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PERILAKU KONSUMEN DAN KEPUASAN KONSUMEN. Mata Kuliah Geografi Pemasaran (GP-5) Triarko nurlambang 2007. Perilaku Konsumen.
PERILAKU KONSUMEN DAN KEPUASAN KONSUMEN Mata Kuliah Geografi Pemasaran (GP-5) Triarko nurlambang 2007
Perilaku Konsumen The aim of marketing is to meet and satisfy target customers’ needs and wants. The field of consumer behavior studies how individuals, groups, and organizations select, buy, use and dispose of goods, services, ideas, or experiences to satisfy their needs and desires. Understanding consumer behavior and “knowing customers” are never simple. (Kotler, 2000, p.160)
Apa Yang Dimaksud Dengan Perilaku Konsumen Sebagai tindakan yang langsung terlibat dalam mendapatkan, mengkonsumsi, dan menghabiskan produk dan jasa, termasuk proses keputusan yang mendahului dan mengikuti tindakan ini. (Engel, 1992) The study of the buying units and theexchange processesinvolved in acquiring, consuming and disposing of goods. (Moven and Minor, 2000)
Definition of Consumer Behavior The study of processes involved when individuals or groups select, purchase, use, or dispose of products, services, ideas, or experiences to satisfy needs and desires • Process • Exchange • Players
Alasan Mempelajari Perilaku Konsumen 1. Perilaku konsumen adalah pondasi bagi manajemen pemasaran. Dapat dimanfaatkan untuk: a. Merancang marketing mix b. Merumuskan segment marketplace c. Merumuskan analisa lingkungan d. Mengembangkan riset pasar tingkat lanjut 2.Dapat dikembangkan sebagai bahan penting bagi penetapan kebijakan publik 3. Pemahaman akan perilaku konsumen akan memberi peluang untuk dapat lebih memantapkan penanganan konsumen 4. Analisa konsumen memberikan pengetahuan bagi pemahaman akan perilaku konsumen secara keseluruhan 5. Pemahaman perilaku konsumen akan memberikan 3 jenis informasi: a. Orientasi konsumen b. Fakta seputar tingkah laku manusia c. Teori yang dapt membimbing seseorang fokus pada proses berpikir
Tiga Perspektif Mempelajari Perilaku Konsumen • Perspektif Pengambilan Keputusan • Perspektif Eksperiental • Perspektif Pengaruh Perilaku
CUSTOMER VALUE HIERARCHY MODEL Desired Customer Value Customer Satisfaction With Received Value Customer goals And purposes Goal-based satisfaction Implementation Through legislation Consequence-based satisfaction Desired policy Attributes and manifesto Promises Attribute-based satisfaction
Related Behaviors dimensions Movement Toward purchase Example of type of Promotion or advertising Relevant to various steps Co native: the realm of motives. Ads stimulate or direct desires Affective: the realm of emotion Ads change attitudes and feelings Cognitive: the realm of thoughts. Ads provide information and facts. Point-of-purchase Retail store ads deals “last chance" offers price appeals Testimonial Competitive ads argumentative copy “Image” copy Status glamour appeals Announcements Descriptive copy Classified ads Slogans Jingles Skywriting Teaser campaigns Purchases Conviction Preference Liking Knowledge Awareness Robert J. Lavidge and Gary A. Steiner, journal of Marketing (October 1961):51 Hierarchy of Effects Model
Consumer Evolution Sumber: Grantham dan Judith, 2002
Model Kebiasaan Membeli (Purchasing Habit) Pengambilan Keputusan Pembeli Pilihan Produk Pilihan merk Pilihan pemasok Pilihan waktu pembelian Pilihan jumlah harga Karakteristik Proses Pengambilan Pembeli keputusan Pembeli Budaya Masalah pengenalan Sosial Mencari Informasi Personal Alternatif Evolusi Psikologi Pengambilan keputusan Membeli Purnabeli Simulasi Simulasi Pemasaran Lainnya Produk Ekonomi Harga Teknologi Tempat Politik Promosi Budaya
