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Cancer & Nutrition Allen Wang ( As a reference only). Contents Cancer Provention Mechanism Recognitions macro micro How to deal with cancer. Macro & Micro to Cancers. Health & Diseases(cancer) Status Genome Gene Expression & Environmental
Cancer & NutritionAllen Wang(As a reference only) Contents • Cancer Provention • Mechanism Recognitions macro micro • How to deal with cancer
Macro & Micro to Cancers Health & Diseases(cancer) Status Genome Gene Expression & Environmental Metabolic response factors Nutrition Nutrition Requirement Intake
其目标是防止癌症的发生。其任务包括研究各种癌症病因和危险因素,针对化学、物理、生物等具体致癌、促癌因素和体内外致病条件,采取预防措施,并针对健康机体,采取加强环境保护、适宜饮食、适宜体育,服用抗癌的營養保健品,以增进身心健康。对个人,这是0期,是重要的“防患于未然”时期。其目标是防止癌症的发生。其任务包括研究各种癌症病因和危险因素,针对化学、物理、生物等具体致癌、促癌因素和体内外致病条件,采取预防措施,并针对健康机体,采取加强环境保护、适宜饮食、适宜体育,服用抗癌的營養保健品,以增进身心健康。对个人,这是0期,是重要的“防患于未然”时期。 Cancer Prevention肿瘤的病因预防——一级预防
肿瘤的早期发现、早期诊断、早期治疗——二级预防肿瘤的早期发现、早期诊断、早期治疗——二级预防 • 1.重视癌症十大危险信号:①体表或机体表浅部位可触及的肿块逐渐增大。②持续性消化异常,或进食后上腹部有饱胀感。③吞咽食物时有胸骨后不适感或哽噎感。④持续性咳嗽,痰中带血。⑤耳鸣、听力减退、鼻衄、鼻咽分泌物带血。⑥月经期外或绝经期后的不规则阴道出血,特别是接触性出血。⑦大便隐血阳性、便血、尿血。⑧久治不愈的溃疡。⑨黑痣、疣短期内增大、色泽加深、脱毛、痒、破溃等。⑩原因不明的体重减轻。 • 2.对某些人群进行普遍检查。 • 3.治疗癌前病变。如食管上皮重度增生,胃粘膜的不典型增生、化生和萎缩性胃炎,慢性肝炎和肝硬化,结肠息肉,支气管上皮的增生和化生等。 • 4.加强对易感人群的监测。有肿瘤遗传易感性和肿瘤家族史的人群是肿瘤易感人群,必须定期对其进行监测。 • 5.肿瘤自检,对于体表可触及可看到的部位,也可定期进行自检。
Cancer Prevention哪些人应该定期参加防癌检查? • 1,有明显的家族史,以及某些慢性疾病的人还有内分泌紊乱的人群。 • 2,从事接触化学致癌物和电离辐射等职业的人,如氯乙烯,砷,铬,镍还有X线工作者。 • 3,某些慢性疾病,如慢性子宫颈炎,乙型肝炎,病毒性肝炎,肝硬化 • 4,45岁以上吸烟者应每年X线检查。 • 5,吸烟和喝酒的人应定期检查,食管,鼻,咽喉等。
Concept (1)The development of cancer cells just like atomic bomb in the body
Concept (2)* Free radical reaction (L)* An image of the chain reactionof atomic bomb (R)
Cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide: it accounted for 7.9 million deaths (around 13% of all deaths) in 2007. • Lung, stomach, liver, colon and breast cancer cause the most cancer deaths each year. • The most frequent types of cancer differ between men and women. • About 30% of cancer deaths can be prevented. • Tobacco use is the single most important risk factor for cancer. • Cancer arises from a change in one single cell. The change may be started by external agents and inherited genetic factors. • About 72% of all cancer deaths in 2007 occurred in low- and middle-income countries. • Deaths from cancer worldwide are projected to continue rising, with an estimated 12 million deaths in 2030. QUICK CANCER FACTS(from WHO)
The Underlying Causes of Cancer • Cancerous cells are always being created in the body. It's an ongoing process that has gone on for eons. So parts of your immune system are designed to seek out and destroy cancer cells. • RAY D. STRAND, M.D.Specialist in Nutritional Medicine said: “Even though oxygen is necessary for life itself, it is inherently dangerous for our existence. In the process of utilizing oxygen within your cells to create energy, you also create a by-product referred to as free radicals. ”
Carcinogenesis 癌變過程:正常細胞---自由基對DNA的破壞---突變---更多的自由基---癌症前期傷害---更多的自由基---癌症
Strategies to Prevent Cancer • #1Low Levels Of Cellular Oxygen Breed Cancer Increasing Oxygen Levels Kills Cancerous Cells • #2Acidic pH Levels Lead To Cancer Normalizing pH Levels Can Stop Cancer In Its Tracks
Strategies to Prevent Cancer • #3 A Weakened Immune System Leads To Cancer A Strong Immune System Seeks Out And Destroys Cancer Cells • #4 Lack Of Methylglyoxal Causes Cancer Getting Methylglyoxal Into Cells Puts The Brakes On Cancer
Strategies to Prevent Cancer • #5 Candida And Fungal Infections May Cause Cancer Eliminating These Fungal Infections Is Vital For Getting Rid Of Cancer • #6Toxins (Genetically Modified Foods & Chlorine) Cause Cancer Reducing Toxic Overload Vital For Eliminating Cancer
