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Polymer Enhanced Pond & Lake Management. Applied Polymer Systems, Inc. www.siltstop.com. Course Overview. Note: Floc Logs and Pond Logs referred to in this course are also known as polymer blocks in the industry. Silt Stop Powder is also know as polyacrylamide powder or emulsion.
Polymer EnhancedPond & Lake Management Applied Polymer Systems, Inc. www.siltstop.com
Course Overview • Note: Floc Logs and Pond Logs referred to in this course are also known as polymer blocks in the industry. Silt Stop Powder is also know as polyacrylamide powder or emulsion. • Common definitions used in the erosion, sediment control, and water clarification industry • Quick Review of the Fundamentals of Polymer Enhancement • Pond Logs: Facts and Application Rates • Metal and Nutrient Removal • Sediment and Nutrient Control Mixing Systems • Solar Bee (solar powdered) SystemPassive Systems • Shoreline Stabilization • Systems Using Floc or Pond Log Links • Self Contained Portable Systems • Toxicity Testing • Sample Analysis • Rules for Polymer Use
Definitions • Anionic Polymer: A negatively charged polymer. • Acute Hypoxia: Occurs when cationic polymers attach to the negatively charged gill plates of aquatic organisms causing them to suffocate. • Best Management Practice (BMP): “A measure that is implemented to protect water quality and reduce the potential for pollution associated with storm water runoff.”1 • Cationic Polymer: A positively charged polymer. • LC50: “The toxicant concentration that is lethal to 50 percent of exposed organisms at a specific time of observation.” 2
Definitions • NTU (Nephelometric Turbidity Units): “The standard unit of measurement for turbidity in water analysis.”3 • Turbidity: “A measure of the amount of material suspended in the water. Increasing the turbidity of the water decreases the amount of light that penetrates the water column. High levels of turbidity are harmful to aquatic life.”4 NTU measures all particulate, including particles less than 0.45 microns . • Polyacrylamide (PAM):A water soluble polymer used in water clarification and erosion, sediment, and dust control. • Polymer: “A macromolecule formed by the chemical union of five or more identical combining units called monomers.“5 • TSS (Total Suspended Solids): is a measurement of sediment particles 0.45 microns and larger.
Acronyms United States Department of Agriculture United States Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service NWISRL Kimberly, ID Northwest Irrigation and Soils Research Laboratory
Quick Review of the Fundamentals of Polymer Enhancement:Why We Need PAMHow is Sediment HarmfulHow Polymer Enhancement Works
Why We Need PAMHow is Sediment Harmful? 0.3 NTU 991 NTU • To get some perspective, drinking water is less than 1 NTU. • Without Federal guidelines, 1,000 NTU water could be discharged into lakes and streams, destroying aquatic ecosystems • At 1,000 NTU, we see reduced growth, reduced feeding rates, delayed hatching rates, and, even, death. Image from City of Calgary Drainage & Dewatering FAQ’s
How is Sediment Harmful? This study shows why the EPA effluent guidelines and rules and regulations for discharge limits are so important. Even in low turbidity conditions (10 – 100 NTUs), aquatic organisms start to show signs of stress. Image from Lake Superior Duluth Streams.org Water Quality: TSS & Turbidity site
How Polymer Enhancement Works • This is a schematic depiction of the interactions of anionic PAM with charged soil particles in the presence of calcium. 6 • The negatively charged anionic polymer attaches to the negatively charged soil particle by bridging with something having a 2+ charge, such as Calcium, in the soil.
How Polymer Enhancement Works Flocculation occurs when the polymer binds to the suspended soil in the water column, forming larger, heavier particulate that settles out of the water column, leaving the water clarified.
