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Discovering Richard III

Discovering Richard III. Section 1. What’s the connection?. A car park in Leicester. Richard III, King of England 1483-1485. Richard III. Richard became king when he took the crown from his 12 year-old nephew, Edward V.

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Discovering Richard III

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Discovering Richard III Section 1

  2. What’s the connection? A car park in Leicester Richard III, King of England 1483-1485

  3. Richard III • Richard became king when he took the crown from his 12 year-old nephew, Edward V. • Edward V and his brother disappeared. No-one knows what happened to them. • Richard was killed at the Battle of Bosworth in 1485, fighting against rebels led by Henry Tudor (Henry VII) • Richard was later described as a hunchback who murdered his way to the throne.

  4. Battle of Bosworth

  5. After his death Richard’s body was slung across a horse and taken to Leicester, the nearest town. He was buried in the church of Greyfriars, Leicester.

  6. The church was demolished in the 1530s during Henry VIII’s reign. No stone marked where Richard was buried.

  7. What’s the connection? Centuries later the church site became a car park So, was Richard buried under this car park?

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