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Year 2013-2014 County Handbook. Revised 8/20/13. Signature Page. Page 1 of the handbook had an information and signature page that needs to be completely filled out, signed by parent and student, and turned in to your Focus Group teacher. Morgan County Mission Statement.
Year 2013-2014County Handbook Revised 8/20/13
Signature Page • Page 1 of the handbook had an information and signature page that needs to be completely filled out, signed by parent and student, and turned in to your Focus Group teacher.
Morgan County Mission Statement • The Morgan County School system, in partnership with family and community, will provide a comprehensive curriculum to meet the unique intellectual, social, emotional and physical needs of each student and will advocate lifelong learning and productive citizenship in a global society.
Vision Statement • Students Today, Leaders Tomorrow
2013-2014 Calendar • The 2013-2014 school calendar is on page 8. • There are 6 built-in weather days. • The weather day on January 20 will not be used for a makeup day, unless absolutely necessary. • October 1 is Parenting Day • Testing Days: - AHSGE Fall: September 16-20 - ACT exam: April 23
2013-2014 Calendar • Nine-weeks schedule: • August 19-October 18 • October 21-December 20 • January 6-March 7 • March 10-May 20
School Safety • In the event of a crisis, natural distaster, or inclement weather situation, oru school system has one goal – to keep our students and staff safe. • Morgan County Schools annually updates our emergency response procedures. These resources include information about how to respond to various events that might occur.
School Safety • We have a joint agreement with the Morgan County Sheriff’s office that provides our school system with School Resource Officers. • Morgan County Schools has implemented School Messenger, a telephone messaging service that will allow them to make calls very quickly, to provide important information to parents. • PLEASE make sure your contact information in the office is correct.
School Safety • In the case of inclement weather or a hazardous material release, the students will be taken to an inner hallway or a room with few or no windows and stay there until it is safe to release the students. • In that place of a lockdown, instruction and all movement is halted and students are secured in their classroom.
Academic Program • Responsibility for Student Achievement • The student is responsible for attending school regularly, bringing the necessary materials to class, paying attention, accepting responsibility for his/her own learning, and doing his/her homework. • The parents are responsible for providing the necessary materials for their child’s class work, seeing that their child attends regularly, and monitoring their child’s progress.
Academic Program • Responsibility for Student Achievement • The teacher is responsible for making sure that basic skills are taught on the appropriate level for the student and keeping the parents informed of their child’s progress. • The principal is responsible for coordinating the overall instructional program in the school, insuring communication between the school and home, and seeing the students are appropriately placed in the instructional program.
Credits for Courses • Credit toward graduation shall be earned by completing work during the regular school year, attending a recognized and approved dual enrollment program, participating in the Alabama State Department of Education ACCESS and/or distance learning
Graduation Requirements • Students must have a minimum of 24 Carnegie units of work in grades nine through twelve. • A regular load shall be considered seven periods per day. • Alabama High School Graduation Exam (for those eligible) • Students not meeting all graduation requirements will not participate in graduation exercises.
Exam Exemptions • Students may be exempt from their semester exams under the following criteria: • Maintain an A average and miss three or less days of school • Maintain a B average and miss two or less days of school • Maintain a C average and miss one or less days of school • Three tardies count as one absence for exemption purposes. Two half days constitute one absence.
Guidance Program • Mrs. Banks is available to high school students. • To ensure a meeting with Mrs. Banks, have your teacher email her to let her know that you need to see her. She will then come and get you when she is able to meet. • There are several programs in place to help At-Risk students. If you feel that one or more of these programs will benefit you, contact Mrs. Banks.
Absences and Excuses • Morgan County Board of Education believes good student attendance enhances learning. When a student is not in school, he/she misses valuable instruction time. • Students should send a written excuse to the school upon the student’s return. A written note of excuse il be considered only if it is given to the school within three school days after the student returns.
School Activities Absences • Students who are out of class to participate in school activities are considered in attendance on official records. Pupils will be responsible for any class work they may have missed. • Once a student has been absent 10 days per year for any illness, additional absences for illness will require a doctor’s excuse
Truancy • A parent or guardian or other person have charge of any child shall explain in writing the cause of any and every absence of the child no later than three (3) school days following return to school. • A failure to furnish such explanation shall be evidence of the child being truant each day he is absent. The child shall also be deemed truant for any absence determined by the principal to be unexcused. • Every child between the ages of 6 and 17 shall be required to attend a public school or other appropriate institution.
