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The Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering Department. Pablo Pasten PhD Northwestern U. Associate Professor Environmental Eng. Biogeochemistry ppasten@ing.puc.cl. Gonzalo Pizarro PhD U. of Wisconsin Associate Professor Environmental Eng. Corrosion and Biofilms gpizarro@ing.puc.cl.
The Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering Department Pablo Pasten PhD Northwestern U. Associate Professor Environmental Eng. Biogeochemistry ppasten@ing.puc.cl Gonzalo Pizarro PhD U. of Wisconsin Associate Professor Environmental Eng. Corrosion and Biofilms gpizarro@ing.puc.cl Bonifacio Fernandez PhD Colorado State University Professor and Chair Hydrology, Water Resources and Hydrologic modeling bfernand@ing.puc.cl Integrated areas: Water Resources, Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics, Environmental Engineering Jose Muñoz Docteur, U. de Grenoble Professor Hydrogeology and Groundwater jfmunoz@ing.puc.cl Carlos Bonilla PhD U. of Wisconsin Associate Professor Soil Science and Environmental Biophysics cbonilla@ing.puc.cl Rodrigo Cienfuegos Docteur, INP Grenoble Assistant Professor Coastal Eng., Fluid Mech and Sediment Transport racienfu@ing.puc.cl Jorge Gironas PhD Colorado State University Assistant Professor Water Resources, Hydrologic Sciences Urban Hydrology jgironas@ing.puc.cl Cristian Escauriaza PhD U. of Minnesota Assistant Professor Fluid Mech, Fluvial Hydraulics and Sediment Transport cescauri@ing.puc.cl
WATER RESOURCES HYDROGEOLOGY, HYDROLOGY AND WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT • DESCRIPTION • We study the integrated water cycle and its interaction with natural and human environments, with the purpose of developing and applying tools to model and assess the spatial and temporal variability of water resources, and use them in planning, design and managing operational systems and infrastructure. Our main research areas include: • Surface hydrology: Hydrologic processes in natural and urban catchments, hydrologic-geomorphologic-ecologic interaction, spatial variability in rainfall erosivity and water erosion processes • Stochastic hydrology: Modeling and characterization of floods, droughts and other extreme hydrologic events • Hydrogeology: Groundwater and pollutant transport modeling, geostatistical applications for groundwater, surface-subsurface interaction in arid and semi-arid regions • RESOURCES • Computer laboratories and equipments for fieldwork • Research budget through grants • Research agreement with governmental organizations and private companies with interests in water resources PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATORS: Bonifacio Fernández, PhD José F. Muñoz, PhD Jorge Gironás, PhD Carlos Bonilla, PhD GRADUATE STUDENTS PhD: Jackelline González Lina Castro Maria Fernanda Hernández MSc: Paolo Maldonado Marcelo Sepúlveda Daniel Jaen Javier Uribe Esteban Briones Victoria Flores CONTACTS / COLLABORATORS Colorado State U., U. of Arizona, U. of California-Santa Barbara, U. of Colorado, U. of Reno, Texas A&M U., U. of Wisconsin-Madison, Hydrosystem-inc (USA), Laboratoire Central des Ponts et Chaussées (France)
PUBLICATIONS in the last 5 years: • 19 peer reviewed articles (Journal of Hydrology, Hydrologic Science Journal, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, Water Environmental Research, Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, Ground Water, Soil Science Society of America Journal, Journal of Environmental Quality, among others) • Several presentations in National and International Conferences • Other Works: • Several studies for assessment of the spatial and temporal distribution and variability of water resources within the altiplano region and the main river basins in Chile. • Assessments of the main aquifers in northern Chile • Forecasting models for hydropower plants • Design and development of stormwater control devices and infrastructure • Characterization of stormwater pollutants in Santiago • Stormwater Management Model (SWMM) Applications Manual
FLUID MECHANICS AND HYDRAULICS RIVER AND COASTAL ENGINEERING PRINICIPAL INVESTIGATORS Rodrigo Cienfuegos, PhD Cristián Escauriaza, PhD POST DOCS Rafael Almar, PhD GRADUATE STUDENTS PhD: Leandro Suárez Mauricio Villagrán MSc: Juan Carlos Domínguez Maricarmen Guerra Nils Lindeen Boris Rodríguez Doménico Sciolla Tomás Olivares DESCRIPTION We develop advanced tools for applications in hydraulic and coastal engineering focusing on flow hydrodynamics, transport and mixing processes at different scales in aquatic environments. We carry out fluid dynamics research for a wide range of applications in engineering analysis and design, sediment transport and erosion in fluvial and coastal regions, transport and mixing of passive and active substances, transport of slurries in industrial applications, and renewable energy. Our group seeks to study and propose solutions for engineering applications based on deep knowledge of the physical mechanisms that occur in nature. RESOURCES Numerical modeling of coastal and fluvial processes at different scales: from a river reach and coastal embayment, to high resolution models of turbulence-particle interactions in transport applications. Hydrodynamic Laboratory with multiple flumes and modern instruments to study and measure the dynamics of complex flowfields. CONTACTS / COLLABORATORS U. Minnesota (USA), Georgia Institute of Technology (USA), Seattle University (USA), U. Grenoble (France), U. Bordeaux (France), Kangnung University (Korea), UNAM (México), UTF Santa María (Chile), Instituto Nacional de Hidráulica (Chile)
Stirring and Lagrangian mixing in chaotically advected flows Tidal flow field at Canal de Chacao (Chile) Numerical simulation of a dam break over a complex topography High resolution 3D models of turbulence interaction with erosion and sedimentation processes. PUBLICATIONS in the last 5 years 11 peer reviewed publications in fluid mechanics, river and coastal engineering (J. Fluid Mech., Phys. Fluids, Coastal Eng., J. Hydraulic Eng., J. Waterw. Port Coast. Oc. Eng., among others) 34 articles/presentations in peer reviewed national and international conferences
ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING BIOTECHNOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL GEOCHEMISTRY • DESCRIPTION • Our group uses conceptual and quantitative models for understanding and design physical, chemical and biological processes that control water quality. This is highly integrated with laboratory experiments, pilot studies and in situ characterization of natural and engineered systems. Our group integrates professionals and students with diverse backgrounds: civil engineering, agricultural engineering, chemistry, biology, biochemistry, and physics. • RESEARCH AREAS • Innovative processes for arsenic removal • Forecast, measurement, and control of water quality • Microbial fuel cell modeling • Ecology of microbial communities • Mathematical biofilm modeling • Remediation of acid drainage • Corrosion and biocorrosion of metals • Biogeochemistry • Water quality modeling in watersheds • RESOURCES • Laboratory instruments, including Epifluorescent Microscope, TXRF Apparatus, etc. • Research budget through grants: US$200.000/year • Active collaboration with US Universities. PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATORS: Pablo Pastén, PhD Gonzalo Pizarro, PhD Carlos Bonilla, PhD POSTDOCS: Ignacio Vargas, PhD POSTGRADUATE STUDENTS: PhD Students: Alejandra Vega Manuel Bugueño Marco Alsina Eduardo Leiva Paulina Rios Paula Guerra Euclides Deago Consuelo Rámila
PUBLICATIONS in the last 5 years: • 12 peer reviewed articles (Environmental Science and Technology, Journal of American Chemical Society, ACS Nano, Applied Geochemistry, Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering-ASCE, etc.) • Several presentations in National and International Conferences • Other Works: • Several studies for assessment of the water quality in rivers. • Assessments of arsenic presence and treatment alternatives • Proposal for decision support models for water quality in Chilean watersheds • FONDEF project for developing new sorbent media for arsenic removal.