Faktor-faktor Utama yang Berpengaruh Terhadap Proses Pembelian Budaya Budaya Sub-Budaya Klas Sosial Sosial Kelompok Acuan Keluarga Personal Umur dan gaya hidup Situasi ekonomi dan pekerjaan Psikologi Motivasi Persepsi Belajar Kepercayaan dan sikap
Empat Tipe Kebiasaan Membeli Kebiasaan membeli yang kompleks Ada tiga tahapan proses, yaitu pertama membangun keyakinan akan produk, kedua membangun sikap terhadap produk yang bersangkutan dan terakhir menentukan pilihan secara seksama. MIsalnya membeli barang mahal dan bermerk (branded item) Dissonance- Reducing Buyer Behavior Membutuhkan kajian/perhatian yang seksama walaupun tidak/ sedikit sekali ditentukan oleh merk, misalnya membeli karpet. Kebiasaan belanja sehari-hari(Habitual Buying Behavior) Tidak membutuhkan kajian khusus dan tidak terlalu terpengaruh oleh merk, misalnya belanja rempah-rempah, garam. Kebiasaan belanja yang dipengaruhi oleh merk (Variety- Seeking Buy Behav) Tidak membutuhkan kajian khusus tetapi sangat dipengaruhi oleh merk, misalnya membeli alat kosmetik, barang-barang fashion. High Involvement Low Involvement Significant Differences Complex Buying Behav. Variety- seeking Buying Behav. between brands Few Differences Dissonance-reducing Habitual Buying Behavior Between brands Buying Behavior
Suspects Disqualified prospect Prospects First Time Customers Repeat Customers The Customer Development Process Inactive or ex-customers Clients Members Advocates Partners
The Loyalty Pyramid Partners Stronger form of customer – supplier relationship (create mutual benefit) Advocates Clients who actively support your organization by recommending it to others Clients A repeat customers who have positive feelings of loyality of your organization Profit Starts here Customers A one-off purchase of your product who has no feelings of your company Prospects Potential customers who attraction on your organization Includes all buyers of the product/ service (anaware of your organization Suspects
5 Tahapan Umum Proses Penentuan Pembelian Pengenalan problem (kebutuhan) Pengenalan problem (kebutuhan) Mencari informasi Keputusan membeli Evaluasi alternatif Purnabeli IBM Apple Dell HP Toshiba Compaq NEC Sony, dll IBM Apple Dell HP Toshiba Compaq IBM Apple Dell ?
Sense of Place Setiap manusia (normalsense) memiliki sense of place Perkembangan sense of place seseorang: Jenis kelamin, umur, kesehatan, kemampuan finansial • Fisik PlaceBerkaitan dengan lokasi dan integrasi antara masyarakat, budaya dan alam Nilai/kepercayaan, keturunan, keperibadian • Psikologis • Pengalaman/ pengetahuan Tingkat pendidikan, sosialisasi
The Nature of Spatial Knowledge Declarative component: pengetahuan akan makna obyek dan tempatnya Relational and configurational hubungan keruangan (spatial relationship) diantara pengembangan obyek dan tempatnya Procedural knowledge menggambarkan proses perkembangan perubahan obyek dalam konteks keruangan
Spatial Cognition dan Mental Maps Sense of Place Environmental cognition Spatial Cognition Cognitive mapping Social Mapping Mental Maps Suatu proses transformasi psikologis yang diharapkan, disimpan, recalls dan decodes information tentang lokasi dan atribut dari satu fenomena kejadian kehidupan sehari-hari.
