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Welcome to EAGLE SPRINGS ELEMENTARY. Flight School 2012 You can find this presentation on our website at www.humbleisd.net/ese. ESE Administrators. April Maldonado Principal. Donna Burkhardt Asst Principal. ESE Vision Statement.
Welcome to EAGLE SPRINGS ELEMENTARY Flight School 2012 You can find this presentation on our website at www.humbleisd.net/ese
ESE Administrators April Maldonado Principal Donna Burkhardt Asst Principal
ESE Vision Statement We envision Eagle Springs Elementary to be a school where: ALL CHILDREN • Feel safe, happy, and loved • Show respect for themselves and others • Receive daily academic challenge and support ALL PARENTS • Feel welcomed, supported, and informed • Are valued as educational partners ALL STAFF MEMBERS • Are highly-skilled and knowledgeable professionals • Are enthusiastic, caring, positive individuals
ESE School Wide Expectations • S = SAFE • O = ORGANIZED • A = ACCOUNTABLE • R = RESPECTFUL
Mornings at ESE Our goal is to greet every child every day with a smile! • Student drop off begins at 7:30 a.m. & students report to their grade level hallway. • NO supervision before 7:30 a.m. Parents needing supervision prior to 7:30 a.m. should contact area day cares, who provide transportation to Eagle Springs Elementary. • Class begins at 7:50 a.m. • Tardy bell rings at 8:05 a.m. Tardy students report to front office for tardy slip. Parents of students with excessive/ consistent tardies will be contacted by an administrator.
Car Rider Drop Off Playground Car Riders (Eagle Springs Pkwy) • ALLKindergarten students & siblings • Cottage Grove • Sutters Creek • Preston Village • Arlington Park • Newfield Park • Chandlers Crossing • Transfer Students Cafeteria Car Riders (Will Clayton Pkwy) • Laurel Woods • Logan Ridge • Cross Creek • Meadow Lake • Meadow Lodge • Sierra Bridge • NO CAR RIDER DROP OFF IN FRONT OF SCHOOL WHILE CAR RIDER LINES ARE OPEN. • CAR RIDER LINES WILL CLOSE AT 7:55 EVERY DAY. • STUDENTS ARRIVING AFTER 7:55 MUST ENTER THROUGH THE FRONT OF THE BUILDING.
Arrival of Walkers & Bus Riders Walkers • North of Will Clayton Parkway~ Cross through the tunnel. • South of Will Clayton Parkway~ Cross at playground/sports complex. • Students will not cross Will Clayton Parkway. Bus Riders Day Care Riders • All buses will drop off in the front drive of ESE.
Afternoon Dismissal at ESE KINDER STUDENTS ARE DISMISSED AT 1:50. 1ST-5TH STUDENTS ARE DISMISSED AT 3:20. Students should be designated as one of the following: • Playground Car Rider (Eagle Springs Pkwy) • Cafeteria Car Rider (Will Clayton Pkwy) • Front Walker/Biker • Back Walker/Biker • Bus Rider, Day Care Bus Rider, or YMCA After-School Program Car Rider Information • Car Rider signs MUST be displayed daily, all school year. • Parents may not walk up to the car rider line to pick up a child. • Lane in front of school is reserved for bus riders/day care riders only. Cars riders may NOT be picked up in the front lane.
Walkers & Bikers • FRONT WALKERS:Students designated as “Front Walkers” will be directed to the tunnel to walk home. Parents walking or biking home with students may meet them in the front of the school. • BACK WALKERS:Students designated as “Back Walkers” will be released behind the school to walk home. Parents walking or biking home with students may meet them in the back of the school. NO ONE WILL BE PERMITTED TO PICK UP “BACK WALKERS” BY PARKING ALONG THE PERIMETER OR WITHIN THE PARKING LOT.
“Walkers” who aren’t really walkers… Every child going home in a car should be in the car rider line! • Unforeseen circumstances happen! If a parent is not able to meet a child (out front, other side of tunnel, at sports complex, etc.) the child will be left unattended, confused, and in danger. • Unforeseen circumstances happen! If a parent is late to pick up a child in the car rider line, the child is kept in the front office under adult supervision while a parent is contacted. THE SOLUTION = ESE Car Rider Line
Inclement Weather Dismissal In the event of of bad weather: Decision will be made at 2:50 pm(“regular dismissal” or “inclement weather dismissal”) & sent electronically to parents Parents: Check one on form – • Follow usual dismissal plan OR change to • Car Rider If we are under a severe weather warning OR it’s lightning, students will not be permitted to walk or bike home.