Sample Analysis • A sample analysis needs to be done before any application of polymers in order to determine the best product for that site. • Polymers are site specific and not “one size fits all”. A sample analysis from Applied Polymer Systems
Pond Logs: Just the Facts • Pond Logs: • remove sediment and reduce TSS, NTUs, and a high amount of nutrients (about 85%), mainly phosphorous, by binding them together into larger, heavier conglomerates that settle out of the water column. This results in reduced algal growth and turbidity. • do not reduce 100 percent of the phosphorous and nutrients so the system is not sterilized, leaving a food source for plants and aquatic organisms within the water body. • are toxicity tested by a third party EPA certified lab and are shown to be non-toxic to fish or other aquatic organisms.
Pond Logs: Application Rates • One Pond Log will treat between 325,000 and one million gallons. • For best results or for particularly dirty water, use one log per 325,000 gallons. • For maintenance, use one log per one million gallons.
Pond Logs: Application Rates • One ‘acre foot’ is the volume of water that covers one surface acre at one foot deep. So, 1 acre surface area x 1 foot deep = 1 acre foot • Acre foot = 325,000 gallons Example: • Acres x depth = acre foot • 3 acres x 3 feet deep = 9 acre feet (2,925,000 gallons)
Metal & Nutrient Removal with Pond Logs • Like sediment, metals in particlate form can be very light and stay suspended in the water column. • When they become bound through flocculation, they become heavier flocs that can settle out of the water column. This slide shows the reduction of metals from a wash plant up in Canada.
Metal & Nutrient Removal with Pond Logs The Pond Log is a semi-solid block of environmentally safe, non-toxic polymer blends, each type formulated to work with specific water chemistries.
Sediment and Nutrient Control Mixing Systems: Aerators Floating Fountains Waterfalls
Sediment & Nutrient Control SystemsAeration Systems • Bubbles create the mixing required to release the polymers into the water column so the nutrients and suspended solids can be flocculated. • A float marks the location of the system in the pond and ensures that the log(s) will remain in the pathway of the bubbles. • Multiple logs can be added.
Sediment & Nutrient Control SystemsFloating Fountain Systems • Both the inflow to the fountain and the turbulence created by the spraying water create the required mixing to release the polymers of the Pond Log into the water column. • Multiple logs can be used.
Sediment & Nutrient Control SystemsFloating Fountain Systems • It is important to remember that continual operation of the fountain will shorten the life span of Pond Logs so frequent observation is necessary.
Sediment & Nutrient Control SystemsWaterfall Systems Water flows over and around the Pond Logs to facilitate mixing and reaction.
Sediment & Nutrient Control SystemsWaterfall SystemsCase Study: Koi Pond • This Koi pond became extremely turbid due to runoff from a construction site. • Pond Logs were placed in the flow of the waterfall – not visible in this water.
Sediment & Nutrient Control SystemsWaterfall SystemsCase Study: Koi Pond • Pond Logs, visible on the second and third steps, remove suspended sediment from the water column. • The Koi fish remained in the pond while it was being treated.
Sediment & Nutrient Control Systems Waterfall SystemsCase Study: Koi Pond • Clearly, the Pond Logs are removing sediment and nutrients from the water. • After two days of treatment with the Pond Logs, the water was clean and the fish were happy.
Sediment & Nutrient Control Systems Waterfall SystemsCase Study:Lake Shore Park Condominiums • This pond in Michigan is about 1,800 square feet and 2 1/2 feet deep. • As with many small ponds across the country, nutrients like phosphorous began to build up and algae growth increased, with thick mats of it covering the rocks in the pond.
Sediment & Nutrient Control Systems Waterfall SystemsCase Study:Lake Shore Park Condominiums This close up shows the dense algal mats covering the rock surfaces within the pond.
Sediment & Nutrient Control Systems Waterfall SystemsCase Study:Lake Shore Park Condominiums • The pond water was tested to find the best polymer log for this water chemistry. • The site-specific Pond Logs were placed on the steps of the waterfalls (2 logs per pond) to facilitate mixing and dispersion of the polymer material.