Strategies to Prevent Cancer • #7Free Radicals Promote Cancer By Damaging DNA Free Radical Scavengers Protect Cells From Damage • #8 Low Levels Of Enzymes Always Found In Cancer Use The Right Enzymes To Kill Cancer Cells
Strategies to Prevent Cancer • #9Cancer Cells Have Low Subtle Energy Vibrations Raising The Vibratory Level In The Body Disrupts Cancer Growth • #10 Psychological Stress Leads To Cancer especially oxidative stress Resolving Stressful Issues Vital For Success Against Cancer
Increase Cellular Oxygen Levels • There are several ways to significantly increase oxygen levels in your cells so that you can kill cancer cells and also prevent them from spreading. The most effective way is to take an oxygen supplement that will literally produce much more oxygen in your cells. We will first cover these supplements in the section below. You can also increase the efficiency of the mitochondria, enabling it to utilize the oxygen to create energy aerobically.
Raise pH Levels to Reduce Body Acidity • Virtually everyone with cancer has low pH levels. This is because cancer is created, and thrives, in a body that has low pH levels, a body that is acidic. Low pH causes your body to store more toxins in cells, and reduces oxygen levels, both of which are fundamental to the development of cancer. When cancer cells grow, they produce even more acid. Making it very difficult to raise pH levels, especially when cancer is present.
Get MethylGlyoxal Into Your Cells Koch Energy • Developed by Dr. William F. Koch, his homeopathic energy remedies have for over 60 years been used time and again to conquer cancer and other major illnesses. Energized from glyoxal molecules, one of the main functions of the Original Koch Energy supplement, about 40% of what it does, is to stimulate the body to repair damaged respiratory enzymes in cells. Damaged respiratory enzymes are a fundamental cause of the development of cancer.
MethylGlyoxal Manuka honey has been the only food in the world found with such a significant Dietary Methylglyoxal content ranging from 20mg/kg to over 800mg/kg.
Kill Cancerous Cells • This strategy covers some of the strongest cancer cell killers that are completely safe to healthy cells. They are new and unique, so neither your doctor or your alternative health professional is likely to have heard of them. By the way, while the feedback from users of Zeolite Enhanced now with DHQ has been superb, with many people saying that it alone got rid of the cancer in their body after they had been sent home to die, it is not the best supplement covered in this report. Though we have heard many reports of people recovering from cancer using it alone, it is always best to use at least several different supplements to beat cancer.
常用中藥與食物(醫食同源) • *強壯抗癌類﹕ 人參﹐枸杞﹐胡羅蔔﹐靈芝﹐香菇﹐百合﹐芝麻﹐冬虫夏草﹐慈菇﹐菱角﹐銀耳 • *軟堅抗癌類﹕ 蘆會﹐三七﹐山楂﹐海帶﹐魔芋﹐辣椒﹐柚子﹐杏仁﹐三棱﹐莪術﹐乳香﹐沒藥 • *解毒抗癌類﹕ 半枝蓮﹐半邊蓮﹐白花蛇舌草, 薏苡仁﹐黃藥子﹐山豆根﹐漏蘆﹐蒲公英﹐連翹﹐七葉一枝花﹐魚腥草﹐玄蔘 • *除痰散結類﹕ 昆布﹐海藻﹐瓜蔞﹐夏枯草﹐天冬﹐桔葉, 象貝, 蒟篛
Strengthen the Immune System • As the immune system is so important in fighting cancer, and as so many well known supplements focus on immune system support, we have energetically tested a bunch of supplements to get an idea of what really does work well. And it is pretty interesting. Some of the well known ones were just not that good. We hope you find this valuable. It is all too easy to waste money, or worse yet die, from taking supplements that are not as good as they sound. This may help you pick you way through some of the confusion as to what is just okay, and what is very good. We will divide these supplement suggestions up into different broad categories of similar products.
