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DDC in Scandinavia : exploring new translation models of the DDC. Presentation at Dewey goes Europe : on the use and development of the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) in European libraries, Vienna 28 April, 2009
DDC in Scandinavia : exploring new translation models of the DDC Presentation at Dewey goes Europe : on the use and development of the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) in European libraries, Vienna 28 April, 2009 Ingebjørg Rype, National Library of NorwayMagdalena Svanberg, National Library of Sweden
Outline • Why consider new translation models of DDC in Scandinavia? • Sweden • Norway • The mixed translation model – what is it? • Exploring the mixed model – the results of the pilot studies and a workshop • New approaches to the mixed model • Sweden • Norway • Future work
Why consider new translation models of DDC in Sweden? • A Swedish switch to DDC is under way. • Decision by the National Library to switch from the national scheme SAB to DDC. • The Swedish Library Association stresses the importance of using the same classification system throughout Sweden, and recommends that Swedish libraries in general consider adopting the DDC. • Many Swedish research libraries have made a decision to switch, or are preparing for a decision. • Some public libraries interested in a switch, but no public library made a decsion so far
Why consider new translation models of DDC in Sweden? (2) • Need for a Swedish translation of DDC, for Swedish terminology and Swedish examples. • Until now, the only DDC content availible in Swedish is the DDC Summaries • The abridged edition is too short. • The full edition is costly and cumbersome to translate and maintain. • Translations of DDC numbers far down in the hierarchy with little or no literary warrant in Sweden would be of limited value. • Vill ej ha egen förkortning pga interoperabilitet.
Why consider new translation models of DDC in Norway? • Om DDK5 • Ny översättning behövs • Webbversion • ”En Dewey som passer for alle?” • DDK 5 for folkebibliotek • Nasjonalbibliografien • Samarbeidet Nasjonalbiblioteket/Biblioteksentralen • Fagbibliotekene/UB’ene er ikke samkjørt. Ulike emneregistre • Ulik Dewey-praksis (DDK 5 + DDC 22)
The mixed translation model – what is it? • Use DDC data in the vernacular as framework • Where needed, add English-language classes from full edition to complete hierarchies • Translate the auxiliary tables (Tables 1-6) in full • Use standard terminology for instructions in the language of each record (e.g., “Her:” / “Class here”) • Include logical abridgment instructions to address use by smaller collections • Provide separate indexes featuring the terminology available in each language
Exploring the mixed model – pilot studies and workshop • Förklara varför vi gjorde pilotstudierna
Norwegian Model: 370-372 Education Schedule • Base vernacular edition = Level of notation in DDK 5 • Update captions and notes to match equivalent classes in DDC 22 • Add English-language classes for rest of schedule records • Segment numbers in notes to level of DDK 5 • Address differences in levels of education and primary school curriculum
Norwegian Model: 370-372 Index • Import DDK 5 index terms as basis for Norwegian index, but include full numbers • Where possible, supplement current Norwegian index with terms dropped from notes • Include separate full English-language index
370.152 (excerpt from DDK 5) 370.152 Kognitive prosesser Inkluderer: Hukommelse, læring, problemløsing, resonnement, tenking Her: Intelligens Læringsmotivasjon, se 370.154
370.152 (excerpt from Mixed) 370.152 Bevisste mentale prosesser og intelligens Forminndeling kan brukes for bevisste mentale prosesser og intelligens behandlet sammen, eller for bevisste mentale prosesser alene Inkluderer: Tenking Her: Kognitive prosesser Emosjoner, se 370.153/4; for Persepjon, se 370.155; for Fantasi og kreativitet, se 370.157 370.1522-370.1529 (English-language subdivisions)
370.152 (excerpt from Mixed— English-language subdivisions) 370.1522 Memory 370.1522 Learning For motivation to learn, see 370.154 370.1524 Reasoning Class here problem solving 370.1528 Behavior modification [formerly 370.153] Class behavior modification methods of instruction in 371.39/3 370.1529Intelligence Class here multiple intelligences For emotional intelligence, see 370.153/4
