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Crisis Management & the Politics of Reform in Slovakia “crises as a reason for growth..”. Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic 24.05.2013. POLITICS OF CHANGE Public Administration Reform in Slovakia. National strategic objective:
Crisis Management &the Politicsof Reform in Slovakia“crises as a reason for growth..” Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic 24.05.2013
POLITICS OF CHANGE Public Administration Reform in Slovakia National strategic objective: a modern, professional, effective, reliable, uncorrupt and transparent public administration in the Slovak Republic, to be achieved by realising structural reforms to improve the efficiency of public services, optimize public spending, while actively supporting a business friendly-environment and providing client-focused, high quality services, fostering diversity, access and opportunity, overcoming crises by focusing on growth.
PublicAdministrationReform in Slovakia Reform focal points: • Introducing mechanisms supporting inclusive growth • Increasing the quality & accessibility of public administration and services,whilelowering the administrative burden on service recipients • Consolidation of public finances, creating productive public capital • Introducing more efficient mechanisms of tax governance and new tools for fight against fraud and corruption, • Strengthening judicial independence and law enforcement, while increasing access to justice and the level of public oversight
PublicAdministrationReform in Slovakia Preconditions for sustainable change and lasting results: • Strengthening policy & decision-making capacities at all levels • Investing into optimization and development of basic & special infrastructure, activation and development of PA‘s human capital • Supporting and interconnecting long-term strategic planningat local, regional and national level, developing social and public infrastructure • Enabling active involvement and participation of economic & social partners in the creation and implementation of policies
Slovak PA reform philosophy Integrated strategic approach concentrating limited resources on key priorities with added value, identified and addressed based on a partnership principle
PublicAdministrationReformCrises management context Sustainable growth requires systematic risks management, addressing the obligation of the government to: • ensure “business continuity” of key public services • Optimize costs and institutionalize strategic planning of further development – creating active public capital • increase the level of protection and resilience of infrastructure against threats • support a constant development of services, increasing their quality and effectiveness, to foster inclusive growth
Vision of public administration as a client-oriented, knowledge-based public service, prepared to provide high quality services and assistance even in times of crises developed in line with European standards and global best practices able to provide services at local, regional and national level adapted to the needs of users, stimulating active participation and inclusive growth.
Measures to increase the quality of public services Education and Training of public administration staff and engagement of relevant target groups in forming services Improving strategic planning, analytical and risk management capacities of PA in the areas of risk detection, management and recovery with focus on returning to “business as usual” status as soon as possible. Integration and optimization of processes, strengthening effectiveness & interoperability 4.Continuous processing of “lessons learned” and adaptation to the actual needs of the public and business customers. 5.Engagement of the public in governance – strengthening participation on definition of policies, implementation of integrated development strategies and formation of public services.
Thank you for your attention. Marian Saloň www.minv.sk