How to put / develop values into practice (Sense of Place membentuk Tata Ruang) Spatial Imagination Values Cognitive Space Affective Space Conative Cognitive Affective Conative Psychological transformation Spatial Behavior Practices Spatial arrangement / Tata Ruang
Lingkungan pasar dan aplikasinya terhadap situasi perilaku konsumen Lingkungan Situasi Perilkau Konsumen Demografis Perubahan populasi dan nilai-nilai budaya dari variasi kelompok demografis Ekonomi Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi sentimen economi konsumen dan pola tabungan serta pengeluaran Alam Reaksi konsumen terhadap perubahan cuaca, bencana alam , dsb. Teknologi Difusi inovasi teknologi dan reaksi konsumen terhadap perubahan teknologi; misalnya peralatan yang ‘user-friendly’. Politik Dampak penerapan hukum, aturan main dan peraturan bagi konsumen. Budaya Ritual, nilai, kebiasaan, dan norma dari sebuah budaya. Bagaimana konsumen dipengaruhi oleh budaya tersebut
Creating Value Through Quality and Customer Satisfaction
Value and Satisfaction • What is value? • What are five things a marketer can do to increase the value of the offering? • Value is a ratio between what the customer gets and what he gives. • Raising benefits, reducing costs, raising benefits and reducing costs, raising benefits by more than the raise in costs, or lowering benefits by less than the reduction in costs.
Awareness Awareness Attitude Behavior Knowledge Liking Preference Conviction Purchase High versus low involvement? Theory Segue: Buyer Readiness Stages
Starting point Focus Means Ends Factory Existing products Selling and promotion Profits through sales volume (a) The selling concept Market Customer needs Integrated marketing Profits through customer satisfaction (b) The marketing concept Customer Delivered Value
Exchange and Transactions • Exchange involves obtaining a desired product from someone by offering something in return. • Transaction involves at least two things of value, agreed-upon conditions, a time of agreement, and a place of agreement.
Determinasi Nilai-Nilai Pelanggan Customer Delivered Value Total Customer Value Total Customer Cost Product Value Monetary cost Time cost Service Value Personnel Value Energy cost Image value Psychic Cost
Business = Customer If we want to know what a business is, we have to start with its purpose. And its purpose must lie outside the business itself. In fact, it must lie in society since a business enterprise is an organ of society. There is one valid definition of business purpose: to create a customer.* *Peter F. Drucker, The Practice of Management (New York: Harper & Row, 12954), p. 37.
Customer Equity • How Much Is A Customer Worth
Customer Equity Lifetime Value of a Loyal Customer. • Revenue Stream. Price/unit * Total expected lifetime purchases • Income Stream. Margins/unit * Total expected lifetime purchases
How does an organization create a customer? • Identifying customer needs • Designing goods and services that meet those needs • Communicating information about those goods and services to prospective buyers • Making the goods or services available at times and places that meet customers’ needs • Pricing goods and services to reflect costs, competition, and customers’ ability to buy • Providing for the necessary service and follow-up to ensure customer satisfaction after the purchase* *Joseph P. Guiltianan and Gordon W. Paul, Marketing Management, 6th ed. (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1996), pp. 3-4.
Quality • Quality is the totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that bear on its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs. #1
Five Possible Definitions of Quality • Innate Excellence. (You know it when you see it) • Product-Based. (The more, the better) • User-Based. (Quality is what the customer says it is) • Manufacturing-Based. (Conformance to standards) • Value-Based. (Excellence for the money)
Garvin’s 8 dimensions of quality • Performance • Features • Reliability • Conformance (to standards) • Durability • Serviceability • Aesthetics • Perceived quality (Image)
CUSTOMER SATISFACTION Satisfaction is a person’s feelings of pleasure or disappointment resulting from comparing a product’s perceived performance (or outcome) in relation to his or her expectations.
Service Quality Dimensions • Tangibles : The physical facilities, equipment, and appearance of personnel. • Reliability : Ability to perform the promised service dependably and accurately. • Responsiveness: Willingness to help customers and provide prompt service. • Assurance : Knowledge and courtesy of employees and their ability to inspire trust and confidence. • Empathy: Caring, individualized attention the firm provides its customers.
Satisfied Customers: • Are loyal longer • Buy more (new products & upgrades) • Spread favorable word-of-mouth • Are more brand loyal (less price sensitive) • Offer feedback • Reduce transaction costs
Model of Customer Satisfaction Perceived Quality Customer Complaints Perceived Value Customer Satisfaction Customer Expectations Customer Loyalty
HOW CUSTOMERS FORM EXPECTATIONS Past Experience Personal Needs Word of Mouth External Communications Customer Expectations