For Immune System • Vit.A, C, E • Superoxide dismutase SOD • Proteolytic (free from amino acids) • Acidophilius • Kelp • CoenzymeQ10
Kill Candida Yeast Infections • If you decide to get the top anti-cancer product we have yet seen, OxyDHQ, and are taking it in the suggested quantities of 3 to 5 bottles a month for early, advanced or end stage cancer, you will be using an excellent candida killer. Also if you add on the pH Balancer 8.0 and use it along with the OxyDHQ, you will be using another supplement that will help considerably at dealing with the candida.
Reduce Toxicity & Support Detox Organs Happy cells
Free Radical Scavengers • Free radical damage from toxins plays such a fundamental role in the development of cancer, it is no wonder some of the first supplements people think of taking for fighting cancer are free radical scavenging vitamins. Unfortunately, most of them are just okay at best.
Enzymes & Catabolic Wasting Protocol • One of the top rated cancer fighting supplements is in this section. Surprisingly, it is not an enzyme. It's called Fulvitea. You'll read about it in a few minutes, but first.... • The pancreatic enzyme protocols for treating cancer make use of large amounts of pancreatic enzymes. They are taken on an empty stomach so they can go into the body to digest cancerous cells. And are taken with meals so that your pancreas doesn't have to produce as many enzymes to digest your food. This allows the pancreas to produce more enzymes to send into the body to fight cancer. The enzymes naturally produced by the body will be more effective than any enzyme supplement. Thus the protocols tend to use more enzymes with meals than taken on on empty stomach. • In the past we suggested using pancreatic enzymes along with the digestive PhytoBio Enzymes. A bit more potent than the pancreatic enzyme formulations though, with the best one we have found coming in at 298, is a formulation of mature green papaya powder with additional support nutrients.
Energetically Fight Cancer • As a consequence, fighting cancer energetically seemed something useful to do, but not vital. Though it made sense. Quantum physics had proved that everything was essentially energy so why not deal with the basics. Visionary health professionals talked about how in the future energetic medicine would be the strongest form of healing. Now this vision is coming true.
Get A Handle On Stress • Stress wipes out the immune system, and as Dr. Hamer has so clearly discovered, undealt with emotional issues may well lead to cancer. In fact he claims that some undealt with issue is always involved in the development of cancer. These could be a loss of a child, close family member, or spouse, loss of a job, divorce, moving, retirement.
Nutrition for Cancer Prevention • Cleanse bowel • Support digestion enzymes • Avoid animal protein • Drink raw juices 2oz of celeries, 2oz of carrots, 2oz of beets & all dark colour fruits (asparagus, grapes, black cherries, apples morning; vegi juice afternoon) • Eat 10 raw almonds per day • Eat onions, garlic & kyolic • Protein digestive aid (30 min. before meals & bedtime) • Essential • Bata-carotene (10,000 UI) • Vitamin A, B complex, C, D, E, Co Q10/100, Grape seeds, Active calcium, Omega-3 • Proteolytic • *Don’t take iron tablets (The New Eng. Journal of Medicine Vol.319) • *Don’t consume any junk food WHO (fried, preserved, manufactured food, cookies, coca, instant noodles, can food, grilled food, frozen deserts and preserved fruits)
Nutritional healing for cancer • Vitamins • Minerals • Enzymes and co-enzymes • Probiotics (friendly bacteria) • Fibre
抗癌蔬菜芥菜﹐菠菜﹐羅蔔葉﹐萵苣﹐南瓜﹐連皮山芋﹐綠椰菜﹐紅辣椒﹐大頭菜抗癌蔬菜芥菜﹐菠菜﹐羅蔔葉﹐萵苣﹐南瓜﹐連皮山芋﹐綠椰菜﹐紅辣椒﹐大頭菜 Broccoli Brussels sprout Cabbage Carrot Cauliflower Garlic Kale Onion Tomato Turnip Papaya Yam Anticancer Vegetables
CSPI recommends ten vegetables for anticancer:Kales, spinach, turnip leaves, lettuces, pumpkins, sweet potatoes /w skin, broccolis, red peppers, beets Helpful with: • Minerals • Germanium, selenium, potassium, calcium and magnesium • Amino acid • L-Cysteine, L-Methionine, L-Taurine, maxidophilus, Megadophilus, primadophilus, • Multiple enzymes • Multiple vitamins • Folic acid • PABA (para-aminobenzoic acid) • Seaweed or kelp
Thank you all for your supports! Life is Beautiful & Enjoy the life! End