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Project Based Learning and Differentiation using Google Earth

Project Based Learning and Differentiation using Google Earth. Jeff Allen. Mission and Vision. Mission : Dorchester School District Two leading the way, every student, every day, through relationships, rigor, and relevance.

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Project Based Learning and Differentiation using Google Earth

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Project Based Learning and Differentiation using Google Earth Jeff Allen

  2. Mission and Vision Mission: Dorchester School District Two leading the way, every student, every day, through relationships, rigor, and relevance. Vision: Dorchester School District Two desires to be recognized as a “World Class” school district, expecting each student to achieve at his/her optimum level in all areas, and providing all members of our district family with an environment that permits them to do their personal best.

  3. Contact Information Jeff Allen jeallen@dorchester2.k12.sc.us

  4. Session EvaluationParticipants are asked to complete a session evaluation for each session attended. Credit (attendance, renewal, and/or technology) will be added following evaluation completion. For each question, use 1=Strongly Disagree, 2=Disagree, 3=Neither Agree nor Disagree, 4=Agree, 5=Strongly Agree. Your responses will assist us in planning future professional development in Dorchester School District Two. • The instructor was well prepared for the workshop. • The materials for the workshop were appropriate. • The concepts presented were appropriate to my job. • I will benefit from attending this session. • I would recommend this training to others.

  5. Characteristics of Project-based learning

  6. Characteristics of Project-based learning

  7. Characteristics of Project-based learning

  8. Characteristics of Project-based learning

  9. Working with Google Earth • An Introduction to Google Earth • What is Google Earth? • Google Earth: a virtual globe program that shows the earth and sky by the superimposition of images obtained from satellite imagery, aerial photography and GIS over a 3D globe. • What good is it? • Why would you want to use it in the classroom? What benefits does it bring? • Just a few examples, tools, and resources: • Humanities: Tour important places in Anne Frank’s life • Environmental Science: Use Google Earth to investigate topography • Foreign Language: Create engaging tasks for your students to complete • Geography: Use a simple atlas overlay to bring your elementary classroom alive

  10. Working with Google Earth • An Introduction to the Interface • Download the program here: http://earth.google.com/ • Understanding the Interface • Basic Navigation • Finding Addresses and Locations • Using Layers • Collecting and organizing places • Searching for and adding premade content (or how to find lots of cool things already out there) • Google KML Gallery

  11. Working with Google Earth • Advanced tools • Viewing the sky and other planets • Viewing historical Imagery • Drawing and Measuring: measuring distances and areas • Creating your own placemarks and editing them • Working with Paths and Polygons • Overlays • Emailing and printing from the program • Other advanced tools that can interface with Google Earth: • Google SketchUp • Geo-tools and geo-tagging • Spreadsheet Mapper Tool v.3 • Tour Builder

  12. Delivering instruction through Google Earth Some Google Earth Examples… Google Lit Trips http://www.googlelittrips.com/GoogleLit/Home.html Real World Math http://www.realworldmath.org/ “Postcards from the Past” – Using historical imagery https://docs.google.com/uc?export=download&id=0Bz4RJ4OUv5xxYjhlYWIzMDUtN2NmOS00YWRhLWJjNDMtN2MzOWY4OGJlZDVi

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