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Welcome to CodeEnforcementHelp.Com. Illegal Dumping. The investigation of illegally disposed hazardous materials such as tires, oil, vehicle parts, trash, garbage and other materials that are dangerous to the public. Business Licensing. The investigation of illegally operated business

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome to CodeEnforcementHelp.Com

  2. Illegal Dumping The investigation of illegally disposed hazardous materials such as tires, oil, vehicle parts, trash, garbage and other materials that are dangerous to the public.

  3. Business Licensing The investigation of illegally operated business activity within the jurisdiction.

  4. It is our hope that we can become a valued partner with you in any and all code enforcement issues that you may need help with. Should you need to contact us please feel free to fill out the “Contact Us” section on this site. Thank you and be safe.

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