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Coaster Camp

Coaster Camp. BY: Jockquelynne Come Amanda powers and Kyra knowles. Off to a slow start. We measured circumference and diameter with string and other tools. Math lab. We learned how to draw roller coasters to scale And we also played with toy roller coasters. The 2 nd day.

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Coaster Camp

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Coaster Camp BY: Jockquelynne Come Amanda powers and Kyra knowles

  2. Off to a slow start... • We measured circumference and diameter with string and other tools

  3. Math lab We learned how to draw roller coasters to scale And we also played with toy roller coasters

  4. The 2nd day • Bungee jumping animals got dangerous…but funn! • On the walking tour…make sure to follow the arrows on the colored cups  • Motion Sensors were really hands on!

  5. The ride to Great Escape

  6. Great Escape!

  7. Highlights • Dippin Dots • Amazing rides • Mingling • The Picnic • Wearing those lovely Vests!

  8. The Red Shirts Were A Hit!!

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