Sediment & Nutrient Control Systems Waterfall SystemsCase Study:Lake Shore Park Condominiums • Results were noticeable within the first month. • The rocks are almost clear of algal buildup and the pond water is clear.
Sediment & Nutrient Control Systems Waterfall SystemsCase Study:Lake Shore Park Condominiums • This method is very simple, requiring little to no maintenance, with excellent quality water as an outcome. • The Pond Logs are replaced about once a month (except in winter due to freezing of the ponds).
Sediment & Nutrient Control Systems Solar Bee (solar powdered) SystemCase Study:Hilaman Lake • This project/test was done with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) on Hilaman Lake. • Pond Logs were attached to a Solar Bee (solar powered fountain-circulator) so water could flow over and around them to treat the 10 million gallon lake. SolarBee
Sediment & Nutrient Control Systems Solar Bee (solar powered) SystemCase Study:Hilaman Lake • Pond Logs are attached to the outside of the SolarBee where water flows over and around them. • Pond Logs work to bind the nutrients and flocculate particulated algae.
Sediment & Nutrient Control Systems Solar Bee (solar powered) SystemCase Study:Hilaman Lake Before being treated with the Pond Logs, nutrients caused vegetative growth to take over Hilaman Lake. July 2007
Sediment & Nutrient Control Systems Solar Bee (solar powered) SystemCase Study:Hilaman Lake • After treating the lake for four months, the nutrient load was reduced and a visible reduction in vegetative growth was observed. • Notice that enough vegetation remains to sustain aquatic life. November 2007
Sediment & Nutrient Control SystemsSolar Bee (solar powered) SystemCase Study: Hilaman Lake • These results from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection show a 76 percent reduction in phosphorous after the logs were placed in the system. • One gram of phosphorous produces 100 grams of algae so by reducing the phosphorous levels, the algae are starved out.
What About When There is No Mixing Apparatus? Passive Systems
No Mixing ApparatusPassive Systems In this case, Floc Logs were placed in the ditch that fed this pond. When stormwater entered the ditch, the flow went over and around the logs and the log components were discharged into the pond; a reaction occurred, creating flocculent, and the pond was clarified. This passive system works best on smaller ponds where it is possible for the log components to circulate through the entire pond.
No Mixing ApparatusPassive Systems Here, Floc Logs are placed in the stream that feeds a pond. As water flows over and around the logs, they slowly dissolve, releasing the polymer where it mixes and reacts to clarify the water. This is a suitable application for smaller ponds where the treated water can circulate throughout.
Shoreline Stabilization • Bare soil and soil erosion contribute to pond turbidity. • Stabilizing the banks with polymer enhanced soft armoring prevents erosion and sedimentation from entering the pond, reduces maintenance, and helps let vegetation get established.
Shoreline StabilizationCase Study: Lake Independence • Erosion of the shoreline is clearly visible on the bank along the right side of this photograph. • A blended anionic polymer powder was used to stabilize the soil during construction.
Shoreline StabilizationCase Study: Lake Independence Geosynthetic fabric is laid on the bank then covered with sand.
Shoreline StabilizationCase Study: Lake Independence Excess fabric is pulled over the sand, then fortified with rock, forming a containment for the sediment.
Shoreline Stabilization Case Study: Lake Independence The completed bank structure consists of polymer, sand, rock, and top soil.
Shoreline StabilizationCase Study: Lake Independence Polymer, seed mix, mulch, and straw matrix are spread over rock. Once the polymer-soil matrix is formed, the soil is more resistant to erosion.
Shoreline StabilizationCase Study: Lake Independence • The project took about two weeks to complete. • The following spring, the bank was visually appealing and permanent. • Note the grass growing between the rocks and the clarity of the water as seen by the reflection of the tree.
SystemsUsing Floc Log or Pond Log Links
SystemsUsing Floc Log or Pond Log Links Floc Log and Pond Log Links are comprised of seven small logs joined together in “links”. One group of links contains the same amount of polymer as one Floc or Pond Log.