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Lesson 2 Los Números. Objectivo: To recap from last lesson and learn numbers up to 100 in Spanish. Tip: You may know the numbers but pronunciation is key. Recap (Introduction). What did we do last lesson? Discuss in pairs.
Lesson 2 Los Números Objectivo: To recap from last lesson and learn numbers up to 100 in Spanish. Tip: You may know the numbers but pronunciation is key.
Recap (Introduction) • What did we do last lesson? Discuss in pairs. • What did you learn last lesson? Discuss and write down in pairs.
The numbers: 0 cero (Thero)
The numbers: 1 uno/a (oo-no)
The numbers: 2 dos (dos)
The numbers: 3 tres (tres)
The numbers: 4 cuatro (kwat-ro)
The numbers: 5 cinco (theen-ko)
The numbers: 6 seis (seys)
The numbers: 7 siete (syet-ay)
The numbers: 8 ocho (o-cho)
The numbers: 9 nueve (nwe-bay)
The numbers: 10 diez (dyeth)
Task 2 – Higher Numbers • Do you know any numbers above 10 in Spanish? • In pairs, write down on paper some of the Spanish numbers you know. • Can you write them correctly? • Can you pronounce them correctly? • Copy these numbers on the next slide.
Task 3 : Numbers to 30 11once (on-thay)
The numbers: 12 doce (doth-ay)
The numbers: 13 trece (treth-ay)
The numbers: 14catorce (kat-or-thay)
The numbers: 15 quince (keen-thay)
The numbers: 16 dieciséis (dyeth-ee-seys)
The numbers: 17 diecisiete (dyeth-ee-syet-ay)
The numbers: 18 dieciocho (dyeth-ee-o-cho)
The numbers: 19 diecinueve (dyeth-ee-nwe-bay)
The numbers: 20 veinte (beyn-tay)
The numbers: 21 veintiuno (beyn-tay-oo-no)
The numbers: 22 veintidós (beyn-tay-dos)
The numbers: 23 veintitres (beyn-tay-tres)
The numbers: 24 veinticuatro (beyn-tay-kwat-ro)
The numbers: 25 veinticinco (beyn-tay-theen-ko)
The numbers: 26 veintiseis (beyn-tay-seys)
The numbers: 27 veintisiete (beyn-tay-syet-ay)
The numbers: 28 veintiocho (beyn-tay-o-cho)
The numbers: 29 veintinueve (beyn-tay-nwe-bay)
Task 4 – Click and say in pairs (numbers to 29) • http://www.123teachme.com/games/click_n_say/numbers
Videos • Watch these videos. • Numbers to 30. • Numbers Song
Task 5 – The rule for more than 1 digits: • In most cases to remember the numbers in Spanish it is useful to follow a simple rule. Try to spot the rule in the example: • We have the number 26. • We have to partition the number e.g. 26 becomes…. • Then we use the numbers for both sections e.g. the number for 20 and the number for 6 in Spanish. 20 6 and
Task 5 – The rule for more than 1 digits: Seis Veinte 20 6 and After we have found the numbers we simply ‘squish’ them together to form one word. (Notice here the ‘e’ from ‘Veinte’ is replaced with an ‘i’). Answer: 26 = Veintiseis
Task 6 - Applying the rule. • Use the rule to find out these numbers: • 18 (Lets go through the first one together). • 22 • 16 • 29 • 21
Answers • 18 = Dieciocho • 22 = Veintidós • 16 = Dieciséis • 29 = Veintinueve • 21 = Veintiuno
Task 7 – Numbers to 100 (from 30) • Do you know any numbers to 100 in Spanish? • In pairs, write down on paper some of the Spanish numbers you know. • Can you write them correctly? • Can you pronounce them correctly?
The numbers: 30 treinta (treyn-ta)
The numbers: 40 cuarenta (kwa-ren-ta)
The numbers: 50 cincuenta (beyn-tay-nwe-bay)
The numbers: 60 sesenta (beyn-tay-nwe-bay)
The numbers: 70 setenta (beyn-tay-nwe-bay)
The numbers: 80 ochenta (beyn-tay-nwe-bay)
The numbers: 90 noventa (beyn-tay-nwe-bay)