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ESP. Year I I , MA Studies Term I 201 9 /20 20 Izabela Batyra, MA ibatyra@wp.pl ixabela@kul.lublin.pl Office Hours: Thursdays : 10.50 – 1 2 .3 0 , C- 940. Are you interested in the disciplines below ? Prawo - law Ekonomia – economics Finanse - finance Marketing - marketing
ESP Year II, MA Studies Term I 2019/2020 Izabela Batyra, MA ibatyra@wp.pl ixabela@kul.lublin.pl Office Hours: Thursdays: 10.50 – 12.30, C-940
Areyouinterested in thedisciplinesbelow? • Prawo - law • Ekonomia – economics • Finanse - finance • Marketing - marketing • Reklama – advertising • Informatyka / IT – information technology • Telekomunikacja – telecommunications • Bankowość – banking • Medycyna – medicine • Weterynaria - veterinary science • Przemysł – industry • Budownictwo/architektura – construction (building) , architecture (the style and character of a building) • Elektronika – electronics/electronic engineering • Handel – trade • Gospodarka - economy • Nauka – science • Technika – technology, engineering • Motoryzacja – theautomative industry • Polityka - politics etc.
What texts/documentsareyoumorelikely to translate? • umowa handlowa - a trade agreement • sprawozdanie finansowe – a financial statement • instrukcje obsługi - manuals • korespondencję handlową – buisnesscorespondence • publikacje, streszczenia prac dyplomowych – publications, summaries of diplomaprojects • CV, listy motywacyjne – CV, coverletters • dokumentacje przetargowe - tender specifications • materiały szkoleniowe – training materials • Etc.
What isspecializedtranslation? Specialized translation is the translation of content which presents a high or very high level of specialization in a specific area of knowledge where previous knowledge of the material on the part of the translator and/or reviewer is a basic and essential requirement. What skillsareyoumorelikely to develophere? You will develop translation skills in a variety of registers and styles by translating a wide range of scientific, technical and medical texts: scientific reports, popular science articles, peer-reviewed articles, healthcare documents, clinical case studies, user guides, and technical specifications, among others.
Examples of more specialized texts: • dokumenty naukowe – scientific documents • dokumentacje oprogramowania – software documentation • specyfikacje techniczne produktów - technical specifications of products • podręczniki użytkownika – user guide, user manual • dokumentacje naukowo techniczne – scientific-technical documenation • procesy technologiczne – technological processes • prace doktoranckie - Phd dissertations etc.
10 tips to keep in mind when accepting a translation project and how to produce the best results in the end for a good translation 1. Always see the document before accepting any project Checking the documents before you accept the job is the only way to ascertain that the work is within your abilities and that the deadlines are reasonable. It also enables you to check if the original material is complete and that you are familiar with the subject matter. 2. Who is the translation for? You also need to discuss with the client about the kind of translation he/she wants, the intended message, the target audience and any information that will determine the style of translation required. 3. A good translation requires time You can’t translate on a whim. Read the source text thoroughly, pay attention to details such as language nuances or register, inform the client of any mistakes or ambiguities you may find, research some technical terms.It is also important to get some rest. Un-glue yourself from your computer screen, have a break and do something else; you will go back to your translation more relaxed and with fresher eyes.
4. “Good writers are those who keep the language efficient. That is to say, keep it accurate, keep it clear” If the text you translate contains idiomatic references, don’t hesitate to add comments or notes to make it easier for the reader to understand. That’s why a good knowledge of both the source and target language is crucial. 5. Keep your target audience in mind This is the best way to ensure you will translate with the intent of conveying the exact meaning of the original message. It will also make you remember to respect a specific spelling or vocabulary if you are translating into a variant of a language (e.g. French Canadian, Brazilian Portuguese etc).
6. Make sure your words have meaning If you opt for a literal translation, you may get unpleasant surprises. While you must preserve the original style of the author (tone, register…), you can’t duplicate the syntax or the grammatical construction of the source language, unless of course it is correct in the target language. You also don’t have to keep all the words from the source text if you want to avoid redundancy in your translation. Conversely, don’t hesitate to add some words in your translation if you feel it will make the meaning clearer. 7. Stick to what you know Rely on your skills and experience. They will help you make the right decisions when translating a difficult text. Remember practice makes perfect. 8. When in doubt, ask for help It is normal to sometimes face doubts or difficulties when translating a document; translation is not an exact science (and even scientists have doubts!). Don’t be afraid to consult colleagues or other linguists when you are stuck. You should even talk to the client or the author of the source text, if you can contact him/her.
9. The finishing touch (a.k.a. Proofreading and Revision) We are so absorbed in our work that it can be difficult to distance ourselves from it; this is where a second pair of eyes is essential. When your translation is done, have another linguist or a native speaker proofread it. They can spot mistakes you may have not noticed. They will also make sure that your translation sounds natural in the target language. Your translation is now ready to be delivered to the client. 10. Getting better at it Continuous learning is the key to improve your skills and expertise. Languages are permanently evolving and developing so you need to keep up to date.
Fragment tłumaczenia książki "Gałganek" Jagody Łętkowskiej, tłumaczenie z polskiego na angielski. Takiej zimy nie było już dawno w Chocorua. Nie fatygujcie się i nie szukajcie tej nazwy na mapie. Od razu wam powiem, że jest to śliczne amerykańskie miasteczko w stanie New Hampshire. Musielibyście mieć bardzo dokładną mapę Stanów Zjednoczonych, aby je znaleźć. Zostawmy jednak geografię na boku i zajmijmy się zimą. Otóż niektórzy nazwali ją nawet zimą stulecia. Wydaje mi się, że trochę za wcześnie, ponieważ nowe stulecie miało zaledwie trzynaście lat. Niemniej jednak była to rzeczywiście tęga zima.
That could be the harshest winter in Chocorua in many years. Don’t bother with finding the place on a map. I can tell you that it is a picturesque American town in New Hampshire. You will need a very detailed map of the United States to find it.So let’s just put geography aside and focus on the winter. Well, there were people who called it the winter of the century, although I think it was a bit premature as the new century just started.Still, it was a bitter winter indeed.