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Italian Renaissance. Northern Renaissance. Reformation. Art. Hodge- podge. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 200. 200. 200. 200. 200. 300. 300. 300. 300. 300. 400. 400. 400. 400. 400. 500. 500. 500. 500. 500. Italian Renaissance 100. What does renaissance mean?.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Italian Renaissance Northern Renaissance Reformation Art Hodge- podge 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

  2. Italian Renaissance 100 What does renaissance mean?

  3. Italian Renaissance 10 A rebirth of the classical Greco-Roman ideas and new ideas.

  4. Italian Renaissance 200 What was the name of the manual written by Machiavelli explaining how to be an effective leader?

  5. Italian Renaissance 200 The Prince

  6. Italian Renaissance 300 What is the intellectual movement of the Renaissance focused on human potential and individual achievement

  7. Italian Renaissance 300 Humanism

  8. Italian Renaissance 400 Name three famous Italian Renaissance Patrons as discussed in the chapter?

  9. Italian Renaissance 400 The Medici Isabella d’Este Catholic Church

  10. Italian Renaissance 500 What caused the Italian Renaissance to begin?

  11. Italian Renaissance 500 The presence of a Wealthy, Urban, and Stable environment

  12. Northern Renaissance 100 The first use of movable type in the world was in?

  13. Northern Renaissance 100 China

  14. Northern Renaissance 200 What was the first full-sized book printed by Gutenberg?

  15. Northern Renaissance 200 The Bible

  16. Northern Renaissance 300 What Dutch priest criticized the Church and had his satire In Praise of Folly banned by the Church?

  17. Northern Renaissance 300 Erasmus

  18. Northern Renaissance400 A person who produces work “in the vernacular” is one who…

  19. Northern Renaissance 400 Writes in a local (native), rather than a classical language like Latin.

  20. Northern Renaissance 500 What two events led to the delay of the Renaissance of 100 years in Northern Europe

  21. Northern Renaissance 500 Black Plague 100 Years War

  22. Reformation 100 What were indulgences?

  23. Reformation 100 Pardons from punishment- sold by the clergy to release people from performing penalties for their sins.

  24. Reformation 200 Europeans resented paying taxes to the Church in Rome.

  25. Reformation 300 What was the main reason for Henry VIII’s split with the church?

  26. Reformation 300 He wanted a male heir.

  27. Reformation 400 The education of children and missionaries was the principal goal of what group?

  28. Reformation 400 Jesuits

  29. Reformation 500 The Peace of Augsburg ended a war between the supporters of which two groups?

  30. Reformation 500 Catholic and Protestant German princes.

  31. Art 100 What are the major characteristics of Italian Renaissance art?

  32. Art 100 Proportion Perspective Individuality

  33. Art 200 The technique known as perspective is most useful in the creation of?

  34. Art 200 Three-dimensional art- in provides depth.

  35. Art 300 This portion of a fresco by Michelangelo is from what larger work?

  36. Art 300 Sistine Chapel

  37. Art 400 What were the main characteristics of Northern Renaissance art?

  38. Art 400 Realistic, Detailed Symbolism, Un-idealized forms, Little classical influence Subject-Portraits, Commoners (folk) religion, and myth, landscapes Darker colors- use of oil Woodcuts

  39. Art 500 The Betrothal of the Virgin by Raphael best exemplifies which characteristic of Renaissance art?

  40. Art 500 Perspective

  41. Hodgepodge 100 What does it mean to be secular?

  42. Hodgepodge 100 Worldly- concerned with the here and now more than the here after.

  43. Hodgepodge 200 Who taught predestination?

  44. Hodgepodge 200 John Calvin

  45. Hodgepodge 300 Who wrote the book Utopia?

  46. Hodgepodge 300 Thomas More- spoke of an ideal place.

  47. Hodgepodge 400 Who issued a papal bull requiring Luther to retract 41 of his 95 thesis?

  48. Hodgepodge 400 Pope Leo X

  49. Hodgepodge 500 Who was the wife of a king of England, the mother of Queen Mary I of England, and the aunt of an emperor of the Holy Roman Empire?

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