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D.IE.T. DARYAGANJ DELHI. WELCOMES YOU. No. of schools in District Central 1 . Govt Primary Schools --------------------------------17 2 . Govt Upper-Primary Schools------------------------ 41 3. Government Aided Schools Primary ----------------54
No. of schools in District Central 1. Govt Primary Schools --------------------------------17 2. Govt Upper-Primary Schools------------------------ 41 3. Government Aided Schools Primary ----------------54 4.Government Aided Schools- Upper Primary ------70 ELEMENTARY EDUCATION SCENARIO
Status Report of Pre-Service Training/Workshop Proposals (2009-10
Status Report of Pre-Service Training/Workshop Proposals (2009-10)
Status Report of Pre-Service Training/Workshop Proposals (2009-10)
Status Report of Pre-Service Training/Workshop Proposals (2009-10)
PRE- SERVICE TEACHER EDUCATION (PSTE) • Table1: Category wise enrolment of students (2009-10)
2008-10 RESULTS AT A GLANCE The ETE IInd Yr. students (2009-10), and – ETE Ist Yr. students (2009-10) took examination in this academic session. The result is as given below: 2007-09
Presentation of PSTE by : Ms. SudhaArya & Ms. Bandita B. Mohanty
B) School Experience Programme (SEP)An internship of teaching for an extended period of 40 days is integral to Teacher Education. Pupil teachers have an experience of integrating theory with practice during their SEP. Twenty seven schools of the M.C.Dgovt. and aided schools of DOE NDMC were selected for SEP. They conducted morning assembly, organized co-curricular activities, maintained discipline, coordinated tours, organized sports activity and annual function, supervised mid-day meal distribution decoration of classrooms and campus. They prepared several reports during SEP like case studies, action research, Parent-Teacher Meetings, cumulative report, school profile, Achievement Test Report etc.\The students created Resource Room in some of the schools and all the students developed students’ corner or board in the classrooms to display children’s creativity.Pupil teachers attempted to teach in a learner friendly environment incorporating activities, worksheets, power-ointpresentation, preparation of portfolios, sharing of children’s experiences. Details of assignments conducted during SEP is enclosed in SEP Report.
Subject Corners in their classes, Work Experience activities like Painting of the Black board, Preparing and maintaining Dustbin for the class room Observing and recording system of distributing MDM in schools. Action Research in schools community survey in the neighborhood of school school profile Survey on IEDC status of school. Achievement tests Implementation Organization of co-curricular activities Preparation of Science Kit and Maths Kit Unique features of SEP
TRAINING & WORKSHOP conOULD NOT BE UNDERTAKEN Capacity building Programme in Computer Education and Research for faculty of DIET, In-service training programme for Nursery teachers in ECCE. 5 days Orientation Programme for Head Masters in Educational Planning & Management.
IN-SERVICE PROGRAMMES Presentation by:Dr. S. Alam
DIET DARYA GANJTraining programmes for resource personsYuva SLP
Training programme for TGTs of DOE1st cycle (w.e.f. 18-05-09 to 29-05-09), 10 days(Yuva school life skills programme)
Training programme for Miscellaneous teachers (Assistant teachers & PGTs) of DOE2nd cycle (w.e.f.2.06.09 to 12.06.09, 10 days
DIET Darya GanjTraining programme for Assistant Teachers of MCD Schools3rd cycle (w.e.f. 16.06.09 to 26.06.09)
DIET/DGTraining programme for TGTs of DOE(w.e.f. 02-07-09 to 07-07-09, 05 days)
DIET/DGINSERVICE Training programme HOD of MCD schools & Nursery Teachers of central Dist. (w.e.f 4.3.10 to 9.03.10, 05 days)
English Cascade Training in Partnership with British Council (TGT (English) 1st cycle(w.e.f. 10-09-2009 to 15-09-2009, 15 days) N.B. The Co-ordinator of all the centres were Principals of the respective school. Overall Co-ordinator were Dr. Anamika Singh and Dr Shelu Alex.
