two groups, one is for proposition 8 and one is against it. • Students will be given a basket with small pieces of paper in it. Each piece of paper has an argument either supporting or negating the debate against gay marriage. The papers represent the reasons that people support and oppose the legislation. • We will create a chart as a class that lists both sides of the argument. Students, in their groups, will be given the opportunity to place the reasons on the appropriate side of the chart. • After: As a class, review the chart expressing both sides of the debate. Students will then take the board to develop their own opinion based on the expressed ideas on the chart. • They will write a journal entry that discusses at least two reasons why they support or negate the legislation.
Instructional Approaches • Build Awareness • Openly Discuss Issues • Learn about and from students • Provide Access to Valuable Resources • Gay Lesbian Straight Educational Network • www.GLSEN.ORG • Gay and Lesbian Activists Alliance • http://gsanetwork.org/
Conclusion “The 2010 Census will be the first to report counts of both same-sex partners and same-sex spouses” -The U.S Census Bureau
References Associated Press. (2009, June 27). Rebel Looks Back 40 Years After Stonewall Riots. Foxnews.com. Retrieved from http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,529272,00.html Leff, L. (2010). High Stakes Gay Marriage Trial to begin in California. Abcnews.com. Retrieved from http://abcnews.go.com/print?id=9504576 Miller, J.R. (2010, February 23). Gay Discrimination Bill Will Stifle Free Speech, Advance 'Homosexual Agenda,' Critics Say. Foxnews.com. Retrieved from http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2010/02/22/anti-lgbt-discrimination-stifle-free-speech-critics-say/ Nieto, S. & Bode, P. (2007). Affirming Diversity: The Sociopolitical Context of Multicultural Education (5th edition). Boston: Allyn and Bacon Publishers. Takaki, R. (2008).A Different Mirror: A History of Multicultural America. Boston: Back Bay Books. Schniedewind, N. & Davidson, E. (2007). Open Minds to Equality: A Sourcebook of Learning Activities to Promote Race, Sex, Class and Age Equity . Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
References (Cont) Office of the Press Secretary. (2009). Remarks by the President at Reception Commemorating the Enactment of the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act. Retrieved from http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/remarks-president-reception-commemorating-enactment-matthew-shepard-and-james-byrd- (2008, October 20). Got Hope? Harvey Milk. Causecast.org. Retrieved from http://www.causecast.org/videos/2980-got-hope-harvey-milk (2009, October 16). Mississippi school bars lesbian student from wearing tuxedo, traditionally for boys, in senior photo. Newyorkdailynews.com. Retrieved from http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/2009/10/16/2009-10-16_lesbian_student_in_mississippi_fights_to_wear_tuxedo_in_senior_photo.html#ixzz0on4aNu9G (2010). Constance McMillen Wanted to Take Her Girlfriend to the Prom, So the School Board Canceled it. Cbsnews.com. Retrieved from http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-504083_162-20000321-504083.html?tag=contentMain;contentBody U.S Census Bureau. (2010). The Census: A Snap Shot. Retrieved from http://2010.census.gov/partners/pdf/factSheet_General_LGBT.pdf