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Welcome to Coordinate Algebra!!!. August 4, 2014. New Friend Scavenger Hunt. About Me. Coordinate Algebra Syllabus.
Welcome to Coordinate Algebra!!! August 4, 2014
Coordinate Algebra Syllabus • This is the first course in a sequence of courses designed to provide students with a rigorous program of study in mathematics. It includes radical, polynomial and rational expressions, basic functions and their graphs, simple equations, fundamentals of proof, properties of polygons, coordinate geometry, sample statistics, and curve fitting. Concepts will be presented in multiply ways such as concrete/pictorial, verbal/written, numeric/data-based, graphical and symbolic.
Course Outline • 1st Semester • Unit 1: Relationships Between Quantities • Unit 2: Reasoning - Equations and Inequalities • Unit 3: Linear and Exponential Functions • 2nd Semester • Unit 4: Describing Data • Unit 5: Transformations in the Coordinate • Plane • Unit 6: Connecting Algebra and Geometry • Through Coordinate
Materials: • scientific calculator • (TI-36 PRO or CASIO fx-300ES preferred) • 2 inch 3-ring binder • pencils • colored pencils • Loose-leaf notebook paper • graphing paper • notebook dividers (5) • protractor • 2 expo markers
Grading • Students will be assessed strictly on mastery of standards. Students will be given 5 to 6 assessments per standard and the top three are kept and averaged. Students will be able to see exactly what their strengths are and more importantly their weaknesses by referring to the standards. The goal is for students to be more conscious of what they are working on and to encourage them to strive for mastery. • This course is an all year course. This means that 2nd semester grades are dependent on 1st semester grades as well. With this, 1st semester grades can still be improved on throughout the 2nd semester. • If a student has a 90 (unweighted) average and no more than three absences in this class, that student can exempt the December exam (midterm).
Grading • Basic Breakdown: Course Average: 80% Semester Summative Assessment: 20% • Course Average: Made up of many assessment grades throughout the semester • Semester Summative Assessment * Assesses multiple standards * Counts as 20% of final grade * Courses with EOC’s will have an assessment that covers the final weeks of class during the time of semester examinations during 2nd Semester.
Remind Information: • To receive messages about this class (i.e. assignments, assessments, etc.) via text, text @jbrown1415to (862) 231-3748.
Attendance/Make Up Work It is very important that students come to class regularly. Only work missed due to an excused absence may be made up. When you are absent, you have the same number of days that you were absent to make up an assignment or a test. You assume the responsibility to make arrangements to make up a test and securing all notes Class time will not be spent getting you caught up if it interferes with the instructional time of other students.
Tardies • When the class bell rings class will begin. If you are not in your seat when the bell rings, you are tardy. If you are tardy you will need to obtain an admittance slip and detention slip from the commons area before entering class. Make it a point to be on time.
Assignments/Practice: • Each student is expected to attempt, complete, and check every assignment. Practice problems will be assigned daily. Mathematics is learned by practice; therefore, you are expected to do your homework every night. Every assigned problem should be tried and the answer checked. It is permissible to discuss problems with other students or relatives. It is not permissible to copy another person’s work. Students are expected to check their own practice problems as we review them in class. “Standard checks” consisting of 4 or 5 problems similar to the homework will be frequently given and will be graded for accuracy.
Tutoring • I am available to help you and answer your questions when needed. It is imperative that you let me know immediately if you are having difficulty. I am available for tutoring various times throughout the week. Additionally, tutoring will be offered during ALL study halls by math teachers. There are additional resources available on the Ola High School and Henry County websites. Make sure you check my teacher webpage daily through the Ola High School website for updates. There will also be a link to a Math 1 webpage that will have a wealth of resources.
The 3 R’s • What do they mean?
Discipline • 1st offense- verbal warning • 2nd offense- parent contact • 3rd offense- detention (after or before school) • 4th offense- office referral • ** Certain offenses may warrant skipping the 1st three steps. **
Bathroom Rules • GO BEFORE CLASS!!! • If it is an EMERGENCY, you must have YOUR OWN grid for me to sign. • Do not ask if you do not have your grid
On the index card provided write: • Your Name • What you expect out of Coordinate Algebra (rigor, grade, etc.) • What you expect from me (Mrs. Brown) • What you want to do after high school