English Cascade Training TGT ENGLISH 2nd cycle (w.e.f. 26-10-09 to 30-10-09, 05 days)
PLANS AND PROPOSALS 2010-11 A Presentation
PSTE Training Proposal No. 2:Capacity building workshops / Training Programmes for ETE Pupil Teachers in curricular and co-curricular areas
PSTE Training Proposal No. 2:Capacity building workshops / Training Programmes for ETE Pupil Teachers in curricular and co-curricular areas
PSTE Training Proposal No. 2:Capacity building workshops / Training Programmes for ETE Pupil Teachers in curricular and co-curricular areas
CALENDAR FOR PSTE (2010-11) April 2010 • Classes for E.T.E. First and Second Year. • Farewell to E.T.E. Second year trainees. • Annual Examination of E.T.E. Second Year. • Baisakhi • Dr. BhimraoAmbedkarJayanti May 2010 • Regular classes for E.T.E. First year. • BuddhPoornima • Guru RavindraNath Tagore Birthday • Finalisation of Internal Assessment in all subjects and sending it to Examination branch. • Contribution in E.T.E. Entrance process. • Contribution in In-service Teacher’s Training Programs. June 2010 • Contribution in In-service Teacher’s Training Programs • Support in E.T.E. Admissions. • Preparation of forthcoming year- Meeting of Faculty members, decision of subjects to be taught, preparation of work plan for the session.
July 2010 • Preparation of Time- table for E.T.E. Trainees. • Beginning of new session (July 2010) • Classes for E.T.E, Second Year. • Admission of E.T.E. First year trainees. • Preparation of Orientation a Program 2010 • Welcome of E.T.E. First year Trainees. • Orientation program and talent search program for E.T.T. First year Trainees. • Reconstitution of Houses. • Issuing Identity cards to E.T.E. First Year. August 2010 • Regular teaching in E.T.E. Classes. • Independence Day Celebration • RakshaBandhan September 2010 • Regular teaching in E.T.E. Classes. • Janmashtmi • Obtaining permission/list of schools from Department of Education Municipal Corporation of Delhi, Directorate of Education, Delhi. CALENDAR FOR PSTE (2010-11)
CALENDAR FOR PSTE (2010-11 September 2010 . Obtaining permission/list of schools from Department of Education Municipal Corporation of Delhi, Directorate of Education, Delhi. Examination for content enrichment of students in First half of the day (Hindi, Maths, Science and Social Science) Presentation of Model Lessons Plan and explanation of different skills under Microteaching program for First Year students in First half of the day. Preparation of School Experience Program, meeting of faculty members on the format of Lesson Plans. Teacher’s Day Program “Literacy Day Program” Cultural and Literature based program Hindi Divas program October 2010 Gandhi Jayanti Allotment of Schools to trainees and faculty members, preparation of regular and reversible duty-charts for faculty members. Preparation and presentation of Model-lesson plans in all subjects by faculty members before trainees (First and Second year)
Discussion of Lesson-Plans by trainees with Faculty members. • Meeting of Principal of Schools allotted for school experience program / • School experience Program • (Note: Plan of Activities of School Experience Program is presented Separately) December 2010 • Collection of materials of S.E.P and its Evaluation. • Educational visit to E.T.E, Second Year January 2011 • New Year Celebration (1-1-11) • Regular teaching in E.T.E. classes. • Presentation of S.P.E. reports of all the schools in morning assembly and its analysis. • Lohri/MakarSankranti Celebration • Inter house Cultural and Literary competitions • SubhashJayanti. • Republic Day Celebration CALENDAR FOR PSTE (2010-11
February 2011 • Regular teaching in E.T.E. Classes. • Regional Educational Visit for all trainees of E.T.E. • Inter house sports competition • . Id Celebrations. • Guru RavidasJayanti. • Swami DayanandSaraswati Birthday. • BasantPanchmi • March 2011 • Regular teaching in E.T.E. classess. • Inter house “HasyaKavitaPaath” competition on the occasion of Holi Celebration. • Human Rights Day • Sending Examination forms of the trainees to Examination Branch. • Internal Assessment of E.T.E. trainees. CALENDAR FOR PSTE (2010-11)
House Activities: Organize the assembly of trainees in institution Co-Curricular activities concurrent activities, help in making discipline in the institutions fixing of cleanliness and decoration of institution are the duties of Houses. Every house has his duty for one month to organize the different competition.
Non Recurring : (i) Strengthening of DIET Infrastructure & Equipments) : Rs 38,00,000 /- (ii) Electric work:Rs 12,00,000/- Rs 50,00,000 /- Civil Work (For Purchase of land and construction of building) : Rs 2,00,00,000 /-