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Day Two Pre-Test

Day Two Pre-Test. Question One. Question Two. Question Three. Question Four. Question Five. Question Six. Committees of correspondence would have been most devoted to which of the following? Raising tobacco Enforcing the Stamp Act Protecting the king’s reputation

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Day Two Pre-Test

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Day Two Pre-Test

  2. Question One

  3. Question Two

  4. Question Three

  5. Question Four

  6. Question Five

  7. Question Six • Committees of correspondence would have been most devoted to which of the following? • Raising tobacco • Enforcing the Stamp Act • Protecting the king’s reputation • Encouraging discontent among the colonists

  8. Question Seven • What country was born out of the only successful slave revolt in the Western Hemisphere? • Mexico • Haiti • Argentina • Brazil

  9. Question Eight • Colonists responded negatively to such measures as the Stamp Act, the Proclamation of 1763, and various other British laws after the French and Indian War because • They favored the French over the British method of taxation. • They felt that these laws did not do enough to raise government revenue to support the colonies and Great Britain. • They felt that they were having taxes and regulations imposed on them without being granted a voice in government. • They had declared their independence and saw them as attempts by a foreign power to seize control of North America.

  10. Question Nine • The Declaration of Independence was based largely on the ideas of • The Renaissance. • The French Revolution. • The Enlightenment. • Karl Marx.

  11. Question Ten “We do further declare it to be Our Royal Will and Pleasure, for the present as aforesaid, to reserve under our Sovereignty, Protection, and Dominion, for the use of Indians, all the Lands and Territories not included within the Limits of Our new Governments, or within the Limits of the Territory granted, as also all the Lands and Territories lying to the Westward of the Sources of the River.” • This quote is MOST LIKELY from • Treaty of Paris. • Proclamation of 1763. • Common Sense. • Intolerable Acts.

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