Make-up Work (Excused) • A student who is absent, for any excused reason, will be permitted to make-up work missed in each class. • It is the student’s responsibility to obtain all make-up work from his/her teachers immediately upon return to school. Failure to obtain make-up work is no excuse for not completing work missed. • Students will have one week to complete make-up work. (Unless other arrangements have been made with the teacher or teachers.)
Make-up Work (Unexcused) • The pupil whose absence is unexcused will be given the opportunity to make up work missed. • Make-up assignments for an unexcused absence can receive a maximum grade of 70%.
Check-in and Check-out • Any student who arrives after school has begun must go to the school office and check-in. • Students who have a valid need to leave school before the dismissal bell shall be checked-out at the school office. • Students must be signed out by a parent or guardian in the school office. • Notes or telephone calls shall not be accepted for purpose of check-out a student.
Child Nutrition Program • All visitors are asked to report to the school office upon arrival to get a visitors pass for the safety of the students. • Meal prices: • Student Breakfast $1.00 • Student Lunch $2.20 • Extra milk $0.50 • Visitor Breakfast $1.50 • Visitor Lunch $3.70 • Applications for Free or Reduced Meals are available at the schools or through our new on-line service.
Student Conduct • There are three classes of offenses with students may be charged. • Class 1 – Minor Offenses; teachers usually handle these offenses in the classroom • Class 2 – Intermediate Offenses; these are usually handed to the principals for discipline to be administered • Class 3 – Major Offenses; these offences are usually dealt with immediately by the principals
Student Conduct • No student shall have the right to interfere with the education process of other students. • A well-disciplined student body distinguishes itself in all activities. • The Morgan County Board of Education authorizes professional employees to administer corporal punishment to student in accordance with Board Policy.
Student Responsibilities • Any type of harassment received by a student must be reported immediately to a teacher, counselor, principal or assistant principal. • If a student has knowledge of another student who possesses a weapon on any type, he must report this to officials in order that preventative measures can be taken immediately. • Any student who becomes aware of an argument, major disagreement or harassment between two or more students must report this to his teacher or other school officials. • Names of persons reporting illegal activities shall be kept confidential.
Student Harassment • No student shall engage in or be subjected to harassment, violence, threats of violence, or intimidation by any other student. • The term harassment, as used in this policy, means a continuous pattern of intentional behavior that takes place on school property, on a school bus, or at a school-sponsored function including, but not limited to, written, electronic, verbal, or physical acts. • Students are expected to treat other students wit courtesy, respect, and dignity and comply with the Student Code of Conduct.
Internet, Computer Resources and E-Mail • Computer resources are available to student for educational purposes. • Such access and use shall be restricted to faculty, students, and other persons who are engaged in bona fide educational activities that are consistent with identified educational objectives and authorized support functions. • Violations and misuse of computer resources may result in denial or cancellation of access privileges.
Internet, Computer Resources and E-Mail • Procedures for Use: • Student users must have permission from their instructors before using computers or related technology resources. • Users must sign in or register in the classroom or library media center each time they use the network. • Users may not play games or use computer resources for non-academic activities unless given written permission to do so by the Principal.
Internet, Computer Resources and E-Mail • The act of recording or taking pictures of anyone while at school or participating in a school event, with our without their permission, may be subject to disciplinary action. • Any student who posts a picture/video on any social networking page MAY be placed in Alternative School up to ten (10) days and use all cell phone privileges for the remainder of the school year.
Internet, Computer Resources and E-Mail • Any and all devices connected to the Morgan County Schools network are considered to be the private domain of the Morgan County Schools and subjects all items to be covered by this policy and other applicable guidelines, as well as local, state, and federal laws. • Any or all devices connected to the MCS network are subject to search and monitoring. • The district and schools assume no responsibility or liability for the theft, loss, or damage of any personal devices. • No information or resource connected to the MCS network should be considered personal or private.