370.152 (excerpt from Mixed—Norwegian index terms) 370.1522 Memory Hukommelse—Pedagogisk psykologi 370.1522 Learning Læring—Pedagogisk psykologi 370.1524 Reasoning Problemløsing—Pedagogisk psykologi Resonnement—Pedagogisk psykologi 370.1528 Behavior modification [formerly 370.153] Atferd—Pedagogisk psykologi 370.1529Intelligence Intelligens—Pedagogisk psykologi
Pilot Norwegian study • Build a Norwegian-English mixed translation of 370-372 • Recruit 19 librarians to participate in study from variety of library types to test usefulness as classifier’s tool • Classify test set of 20 titles (10 in Norwegian, 10 in English; all accompanied by rich metadata) using DDK 5, Mixed, and DDC 22 • Complete online questionnaire • Interview participants who completed initial study
Pilot Study: Respondents 11 respondents (12 of 19 librarians recruited answered the survey; 2 answered jointly) • 2 public • 2 university • 1 vendor • 5 national library • 1 other (former national library)
Preference as classification tool . . . • for English titles* • DDK 5 3 • Mixed 5 • DDC 22 5 • for Norwegian titles* • DDK 5 5 • Mixed 7 • DDC 22 0 *Multiple selections permitted on this question
Limitations of Study • Only 12 of 19 study participants completed the questionnaire; all 5 from national library but only 2 of 5 from public libraries • DDK 5 itself was not updated
Pilot Study: Follow-up interviews • What did you like about the mixed edition? What didn’t you like? • Should we continue to study a mixed edition? • If yes, what do we need to take care of? Are there important features that we haven’t addressed? • Do you have any suggestions for how the mixed edition could be improved? • Do you have any comments on the survey itself? Are there questions that you found difficult to answer?
1a. What did you like? • Norwegian as main language • An index with more Norwegian terms • Ability to use Norwegian terms/categories but still have access to English edition • More expanded than DDK 5—easier to develop precise numbers • Useful to see subordinate terms—easier to classify when visible • Good to have one source to consult—if use DDK 5, often need to consult full international edition, too. Could be useful for large collections
1b. What did you dislike? • Confusing to change between languages—hierarchies in two languages increase possibility of mistakes • Not all Norwegian librarians have mastered English • Design--little distinction between edition in color, font, etc. • Confusing that Norwegian terms point to English classes • Need more comprehensive Norwegian index—more terms and additional aspects of subjects • Corrections/updates from DDK 5 missing from mixed • Numbers longer for small libraries
2. Should we continue the study? • 4 “yes” • 1 “no” • 1 “in doubt” • 2 “prefer complete translation”
3. If yes, what should we focus on? • A good Norwegian index • A combined index • An abbreviated edition for small libraries
4. Any suggestions for improvements? • A mixed index • Incorporate corrections/updates to DDK 5 • Better design (and ability to “hide” English)
Workshop • Oversettelsen av 616 og 006
New approach to the mixed model - Sweden • For Sweden, the mixed model still seems to be a possible way to reach a Swedish translation in reasonable time and with reasonable resourses. • Differences from the Norwegian circumstances • No translation at all to start from. • University libraries • Svenska ämnesord – Swedish subject headings • Not so detailed class here and including notes in SAB – Swedish librarians are not used to … • Skiljer redan idag mellan klassifikationskod och hylluppställning, därför gör det inget om ett annat bibliotek gjort en längre kod än det egna biblioteket skulle ha gjort, man kan ändå använda den.
Tillvägagångssätt • Nivån som i SAB • Literary warrant from LIBRIS • Work in progress, add translations continuosly, areas causing problems
Using literatyr warrant as a complement? • To avoid unnessary translations
Vei 616.201 616.203 616.9 Veba 616.204 616.205 616.209
Possible disadvantages in using SAB to decide the level • Are there important classes in DDC that we will miss? • The weaknesses of SAB is brought in to the Swedish WebDewey • Some examples with 50+ hits in LIBRIS, the Swedish Union Catalogue • 616.8521 †Traumatic neuroses • 616.89142 Behavior therapy (Behavior modification therapy) • 616.89156 Family psychotherapy
Thank you! Ingebjørg Rype National Library of NorwayTelephone: + 47 23 27 6217E-mail: ingebjorg.rype@nb.no Magdalena Svanberg National Library of Sweden Telephone: +46 8 463 44 45 E-mail: magdalena.svanberg@kb.se