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Alphabet Soup. Invasions & Protests. Laws & Agreements. Vocabulary. Court Cases. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 200. 200. 200. 200. 200. 300. 300. 300. 300. 300. 400. 400. 400. 400. 400. 500. 500. 500. 500. 500. Row 1---100 Question.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Alphabet Soup Invasions & Protests Laws & Agreements Vocabulary Court Cases 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

  2. Row 1---100 Question -Book by Upton Sinclair, depicted the abuses of the meatpacking industry.

  3. Row 1---100 Answer -Jungle

  4. Row 1---200 Question -Prohibited the sale and or manufacture of alcohol in the nation.

  5. Row 1---200 Answer -18th Amendment

  6. Row 1---300 Question - Secret drinking club that where found in thousands of cities during Prohibition.

  7. Row 1---300 Answer - Speakeasies

  8. Row 1---400 Question - Party started by Theodore Roosevelt during his 1912 attempt to run for President as a third party candidate.

  9. Row 1---400 Answer - Progressive or Bull Moose Party

  10. Row 1---500 Question - Group of civil disobedience protestors who rode into segregated bus stations to prove the point of civil rights abuses.

  11. Row 1---500 Answer - Freedom Riders

  12. Row 2---100 Question - Ku Klux Klan

  13. Row 2---100 Answer - KKK

  14. Row 2---200 Question - Civilian Conservation Corp

  15. Row 2---200 Answer - CCC

  16. Row 2---300 Question - Government agency created after the publishing of the “Jungle” to make sure the food and medicine we take are safe.

  17. Row 2---300 Answer - FDA

  18. Row 2---400 Question - Name of the security organization formed by the U.S. and western European nations in the Cold War.

  19. Row 2---400 Answer - NATO

  20. Row 2---500 Question - New Deal program designed to provide jobs and electricity through one of the nation’s poorest areas. Program still exists today.

  21. Row 2---500 Answer - TVA

  22. Row 3---100 Question - December 7th, 1941. Surprise attack by the Japanese on the United States.

  23. Row 3---100 Answer - Pearl Harbor

  24. Row 3---200 Question - 1914 law that strengthen the governments ability to break up illegal trusts that overcharged consumers and hindered competition.

  25. Row 3---200 Answer - D-Day

  26. Row 3---300 Question - Began in Greensboro, NC to protest the segregation policies of many public restaurants.

  27. Row 3---300 Answer - Sit- In

  28. Row 3---400 Question The march on August 28, 1963 in which Martin Luther King gave his I have A Dream speech at.

  29. Row 3---400 Answer - March On Washington

  30. Row 3---500 Question - Protestors who came to Washington to ask Congress to pay a WWI payment to veterans earlier than promised.

  31. Row 3---500 Answer -Bonus Army

  32. Row 4---100 Question - Established judicial review

  33. Row 4---100 Answer - Marbury v. Madison

  34. Row 4---200 Question - Supreme Court case that made segregation legal

  35. Row 4---200 Answer - Plessy v. Ferguson

  36. Row 4---300 Question - Supreme Court case where the Court ruled that segregation is no longer acceptable (made in school desegregation case).

  37. Row 4---300 Answer - Brown v. Board of Education

  38. Row 4---400 Question - Supreme Court case where the court set the doctrine of “clear and present danger”

  39. Row 4---400 Answer - Schenck v. US

  40. Row 4---500 Question - Supreme court case where Charles Baker, a voter, brought suit against the state in the federal district court claiming that the dilution of his vote as a result of the state’s failure to reapportion violated the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution

  41. Row 4---500 Answer - Baker v. Carr

  42. Row 5---100 Question - National Law passed to guarantee voting privileges to African Americans across the nation

  43. Row 5---100 Answer - Voting Rights Act

  44. Row 5---200 Question - Immigration law that set up a quota system (discrimination system against all non-Western Europeans).

  45. Row 5---200 Answer - National Origins Act

  46. Row 5---300 Question - Laws passed after the Granger laws regulating Railroads were declared unconstitutional because they tried to regulate interstate commerce.

  47. Row 5---300 Answer - Sherman Anti-Trust Act

  48. Row 5---400 Question - Laws passed after the Vietnam War which limits the President’s ability to send troops into battle without the approval of Congress.

  49. Row 5---400 Answer - War Powers Act

  50. Row 5---500 Question - 1914 law that strengthen the governments ability to break up illegal trusts that overcharged consumers and hindered competition.

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