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FF2PC Software Installation and Calibration Guide for Farm Equipment

Learn how to install FF2PC software, calibrate sensors, and utilize basic or advanced modes for field management on your combine. Discover benefits, navigation tips, and troubleshooting solutions. Contact your NH dealer for assistance.

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FF2PC Software Installation and Calibration Guide for Farm Equipment

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  1. FAQFrequent Asked Questions START

  2. I have a TIER 2 combine(CX720------CX880, CR960-CR980) 1. Why should I install the new FF2PC software (Farm/Field to PC) on my combine? 2. How must I work in Basic Mode, how to perform a Calibration of Yield/moisture sensor? 3. How must I work in Advanced Mode, how to perform a Calibration of Yield/moisture sensor? 4. I loose regularly EGNOS D-GPS signal on my NH100, NH110 or NH134? 5. When I put my data card in the combine’s data logger: DATACARD ERROR 1004

  3. 1. Why should I install the new FF2PC software (Farm/Field to PC) on my combine? • The new Farm/Field To PC software has been developed for CX and CR combines who are equipped with the black and white INFOVIEW monitor. • Two groups of customers will benefit from this new software. • The first group owns a combine with Yield sensor and moisture sensor. • The second group has a Yield monitor and moisture sensor and the Data logger or the D-GPS equipment. • The new FF2PC-software makes navigating and input of data much easier and customer friendly. • The new FF2PC-software can be configured in a BASIC mode for the first group and in ADVANCED mode for the second group of customers. • The original Operator Manual stays valid.

  4. 1. Why should I install the new FF2PC software (Farm/Field to PC) on my combine? What is new in FF2PC? • Basic mode: for customers who do not use datalogger or D-GPS in general they want to attribute only a Field name and a Crop name, they do not want to be forced to introduce a Farm name. • Advance mode: for customers who use datalogger or D-GPS equipment they want to upload the full management tree from the PC-desktop and then select in a fast and easy way the Farm/Field/Crop. • Automatic generation of intelligent names. When a new Farm or Field is created the monitor proposes an IntelliName. An IntelliName is composed out of the Date plus a sequence number: example 07/06/25-GHI. This system is the same for Farm , Field and Load.(We strongly recommend to accept the default name for the load except if you perform a yield or moisture calibration) • If you do not agree with the IntelliName, click enter, the default name is now highlighted: • Navigation and Editing is made easy and fast. • If you start writing the IntelliName will be over-written immediately. • If you click Right arrow ► the cursor will move to the end of the field, you can then delete from the back example 07/06/25-001. • If you click Left arrow ◄ the cursor will move to the beginning of the field. • If you click Up arrow▲: navigate to the field above. • If you click Down arrow▼ navigate to the field below. • Crop names are editable. • Maximum memory in basic version is 13 fields (with in total 14 loads) • Maximum memory in advance version is 50 Farms with max 350 Fields and with maximum 1200 loads. • Easy calibration for Moisture sensor and Yield sensor.

  5. 1. How Can I install the new FF2PC software (Farm/Field to PC) on my combine? Please take contact with your NH dealer.

  6. 2. FF2PC-software in BASIC mode. Basic mode = Data logger type= 0 The only selection to be made: Field name. The machine proposes an IntelliName Select “New” and the machine will propose you an IntelliName If you do not Create a load, the Machine will do it for you Example: In Basic version: A field called “River”. The crop is “Corn”. A load must NOT be selected, the machine will do that for you.

  7. 2. FF2PC-software in BASIC mode. Cont. Create a special load: “Cal” and combine 15 Tonne. The remainder of the field Must be harvested under a DIFFERENT load name. Select the sensor you want to calibrate Fill the result From the weigh bridge Click to calibrate

  8. 3. FF2PC-software in AVANCED mode. Cont. 2 = Advanced mode, Data logger is obligatory “1” = if you have a D-GPS antenna (if not select “0”) If you have only a Data logger you can create similar reports from your fields If you have only a Data logger you can create similar charts from your fields If you have a Data loggerand a D-GPS antenna (or an EZ-GUIDE) then you can create yield maps from your fields. Also variable rate fertiliser, spreader and planting maps can be exported.

  9. Key’s 1----6 Quick selection For markers 3. FF2PC-software in AVANCED mode. Cont. A list of all the farms is Preloaded (from the PFS software). Just select the Farm you are on. Just like the Farms also all the fields are preloaded, Just make the correct selection. Three markers are logged

  10. 3. FF2PC-software in AVANCED mode. Cont. Create a special load: “Cal” and combine 15 Tonne. The remainder of the field Must be harvested under a DIFFERENT load name. Fill the result From the weigh bridge Click to calibrate

  11. 4. I loose regularly my EGNOS D-GPS signal. What is EGNOS? • EGNOS is a joint project of the European Space Agency (ESA), the European Commission (EC) and Eurocontrol, the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation. • The Ag-business can use the Egnos signal for differential correction. • The European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service (EGNOS) can change and improve the correction signal as required. • Therefore also New Holland need to change the software in it’s antenna’s. The new software performs ever better and better. Do you want to take profit of the new Antenna software for your NH100, NH110 or NH134? Please call your dealer or your PLM-support company. 29/7/2007

  12. When I put my data card in the combine’s data logger: DATACARD ERROR 1004 Cause: wrong format 1. Capacity: best take what the computer proposes: 2. File System: Choose FAT or FAT16 3. Allocation unit size: Default allocation size 4. Volume label: Name of the combine 5. Check: Quick Format When the combine shows on the InfoView monitor DATA CARD ERROR 1004 that means that your datacard has been formatted in the wrong File System: The correct file system is FAT or FAT16. To correct this problem you need to reformat the datacard with the Windows Explorer: Click right mouse on the Datacard and select FORMAT. 6

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