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Bell work

Bell work. At the beginning of the civil war both sides had notable strengths & weaknesses. List one advantage of the Union and one advantage of the Confederacy. Political Realignment Deepens the Crisis. A Shifting Political Scene. Millard Fillmore – Whig President

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Bell work

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  1. Bell work • At the beginning of the civil war both sides had notable strengths & weaknesses. List one advantage of the Union and one advantage of the Confederacy.

  2. Political Realignment Deepens the Crisis

  3. A Shifting Political Scene • Millard Fillmore – Whig President • Angered northerners by support of Fugitive Slave Act • Angered Southerners by supporting California as a free state • Compromise of 1850 directly to blame for shrinking of Whig Party Example of the awful effects of a disintegrating Whig

  4. The Know - Nothings • Native born Protestants, upset by immigration and rising Catholicism • Anti-immigration movement became the Known Nothings (American Party) • Oppose immigration • Anti-slavery until 1856

  5. Republican Party • This party is fiercely anti-Slavery • Most popular in the North • Opposed popular sovereignty and the Kansas-Nebraska Act

  6. Sectional Divisions Intensify • Election of 1856 • James Buchanan (Dem) wins • He promised to “stop the agitation of the slavery issue” • This appealed to most Americans (particularly in the South) • Republicans did receive a lot of votes though

  7. Dred Scott Decision Causes Outrage • Dred Scott – A slave who had been taken to the free states of Illinois and Wisconsin • He claimed that this made him free b/c it was north of the Missouri Compromise Line • Abolitionists would help him take his case to the US Supreme Court

  8. Dred Scott v. Sanford • Chief Justic Roger B. Taney decided: • Temporary residence in a free state did not make Scott free • Scott was property, not a citizen, therefore he had no rights • Stated that no African-American could be a citizen • Congress could not ban slavery because doing so would take away the property of slave owners (which is unconstitutional)

  9. Dred Scott v. Sanford • Southerners rejoice because it meant slavery could be used anywhere • Northerners, especially Republicans and Know-Nothings were alarmed Northerners Southerners

  10. Lincoln-Douglas Debates • Fighting for a seat in the Illinois Senate • Series of debates over expansion of slavery • Lincoln = Republican (anti-Slavery) • Douglas = Democrat (popular sovereignty)

  11. Lincoln =“Honest Abe” Tall, lanky, slow of speech Opposed popular sovereignty and Kansas-Nebraska Act Attacked Dred Scott decision Douglas = “Little Giant” Short, round, energetic speech Supported popular sovereignty Believed slavery was promoted in our Constitution Lincoln-Douglas Debates

  12. Lincoln-Douglas Debates • Douglas would win the election • However, Lincoln won loyal followers • This following would help him in his next election bid

  13. John Brown’s Raid • Brown thought he was “an angel of God”, destined to bring an end to slavery • He felt violence was the answer, and scoured for funds and recruits to lead an uprising Just imagine that is John Brown instead.

  14. Harpers Ferry • Brown and 21 men set out to take an arsenal at Harpers Ferry in Virginia • Hoped slaves would join in the revolution • Trains, canals offered escape • Near free states in the North

  15. Harpers Ferry • The plan failed as few were willing to join this crazy guy • Local residents surrounded the arsenal and federal troops came to arrest the men • 2 of his sons killed, some escaped, and others arrested and executed • The North and South would blame each other, and the divide grew wider and wider Worst wax museum ever?

  16. Lincoln, Secession, and War

  17. Election of 1860 • Democrats Split Their Support • Southern Democrats sought to protect slavery from federal interference • Northern Democrats (led by Douglas) wanted popular sovereignty • When Douglas followers win the argument, Southern Democrats marched out in protest

  18. Republicans Nominate Lincoln • Republicans liked Lincoln’s moderate view on slavery • They wanted to stop slavery from spreading • Did NOT want to interfere with slavery in states where it already existed

  19. Lincoln Wins in 1860! • Lincoln won 40% of popular vote and 60% of electoral votes • He didn’t even win a single southern state though • So, does it look like the South even matters?

  20. Lincoln Wins in 1860! • Lincoln wasn’t even on the ballot for most Southern states, and Douglas came in 2nd in popular vote (he only won 2 states!) • Now, it is clear that one candidate represented the North, while another the South • The two sections were fractured seemingly beyond repair

  21. The Union Collapses • Southern States Leave the Union • How could a man be elected without a single southern vote? • The South is outraged, and on Dec 20, 1860, South Carolina secedes from the Union • Cited the fact that the president and government were “hostile to slavery” • 6 others follow immediately

  22. The Confederacy Is Formed • These 7 seceding states formed the Confederate States of America • Their constitution emphasized states rights, protection of slavery, and the right to secede • It outlawed import of slaves (to win favor with GB and France) • Its President would be Jefferson Davis

  23. Crittenden Compromise • This was a final attempt at compromise made by some southern states • It reestablished Missouri Compromise Line and demanded reimbursement for slaves that ran away • Voted Down by Congress • Why do you think?

  24. Outbreak of War • Lincoln is inaugurated • He states that he will not interfere with slavery in the south • He states he WILL preserve the Union • He states there will be no war unless started by the South

  25. Fort Sumter • When each state seceded, they took over all forts within their state (except for a few like…) • Ft. Sumter (in SC) was an important harbor • Confederates had prevented Union troops at this fort from being supplied

  26. Fort Sumter • Lincoln was forced to protect this fort, but wishes to without fighting • Promises the South that he is sending food, no weapons to these troops • The South is too suspicious and demand the troops leave, but they refuse • Confederate troops proceed to fire on the fort, starting the Civil War

  27. Fort Sumter Falls • Union troops forced to surrender as they run out of supplies • North is angry, Lincoln calls on 75,000 volunteers to fight • South responds by calling on volunteers to fight the Union • Both sides thought it would be a quick war…they were wrong

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