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STRENGTHENING / RELIABILITY PROJECT. PEDDIE AND WESLEY AREA REINFORCEMENT. Compiled by: Simphiwe Dlulane Tel: - 043 – 743 2750 Email: DlulanS@eskom.co.za Nondumiso Mahlaba Tel : - 033 395 3722 Email: mahlabnl@eskom.co.za. PURPOSE OF PRESENTATION.

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  1. STRENGTHENING / RELIABILITY PROJECT PEDDIE AND WESLEY AREA REINFORCEMENT Compiled by: Simphiwe Dlulane Tel: - 043 – 743 2750 Email: DlulanS@eskom.co.za Nondumiso Mahlaba Tel: - 033 395 3722 Email: mahlabnl@eskom.co.za

  2. PURPOSE OF PRESENTATION • Request support to strengthen the 22kV networks in the Peddie and Wesley areas as well as improve the reliability of supply to customers in this area. This project entails building 4 x 22kV feeder bays, installing 2 x 22kV voltage regulators and constructing 22kV link lines. • Project cost estimate (2011/12 Rands): R 15 650 000

  3. BACKGROUND INFORMATION • Peddie substation is a 66/22kV 1x10MVA substation which supplies 2 feeders, Peddie - Craighead 22kV line (with a maximum demand of 2.9MVA, 4079 customers and 32km long ) and Peddie - Wesley 22kV line (with a maximum demand of 4.5MVA, 4918 customers and 192km long). • Wesley substation is a 66/22kV 2x10MVA substation which supplies 2 feeders, Wesley - Peddie 22kV line (with a maximum demand of 2.9MVA, 6529 customers and 171km long) and Wesley – Hamburg 22kV line (with a maximum demand of 2.5MVA, 10066 customers and 139km long). • These networks have the network class of C2 by default. Reliability gate keepers have the limit of ≤ 220km line length and ≤5000 customer base. The mainline of these feeders consist of Hare conductor except for Peddie - Wesley 22kV line which consists of Mink conductor.

  4. Geographical Layout of Peddie & Wesley substation supply zones Craighead fdr Peddie SS Wesley fdr Hamburg fdr Wesley SS Peddie fdr

  5. PROBLEM STATEMENT • The Peddie – Craighead and Wesley – Hamburg 22kV feeders are experiencing low voltages. • The Peddie and Wesley Substations distribution networks do not meet the regional reliability guide in terms of customer numbers. • Peddie – Wesley 22kV feeder forms part of the 2008/9 SR underperforming pareto MV feeders.

  6. Build a 22kV feeder bay at Peddie S/S and construct ±600m Hare line to structure NDH-2 • Create normally open point at structure NDH-1 • Build a 22kV feeder bay at Wesley S/S and construct ±4.6km Oak line to structure 2PED-WES-327 • Create normaly open point at structure 2PED-WES-329 • Build ±6km Pine link line from WES27-13 to NJO106-2 • Create normally open point at structure ZWE55 • Build a 22kV feeder bay at Wesley S/S and construct ±4.8km Oak line to structure TUK 2 • Create normally open point at structureTUK 1 • Build a 22kV feeder bay at Peddie S/S and construct ±10.4km Hare line to structure CHD-PED-86 • Create normally open point at structure CHD-PED-85 • Build ±4.1km Mink link line from LMAF005-31 to LMBG004-28 • Create normally open point at structure LMAG008-100 • Install a Voltage Regulator at structureLMVD013-2 • Build ±3km Mink link line from X-PHA-77 to LMBK006-94 • Create normally open point at structure X-PHA-37 • Install a Voltage Regulator at structure LMAG008-75 • Solution 1 (Preferred) Network reconfiguration and voltage regulators LMAF005-31 CHD-PED-86 LMBG004-28 NEW NOP NDH-2 NEW NOP NDH-1 LMBK006-94 X-PHA-77 NEW NOP NEW NOP TUK2 NJO106-2 NEW NOP 2PED-WES-327 WES27-13 NEW NOP Fish River Sun Hamburg Peddie S/S LMAG008-97 2PED-WES-5 CHD-PED-83 NOP Wesley S/S PED-WES-FR-T-118 2PED-WES-331 WES-HBG-16 COST ESTIMATE (2011/12 Rands): R 15 650 000 NPV: R 4,825 457.00 MIRR: 14.70%

  7. Geographical Layout after completion of Solution 1 Naudeshoek Craighead Dube Peddie SS Wesley Hamburg Tuku Wesley SS Peddie Fish River


  9. Solution 2: Build a new Ndusi 132/22kV 1x10MVA Substation Build 10km of 22kV Hare line to interconnect with Wesley/Hamburg 22kV feeder at MMDJ012/12. Create a normally open point at structure P41/99. Build approximately 15km of 132kV Wolf line from Peddie substation to a proposed site for the new Ndusi substation. Install 1x132kV feeder bay, 132/22kV 10MVA trfr and 3x22kV feeder bays. Craighead Naudeshoek Build 3km of 22kV Hare line to interconnect with Peddie/Craighead 22kV feeder at structure LM AG008/10. Create a normally open point at LMAG008/1. Build a 22kV feeder bay at Peddie S/S and construct ±600m 22kV Hare line to structure NDH-2 of Peddie/Wesley 22kV feeder. Create NOP at NDH-1 to split the Peddie/Wesley 22kV line into Peddie/Wesley & Peddie/Naudeshoek 22kV feeders. Dube Peddie SS Tuku Wesley Build 6km of 22kV Hare line to interconnect with Wesley/Peddie 22kV feeder at WES132/29. Create a normally open point at 2PED/WES/238. Hamburg Ndusi SS Wesley SS Peddie Peddie Peddie Fish River Fish River Fish River COST ESTIMATE (2011/12 Rands): R 30 000 000 NPV: -R 5,873 514.00 MIRR: 11.70%


  11. IMPLICATIONS OF DOING NOTHING • The Peddie – Craighead and Wesley – Hamburg 22kV feeders will continue experiencing low voltages. • No spare capacity for future load demand • Poor reliability of supply (violating Planning Reliability Guideline)


  13. RECOMMENDATION Implement Solution 1 as proposed • Build a 22kV feeder bay at Peddie S/S and construct ±600m Hare line to structure NDH-2 • Create a normally open point at structure NDH-1 • Build a 22kV feeder bay at Wesley S/S and construct ±4.6km Oak line to structure 2PED-WES-327 • Create a normally open point at structure 2PED-WES-329 • Build ±6km Pine link line from structure WES27-13 to structure NJO106-2 • Create a normally open point at structure ZWE55 • Build a 22kV feeder bay at Wesley S/S and construct ±4.8km Oak line to structure TUK 2 • Create a normally open point at structure TUK 1 • Build a 22kV feeder bay at Peddie S/S and construct ±10.4km Hare line to structure CHD-PED-86 • Create a normally open point at structure CHD-PED-85 • Build ±4.1km Mink link line from structure LMAF005-31 to structure LMBG004-28 • Create a normally open point at structure LMAG008-100 • Install a Voltage Regulator at structure LMVD013-2 • Build ±3km Mink link line from structure X-PHA-77 to structure LMBK006-94 • Create a normally open point at structure X-PHA-37 • Install a Voltage Regulator at structure LMAG008-75 PROJECT COMPLETION DATE: 31/12/2012 TOTAL PROJECT COST (2011/12 Rands): R 15.6 mil

  14. END Thank you

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