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Awards Subcommittee. Membership. Ray Gordnier, Chair Inderjit Chopra, Vice-Chair Carlos Cesnik Jonathan Cooper Anubhav Datta John Kosmatka Paul Taylor Suzanne Weaver Smith. Awards Subcommittee. Wa l t e r J. and Ange l ine H. C r i ch l ow Trust Pr i z e.
Awards Subcommittee Membership Ray Gordnier, Chair Inderjit Chopra, Vice-Chair Carlos Cesnik Jonathan Cooper AnubhavDatta John Kosmatka Paul Taylor Suzanne Weaver Smith Appendix 6
Awards Subcommittee WalterJ. andAngeline H. Crichlow TrustPrize • Presentedeveryfour yearsfor excellencein aerospace materials,structuraldesign, structuralanalysis,or structuraldynamics. • Thematurity,universality,usefulnessoftheinnovationand the perfectionof applicationare key requirements. • Maybe presentedto anindividualor smallgroupofcontributing individuals,forspecificachievementor bodyofwork extending overa periodof years. • Candidatemustbe livingatthe timeofselection. • Individualsfromallnationsareeligible. • $100,000 Honorarium,Medal, andCertificateof Citation • Nextpresentation:AIAAScienceandTechnologyForum, • 5-9January2015,Kissimmee,Florida Appendix 6
Awards Subcommittee CrichlowPrize 2015SelectionCommittee KathleenAtkins,Director,AerospaceDesign andStructures Group (Chair) GeorgeMuellner,Chair,HonorsandAwardsCommittee MarkMaurice,H&AChair,InternationalActivitiesCommittee Paul Taylor,StructuralDynamicsTechnicalCommittee JeanetteDomber,StructuresTechnicalCommittee GarySeidel,MaterialsTechnicalCommittee GregoryReich,AdaptiveStructuresTechnicalCommittee David Jensen,PastChair,SelectionCommittee Appendix 6
Awards Subcommittee Crichlow Prize SelectionProcess • SelectionCommittee communicated via face-to-facemeetings,e-mailsandconferencecalls • 6Nominationssubmitted, including newandcarryovernominations • Nomineesevaluatedagainst awardcriteria,impactandapplicationofachievementwasassessed,andreferences/externalsourceswerecontacted. • Selectionby down-selectvotes. Byunanimousvote,SelectionCommittee endorsed proposed recipient. • Proposedrecipientpresentedforendorsement to AIAAHonors and Awards Committee and theAIAABoard of Directors. • Once endorsed,recipientannouncedinAugust2014,Awardpresented at SciTechJanuary2015 Appendix 6
Awards Subcommittee Crichlow Prize 2015 Proposed Recipient SatyaN.Atluri DistinguishedProfessorOfAerospace Engineering Director,CenterforAerospaceResearchand Education UniversityofCalifornia-Irvine “Forlasting contributionstoairframestructuralintegrity anddurabilityanalysis usingnovel computationalmethods(MLPGmeshlessmethods)andmicromechanicsofmaterialsgenome.” Appendix 6
Awards Subcommittee Crichlow Prize Recipient Background:Satya N. Atluri,AIAA Fellow • 45 yearcareer,majordeveloperofnumerical methods which influencedbroadrangeof design proceduresin structures plusfocusedfieldoffracturemechanics • World leader in computational modelingofmaterialdegradation in agingaircraft, spacecraft,rotorcraftand damagetolerance, structural integrityand durabilityof a variety ofstructures. • Decades ofcontributionsinthe developmentofanalyticalmethodstoimprovethedamagetolerance and durabilityofaerospacestructures • Instrumentalinorganizingand leading numerous committees,meetingsand congressactivities,bringing togetherworldwide leading mechanicaland aeronauticalengineers. • Authored and/or editedmorethan800 archival papers and 50 booksand monographs. Highly cited researcher, Sought-afterconsultantby industryand government. • Dedicated and inspiringprofessor,formerstudentsand post-doctoral scholarsoccupyinfluentialpositionsworldwidein industry, government andacademia. Appendix 6
Awards Subcommittee Technical Awards Available from AIAA Structures, Structural Dynamics, & Materials Award Established in 1967, the Structures, Structural Dynamics, & Materials Award is presented to an individual who has been responsible for an outstanding sustained technical or scientific contribution in aerospace structures, structural dynamics, or materials. It is not presented in the years that the Walter J. and Angeline H. Crichlow Trust Prize, AIAA-ASC James H. Starnes Award or Ashley Award for Aeroelasticity are presented. This biennial award (even numbered years) is generally presented at the AIAA Science and Technology (SCITECH) Forum. Nomination Deadline: 1 July of the year prior to the presentation Appendix 6
Awards Subcommittee Technical Awards Available from AIAA Ashley Award for Aeroelasticity The AIAA Ashley Award for Aeroelasticity recognizes outstanding contributions to the understanding and application of aeroelastic phenomena. It commemorates the accomplishments of Prof. Holt Ashley, who dedicated his professional life to the advancement of aerospace sciences and engineering and had a profound impact on the fields of aeroelasticity, unsteady aerodynamics, aeroservoelasticity, and multidisciplinary optimization. The award is presented every four years, generally at the AIAA Science and Technology Forum (SCITECH). The next award presentation will be in 2017. Nomination Deadline: 1 July of the year prior to presentation Appendix 6
Awards Subcommittee Member Awards Available from AIAA Senior Member Recipients - Individuals who have demonstrated a successful professional practice in the arts, sciences, or technology of aeronautics or astronautics for the equivalent of at least eight years, or who have at least eight years of continuous professional membership in AIAA. Approval and processing generally requires a minimum of eight (8) weeks. Associate Fellow Recipients - Individuals who have accomplished or been in charge of important engineering or scientific work, or have done original work of outstanding merit, or have otherwise made outstanding contributions to the arts, sciences, or technology of aeronautics or astronautics. The Open Period for Nominations is: 15 December – 15 April Fellow Recipients - Individuals of distinction in aeronautics or astronautics who have made notable valuable contributions to the arts, sciences, or technology of aeronautics or astronautics. The Open Period for Nominations is: January 1 to June 15. Appendix 6