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Engineer Your Career: Job Resources for Engineers

Engineer Your Career: Job Resources for Engineers. Amit Plaha, Student Program Coordinator, APEGBC Amy Vozel, Student Development, Engineering Angela Pau, Career Educator, UBC Career Services. Agenda. Introductions Why build My Professional Toolkit? How do I start?

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Engineer Your Career: Job Resources for Engineers

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Engineer Your Career: Job Resources for Engineers Amit Plaha, Student Program Coordinator, APEGBC Amy Vozel, Student Development, Engineering Angela Pau, Career Educator, UBC Career Services

  2. Agenda Introductions Why build My Professional Toolkit? How do I start? What next? Resources within your reach …

  3. WHY Build My Professional Toolkit? Build experiences – professional and personal Skill development (technical, interpersonal, communication, teamwork) To get a job! Others? What’s in it for me?

  4. HOW do I start? Develop technical AND professional & interpersonal skills Understand etiquette Behavior (mature, professional, attitude) Communication with professors (verbally, in writing and online) Get involved! It starts in the classroom!

  5. WHAT NEXT? Resources within your reach … Professional Activities Fund (PAF) (all year) Engineering Mentoring Program (all year) EUS “Engineer Your Career” Fair (Feb 2012) WIE WISE networking Event (March 2012) “Engineers Get Employed!”: Workshop Series (Term 2) Various leadership & involvement opportunities! On Campus: A few APSC Faculty Resources

  6. WHAT NEXT? Resources within your reach … On Campus: UBC Career Services Connect with Employers: Career Fair Employer Information Sessions Get job search advice: Resume Clinics Advising

  7. Career Days & Graduate and Professional Schools Fair 2011 Oct. 5 & 6, 2011 Student Union Building 60+ employers and 40+ graduate schools Employer and grad school panels On-site resume advising during the event Networking workshops leading up to the event Register for FREE at careers.ubc.ca

  8. Resume Clinics & Advising Resume Clinics September Schedule (September 7 - 30, 2011) Monday 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm Tuesday 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm Wednesday 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm Thursday 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm Advising 30 minute appointments 604-822-4011

  9. WHAT NEXT? Resources within your reach … Licensing body in BC for professional engineers and geoscientists. Regulates the practice and actions of professionals in the name of public interest. A positive driving force for the engineering community working to progress professional conduct, accountability, and excellence. On Campus & Beyond: APEGBC

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