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Yearbook Self- Eval. Please answer these questions thoroughly in your journal. I expect thoughtful and complete answers. Make sure that the question is clear in your answer. That means you should be filling up the pages. YEARBOOKERS!!. WOO HOO!
Yearbook Self-Eval Please answer these questions thoroughly in your journal. I expect thoughtful and complete answers. Make sure that the question is clear in your answer. That means you should be filling up the pages.
YEARBOOKERS!! • WOO HOO! • GET YOUR JOURNAL to do your self-evaluation today!
Red Tasks • Specifically, what were you assigned for the RED pages? • Who did you work with, help out? • List everything else you did to help get the red pages finalized.
Tasks 4. How much out-of-class time did you spend on this deadline?
Tasks 5. What did you finish to publication quality? In other words, the best it can be — following all the rules and guidelines of yearbook. Remember “done” isn’t the same as “publication quality.”
Tasks 6. Did you get everything done? 7. If not, what happened? 8. If you finished your tasks, did you help others or take on more tasks?
Personal 10. In what areas do you feel you’ve been successful? Be specific. 11. What is surprising about yearbook class so far? 12. What is confusing about yearbook so far?
Personal 12 A What areas would you like improve on for the next deadline cycle? 12 B What things would you like to try that you haven’t had a chance to yet?
Comments 13. Write addition comments about how things are going so far? 14. What advice do you have for making the next deadline run more smoothly?
Grading 15. What grade do you deserve for this deadline and why? BE SPECIFIC. You must give a letter grade and explanation or you will get a zero for your self-eval. You are not really being graded on whether or not you “did your best” but whether or not the yearbook is the best it can be, and whether or not you are mastering the skills needed for yearbook.
Kudos 16. Give kudos to classmates who you think did an especially good job this deadline cycle and explain.