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How Do We Define a Successful Library Media Program?. Assessment Curriculum Instruction. Sharon Silva, Merrimack School District. Assessment: Formative and Summative.
How Do We Define a Successful Library Media Program? Assessment Curriculum Instruction Sharon Silva, Merrimack School District
Assessment: Formative and Summative Clarke, Shirley. (2001). Unlocking Formative Assessment—Practical Strategies for Enhancing Pupils’ Learning in the Primary Classroom. London: Hodder and Stoughton.
“If we think of our children as plants... summative assessment of the plants is the process of simply measuring them. The measurements might be interesting to compare and analyze, but, in themselves, they do not affect the growth of the plants. Formative assessment, on the other hand, is the garden equivalent of feeding and watering the plants - directly affecting their growth.”
Examples of Summative Assessment: • State assessments • District benchmark or interim assessments • End-of-unit or chapter tests • End-of-term or semester exams • Scores that are used for accountability for schools (AYP) and students (report card grades). • Portfolio
Examples of Formative Assessments: • Criteria and goal setting • Observations • Questioning strategies • Self and peer assessment • Student record keeping Source: Formative and Summative Assessments in the Classroom Catherine Garrison & Michael Ehringhaus http://www.nmsa.org/Publications/WebExclusive/Assessment/tabid/1120/Default.aspx http://www.measuredprogress.org/
Curriculum and Instruction: How are NH Librarians Responding? • Merrimack School District http://www.merrimack.k12.nh.us/library.htm • NHEMA http://www.nheon.org/ictliteracy/http://www.nheon.org/ictliteracy/GLELitSkillsAlignJuly2006.doc
Turn and Talk How can the library media specialist use the ICT Portfolio and other assessment tools to: Monitor progress toward standards? To plan interventions? To modify teaching and learning?
Data http://www.quia.com/
Notes from Session Discussion • Good to clarify terms. Define terms such as what is Information Literacy? • How do we foster collaboration? Host regional meetings (Come and bring your librarian…come and bring your tech coordinator) • What do schools do without staff and technology? (Try the ICT Toolkit…might be helpful…) • Media Literacy… • Involve the classroom teacher and the LEADERSHIP. • Start with the kids! Ask the kids what they need…All educators will then need/learn to collaborate… Look for the Speak-up Day survey – Schools should participate. Follow the Child. • Look at the college (PSU) model (and other states…RI, VT) • High Schools working with Academics • Many out of state colleges are looking for a full credit of computer or must take a remedial college course in IT/Information Literacy!