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The mighty milky way

The mighty milky way. Measurements of the milky way. . Most people wonder what is up in space. So pack your bags were heading to space!

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The mighty milky way

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The mighty milky way

  2. Measurements of the milky way. • . Most people wonder what is up in space. So pack your bags were heading to space! • Are first stop is the Milky Way. The milky ways heart is 27,000 light years away from Earth. Also is bigger than most other galaxies! Another fact is the Earth is half way between the center and the dark edge.

  3. Color of a star is a clue to its temperature. .The blue star burns through gasses fast so they die young. . The red star is the coldest star even colder than the sun. . The blue star is hotter than the sun

  4. Life and Death of a star. .In space ,the force of gravity can pull atoms together until they form into stars or planets. . More and more dust and gases it squeezes them tighter and tighter into a big blob , the blob heats up and begins to glow, we are seeing a star being born! . When a large star runs out of fuel and collapses the star dies.

  5. Black Holes. . A black hole has super gravity it pull is so strong you can’t get away from its grip. . A black hole gobbles most of the stars gasses, and splatters the rest into space , and each time that happens the black hole grows. . Even light can’t escape it so that why it looks so dark.

  6. What I learned about from my power point was outer space will always going to be their , and has a unique way up their for everyone to explore.

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