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( [m'v ) Living the Shimah. The Life of a Believer Committed to the Way of Christ. CP Workshop – Shimah.ppt. Deuteronomy 6:1-9.
([m'v) Living the Shimah The Life of a Believer Committed to the Way of Christ CP Workshop – Shimah.ppt
Deuteronomy 6:1-9 1These are the commands, decrees and laws the LORD your God directed me to teach you to observe in the land that you are crossing the Jordan to possess, 2so that you, your children and their children after them may fear the LORD your God as long as you live by keeping all his decrees and commands that I give you, and so that you may enjoy long life. 3Hear, O Israel, and be careful to obey so that it may go well with you and that you may increase greatly in a land flowing with milk and honey, just as the LORD, the God of your fathers, promised you.
Deuteronomy 6:1-9 4Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one. 5Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. 6These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. 7Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. 8Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. 9Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.
Exegesis - Deuteronomy 6:1-9 • Moses was directed to teach the Jews to observe the decrees and laws of God. • As long as the Jews obeyed the decrees and laws of God they would enjoy a long life. • Obedience of the decrees and laws of the Lord would make things go well for the Jews and increase their numbers.
Exegesis - Deuteronomy 6:1-9 • Love the Lord with all your heart … • Emotions – love is something you feel • Worship • Love the Lord with all your soul … • Personality – love is a part of you • Darkness is forced out as we obey
Exegesis - Deuteronomy 6:1-9 • Love the Lord with all your strength … • Actions – love is something you do • Doing impacts feelings and helps define who we are to others • Commands are to be upon our hearts • As we feel our hearts beat, we are aware of the commands of God. • As when our hearts hurt, we find ourselves saddened when we do not obey the commands of God • As the heart is a life or death organ, so are the commands of God in our lives
Exegesis - Deuteronomy 6:1-9 • We are impress the commands of God upon our children – like an image is impressed on a coin. • We are to talk about the commands of God at home. • We are to talk about the commands of God when we are away from home on the road.
Exegesis - Deuteronomy 6:1-9 • We are to talk about the commands of God with those with whom we are most intimate – when we lie down • We are to talk about the commands of God as the natural starting point of our day – family and guests we served at breakfast. • Our lives are to be a reminder of others regarding our love for God – tie them on your foreheads.
Exegesis - Deuteronomy 6:1-9 • We are to do things during the day to remind ourselves we belong to God – tie them on your hands. • It is to be obvious to the community that we belong to God – Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates. • This is a life of obedience and love.
Matthew 22 37Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ 38This is the first and greatest commandment. 39And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” Leviticus 19:18 Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against one of your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the LORD.
Mark 12 29“The most important one,” answered Jesus, “is this: ‘Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one. 30Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ 31The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.”
Matthew 28 18Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
John 14 15“If you love me, you will obey what I command. 21Whoever has my commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves me. He who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love him and show myself to him.” 23Jesus replied, “If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching. My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him. 24He who does not love me will not obey my teaching. These words you hear are not my own; they belong to the Father who sent me.
John 14 31but the world must learn that I love the Father and that I do exactly what my Father has commanded me.
John 15 10If you obey my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have obeyed my Father’s commands and remain in his love. 14You are my friends if you do what I command. 15I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you.