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TAESL’s Technical Instruction System.
TAESL’s Technical Instruction System This presentation has been prepared especially for TAESL’s approved suppliers as a training aid to provide explanation of the TAESL Technical Instruction System. This is an effort to eliminate costly delays due to the return-to-service documents not being completed properly. Your help in this matter is greatly appreciated.
Background INFO. • ESO for American Airlines (AA) • The ESO (Engineering Specification Order) is an American Airlines Document. It consists of the Rolls-Royce engine manual (white pages) amended by American Airlines with ESO (Pink Pages) • NOTE: This does not mean that the white pages of the AA/ESO is equivalent to the Rolls-Royce OEM manual. • In an effort to standardize the work performed at TAESL, American Airlines has given approval that work performed on American Airlines Rolls-Royce engines can be performed in accordance with the Rolls-Royce Engine Manual series and TAESL Technical Instructions. In other words the Rolls-Royce Manuals + TAESL Technical Instructions = the American Airlines ESO (90042 for the RB211 and 20777 for the Trent 800) • This approval, from American Airlines, provides TAESL and our suppliers the ability to work to a one-manual system (i.e. Rolls-Royce OEM manuals).
CU-TI’s(Customer Technical Instruction) CU-TI’s • Are specific instructions from the customer pertaining to the repair of engine parts and components for TAESL.
TI’s(Technical Instructions) • TI’s • Provide technical deviations from existing manual repairs. • Provide clarification of existing manual repairs. • Only apply to the repair(s) if the TAESL customer has approved the TI • NOTE: Many of the TAESL Technical Instructions (TI’s) are verbatim of the American Airline ESO (pink pages)
Destroying the MYTH about TI’s • Just because a TI exists, and is approved by the customer, does not mean the TI is required on every part being repaired.
Engine Parts Received at the Supplier • When the parts are received at the supplier with the TAESL Repair Order, the supplier must review the TAESL Repair Order for: • The Repair Instructions • Customer/ Owner (e.g. American Airlines, America West, Delta, etc)
Engine PartsReceived at the Supplier • The supplier must review the CD ROM provided by TAESL, for the applicable customer CU-TI for: • Any special instructions that may pertain to the supplier in order to comply with our customer or TAESL requirements. • The supplier must also review TAESL.com for: • the Approved Technical Instructions that may be employed during the repairs (if applicable).
Note: The supplier should have a process in place that provides their appropriate shop or department with the information on the TAESL CD ROM disk.
Return to Service Tag • When preparing the Return-to-Service tag (FAA Form 8130-3, JAA Form One or TC 24-0078) the supplier must provide the following: • TAESL’s Purchase Order (PO) number (must be referenced in either Block 5 or 13.) FAA Form 8130-3, JAA Form One, TC Form 24-0078
Return to Service Tag(continued) • Block 13 must note the Rolls-Royce engine manual ATA section/chapter used to repair the part, and in parentheses reference the appropriate CU TI. • NOTE: It is no longer an American Airlines requirement to refer to the ESO, except on LRU’s. EXAMPLE: Repaired in accordance with Rolls-Royce Engine manual 72-XX-XX (ESO 90042, CU0002) EXAMPLE: Repaired in accordance with Rolls-Royce Engine manual 72-XX-XX , (CU0002)
Return to Service Tag(continued) • The Return-to-Service tag must provide: • Technical Instructions (TI’s) that were employed, or accomplishment of special repairs should be noted in block 13 as well. • NOTE: This may include the supplier’s own approved repair(s), if authorized for use, such as DER, etc. EXAMPLE: TI’s RB00XX and RB0XXX and/or HRS XXXX and/or NCR 200XXX accomplished.
Parts Returned to TAESL • If the parts and the paperwork (Return-to-Service documents) are correct, TAESL can provide the parts to our shops without holding the parts and requesting our supplier to make corrected documents. • Requesting corrections takes time and possibly delays the turn time to our valued customer.
Thank You • Should you have questions regarding the requirements explained in this presentation, please direct them to the following: • Mike Johnson, Sr. Quality Analyst, 817-224-1027 • Brian Cunningham, Mgr, TAESL Engineering, 817-224-0245 • Abi Asekin, Lead RB Engineer, 817-224-0837 • Erik Gretarsson, Lead Trent Engineer, 817-224-0239 • Elsa Velazquez, Inv. Control Analyst, 817-224-1048 • Marilyn Reeves, Inv. Control Analyst, 817-224-0055 • Diana Harris, Document Tech. 817-224-0449 • Christine Wang, Mgr. Purchasing 817-224-0235 • Dinesh Pai, Sr. Commodity Mgr. 817-224-0159