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MPMA, appointed as a Standards Development Agency, develops standards for the Malaysian plastics industry, enhancing quality and competitiveness. The scope includes writing, managing, and promoting Malaysian Standards.
MPMA’S APPOINTMENT AS SDA • October 2014. • Appointed by Standards Malaysia as an independent Standards Development Agency (SDA): • To carry out the development of standards for the Malaysian plastics industry. • To establish the relevance and value of standards in helping Malaysian plastics manufacturers capture local markets as well as achieve global competitiveness. • To assist Malaysian plastics manufacturers enhance the quality and productivity of plastics products.
Scope of Work & Responsibilities • Scope of Work: • Development of standards for plastics and plastics products • Responsibilities of MPMA as a SDA • Carry out technical work with regards to standards development. • Produce Malaysian Standards (MS). • Promotion of MS to relevant industries and stakeholders. • Manage, monitor and participate in regional and international standards activities.
MPMA as an SWO Minister Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment Malaysian Standards and Accreditation Council (MSAC) Director General Department of Standards Malaysian (DSM) DSM National IEC Committee (MyENC) National Medical Testing Accreditation Committee (MyNMTAC) National Standards Committee (MyNSC) National Accreditation Committee (MyNAC) Industry Standard Committee (ISC) ISC A ISC B ISC D ISC F ISC G ISC H ISC I ISCJ ISC K ISC L ISC M ISC N ISC O ISC P ISC Q ISC R ISC T ISC U ISC W ISC Y ISC Z Standards Writing Organisation (SWO) MPMAC&CA CIDB MTSFB MRB TEEAM MPOB MWPA JPP DOSH IEM MTIB IFEM JPS MCMA FMM-MIGMA ISC E ISC S SIRIM Berhad TCs/WGs
The Scope of SWO – TC3 • As a Standards Writing Organisation (SWO), MPMA was responsible to undertake the task of developing industry and national standards on plastics resins, intermediate and plastic finished products. • MPMA also actively promote the activities of Standards Writing as well as usage of Standards for the development and progress of the plastics industry. • The following table refers to the total number of Malaysian Standards (MS) under various stages of development.
MPMA as an SDA ISC J Plastics and Plastics Products TC 3 Plastics Products TC 4 General and Raw Materials for Plastics TC 5 Plastics Tanks TC 2 Plastics Pipes and Fittings TC 1 General Methods of Test for Plastics WG 2 on PVC Pipes and Fittings WG 8 on Thermoplastics Structured-wall Pipes WG 9 on Multilayer Pipes WG 1 on PE Pipes and Fittings WG 10 on Plastics Conduits for Telecommunication Cables WG 1 on Blow Moulding WG 2 on Foam Products WG 3 on Polymer composites WG 4 on Films andLamination WG 5 on Injection Moulding WG 6 on Woven/Non-Woven Products and Geosynthetics
The Scope of ISC J • As an SDA, MPMA manages ISC J for Plastics and Plastics Products, which was previously managed by SIRIM. • The ISC J comprises of five (5) Technical Committees (TCs) and various Working Groups (WGs) under the TCs.
MOBILISING STANDARDS DEVELOPMENT WITHIN AN ORGANISED STRUCTURE Minister of Science, Technology & Innovation Secretary General MOSTI Advisory role Secretary Malaysian Standards & Accreditation Council (MSAC) Director General Standards Malaysia Standards Malaysia as secretariat at POLICY level Malaysia National Electrotechnical Committee (MyENC) Malaysia Good Laboratory Practice Committee (MyGLPC) Malaysia National Standards Committee (MyNSC) Malaysia National Accreditation Committee (MyNAC) Malaysia National Medical Testing Accreditation Committee (MyNMTAC) SIRIM Berhad 25 Industry Standards Committee (ISC) Malaysian Timber Industry Board (MTIB) > 3300 experts SDA as secretariat at TECHNICAL level Malaysian Institute of Chemistry (IKM) > 200 Technical Committees >350 Working Groups Malaysian Plastics Manufacturers Association (MPMA)
Malaysian Standards To be Reviewed By ISC J • Standards Malaysia has identified 378 MS related to plastics, to be reviewed by the respective TCs.
How Can Members Contribute to Make the Industry Competitive • Join the WGs and/or TCs. • Provide technical expertise. • Provide inputs to develop high quality standards for plastic industry. • Represent Organisation/National Standards Body (NSB) in regional and international meetings.