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Gear Up: Action Thriller Media Distribution Strategy

My media product would be distributed by a large conglomerate studio specializing in similar genre films like 20th Century Fox. Marketing would target the audience through men’s magazines such as 'Top Gear', 'Stuff', and 'GQ', and trailers would be shown before related films like 'Taken' or 'Gone'. Online advertising on websites catering to the target audience, including clothing and car sites, as well as social media platforms like Facebook for broader outreach, would enhance visibility and engagement.

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Gear Up: Action Thriller Media Distribution Strategy

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Presentation Transcript

  1. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why? Danielle wilkinson

  2. My media product would be distributed by a large conglomerate studio that produce films of a similar genre like 20th Century Fox. I would be advertised on pages in men’s magazines like ‘Top Gear’ or ‘Stuff’ or ‘GQ’ magazine.

  3. A trailer could be advertised before films of the same genre like ‘Taken’ or ‘Gone’ because it will be advertised at my target audience. I could advertise it on websites aimed at my target audience such as clothing or car websites. Facebook could also be a good website to advertise it on because product is aimed at a mass audience so anyone could see it on that website.

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