Drugs and Alcohol • Students shall not have in their possession, actual or constructive, whether on their person, in their automobiles, lockers, or elsewhere by whatever arrangements, sell, furnish, use or distribute in any way, at any time, at any place on any campus or any school, or in any bus, or at any site of any school sponsored event.
Expulson • Students charged with violating any of these policies – Drugs, Alcohol, Guns and other dangerous Weapons – will be suspended immediately and the due process procedure will be followed pending a Board hearing to consider expulsion from school
Backpacks • Backpacks are not permitted in the halls or classrooms. • Backpacks will immediately upon the student’s arrival to school be unpacked and stored in the student’s locker and not repacked until the end of the day. • Students will not retrieve their backpacks until after 7th period. Seventh period band and sports students are allowed to take the backpack to their 7th period class.
Dress Code • The responsibility for appropriate dress and grooming rests with the parents. • Wearing apparel shall be such that it does not disrupt or distract the classroom atmosphere, or violate health and safety rules of the school. • Minimum standards apply to all students in the public schools of Morgan County. • The Principal shall be the final judge as to neatness and cleanliness of wearing apparel and whether or not such apparel is appropriate, disruptive, distracting, or is in violation of health and safety rules.
Cell Phones • Some teachers my have a BYOD classroom. • If a teacher allows students to use their own devices during class, the device must be put away before leaving that classroom. • The same disciplines from last year are in effect for cell phones confiscated by staff members.
Unnecessary Items at School • Include, but not limited to, cell phones, radios, jam boxes, i-pods, MP3’s, tape players, cassettes, earphones, CD’s, beepers, pagers, skateboards, collector cards, playing cards, matches, lighters, dice, yo-yos, laser pointers or other items deemed disruptive or inappropriate by the principal.
Guns and Other Weapons • Possession of a gun in a school zone is a violation of federal law. • Students shall not have in their possession, in their automobiles, lockers, or elsewhere guns of any type or description – real, fake, homemade, starter blank, B.B., pellet, water, etc…or any item that could be used to injure or threaten anyone.
Use of Tobacco • All Morgan County Schools are smoke-free facilities. This applies at ALL school functions and activities (including sport events and field trips.) • Parental permission to possess, smoke, or otherwise use tobacco does not exempt a student from this policy.
No Fight Policy • Fighting in a school building, on school grounds, at any school-sponsored event, or in a school owned/maintained vehicle will NOT be tolerated. • A fight is defined as any conduct falling within the Alabama statutes defining assault, menacing, and reckless endangerment, disorderly conduct, or criminal coercion. • Legal methods will be used to enforce this policy.
Medical • Nurse Linda is the only person who has the authority to dispense prescription or over-the-counter medicines • Any medicines to be dispensed to students during the school day must be dispensed by Nurse Linda. • A parent or guardian must bring medications to school and fill out a form. • Student are not allowed to dispense medicines, whether prescription or OTC.
Transportation • Transportation to offered to all students in the form of school busses. • If a student follows the school procedures, he/ she may drive a vehicle to school. • Students driving a vehicle, including a motorcycle, or bicycle, to school should park and immediately vacate them. • Students are not allowed to return to vehicles during the school day without permission of the principal. • No student is allowed to run errands in a motor vehicle.
Civil Rights Grievances Procedure • If you feel that your civil rights have been violated, talk to a teacher you trust to get guidance on grievance procedures.
Interrogations of Students • A student shall not be interrogated by any law enforcement authority or DHR representative or any other person on public school property during regular school hours without the knowledge of the school’s principal. • Law enforcement authorities or DHR shall be allowed to interrogate students alone. • Other non-school persons shall not interview students at school with the exception of legal guardians. • If an arrest warrant is presented, the school principal shall attempt to call the parent or legal guardian of the student.
Searches • Lockers can be inspected for reasonable cause. • The school property is not a sanctuary from enforcement of the law. • Students and parents are reminded that administrators have the right to search students, vehicles, lockers, etc. for reasonable suspicion.
Public Complaints • The proper channeling of complaints involving instruction, discipline, or learning materials is as follows: • Teacher • Principal • Superintendent • School Board
The End • This presentation is a representation of some of the information in the Morgan County Schools 2013-2014 Student Handbook. • Students and parents are encouraged to read and understand the entire content of the handbook.