Student Cell Phones Students are permitted to have cell phones for the purpose of communicating with their parents after school, but they must be turned OFFand stored in backpacks during the school day. Students not following these guidelines may have their phones taken and held for parent pick up. • Students are not permitted to bring iPods, iPads, handheld games, etc. to school. • The use of Kindles at school for silent reading is left to the discretion of the classroom teacher. Any phones or electronics brought to school is at the risk of the student/parent. ESE is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
SAFETY The safety of students and staff is our highest priority. Some of the safety measures we implement are: • All visitors are required to show i.d. and wear identification in the building. • Check-out and dismissal procedures are strictly followed. • Monthly emergency drills are held. • Any suspicious activity is immediately investigated. • Anti-bullying lessons are presented to students. • Walkers/bikers are not released during severe weather. • Security cameras monitor the front office, cafeteria, entrances, and playgrounds at all times. Contact Mrs. Maldonado or Mrs. Burkhardt if you have any safety concerns!
What to Wear Dress Code is on DM11-12 of the Parent/Student Handbook. Highlights for elementary students: • Hair should be neat, clean, & non-disruptive. • NO hats, sunglasses, makeup, tattoos, excessively loose or tight clothing. • For boys: NO earrings, sleeveless shirts. • NO “short shorts” (must be between knee & mid-thigh) • NO flip-flops! (Tennis shoes required on P.E. days.) • LABEL ALL JACKETS, LUNCH KITS, ETC. with student name. • Helpful Hint: Keep a jacket or sweater in your backpack. Sometimes it is chilly in the classrooms. Every FRIDAY is SPIRIT DAY – Wear your ESE shirt!
Eating at School Breakfast = $1.30 (served 7:30-7:55 a.m.) Lunch= $2.00 Frozen Treats - $0.75 ($0.50 if purchased for the class to celebrate a birthday) • Send check/cash to school OR set up online account through the Humble ISD website. • Students without money in their account will be given a sandwich and milk for lunch. • Menu? Check weekly Eagle Eye or monthly menus may be printed from the Humble ISD website. • Parents are welcome to join students for lunch! Visitors must first check in at the front office. • Parents are allowed to bring in outside food for their child only. It can not be shared with other children. (Texas FMNV Law) • Forgotten lunches may be dropped off and placed on the designated shelf in the commons.
Change in Food Law Starting in August 2012, as required under The Healthy, Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010… Students that eat a cafeteria meal must take at least ½ cup of fruit and/or vegetable with two other meal components to receive the $2.00 lunch. If the student does not take at least ½ cup of the fruit and/or vegetable with two other meal components they will be charged higher a la carte prices. Food components include: meat, bread/grain, fruit/vegetable, milk.
Talking to My Child’s Teacher Relationships between parents & teachers are very important at ESE! Do not hesitate to call or email your child’s teacher with any questions or concerns! Fall Parent Conference Dates Wednesday, October 31 Thursday, November 1 Every student is required to have a fall conference.
Volunteering at ESE • There are many opportunities to help in our workroom or during special events as a PTO Volunteer. (Volunteering within classrooms is allowed only on a limited basis.) • All volunteers must check in at the front office, obtain a visitor’s badge, and remain only in area designated on badge. • Parents wishing to observe their child’s classroom must contact Mrs. Maldonado or Mrs. Burkhardt to arrange the observation. • NO visitors are allowed on campus when state-mandated tests are being administered. We encourage all ESE families to join PTO!
Attendance & Checking Out Early OFFICIAL ATTENDANCE TIME = 9:20 • Students not present at 9:20 will be marked absent. • Students who are not present at 9:20, but come in that same day with a note from a doctor or dental office, will be counted present. • Parents must send in a written note when a student is absent, in order to “excuse” the absence. • Students must be signed in and out through the front office, and will only be allowed to leave with persons indicated by parent on enrollment card. • If child must be picked up early, do so prior to 3:00 p.m. Students will not be called out between 3:00-3:20 p.m. • Parents of students who are excessively absent or picked up early will be contacted by an administrator.
ESE Happenings • To stay up-to-date, it is important to read the EAGLE EYE campus newsletter each week. • ESE will use the “Humble ISD Insider” system to email the Eagle Eye and other ESE announcements to you! The first EAGLE EYE will be sent home on Tuesday as a paper copy with detailed instructions on how to make sure your “Insider” account is set-up.
Early Release Days Students will be released at 11:30: • Aug 31 (Fri) • Sept 20 (Thur) • Oct 18 (Thur) • Oct 31 (Wed) • Nov 1 (Thur) • Dec 6 (Thur) • Dec 21 (Fri) • Jan 31 (Thur) • Feb 28 (Thur) • May 9 (Thur) • June 7 (Fri) Lunch will be available for purchase on Early Release days Students may: • Purchase lunch from the cafeteria • Bring a lunch from home • Opt to bring just a snack, if planning to eat after dismissal
Fall Fundraiser SELL: September 10-24 DELIVERY: October 30 YANKEE CANDLE *NO Assembly *NO Daily Prizes
Thank you for coming to Flight School! You can find this presentation on our website at www.humbleisd.net/ese