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Airspace Configurations

Airspace Configurations. Yevgen Pechenik EUROCONTROL DNMM/COO/NOM/OPL/PRO Civil-Military Workshop 20-21 September 2012. ASM Directions of Work - Statement. The vision: INTRODUCES a performance driven ‘modus operandi’ based on management of Airspace Configurations

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Airspace Configurations

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Airspace Configurations Yevgen Pechenik EUROCONTROL DNMM/COO/NOM/OPL/PRO Civil-Military Workshop 20-21 September 2012

  2. ASM Directions of Work - Statement The vision: • INTRODUCES a performance driven ‘modus operandi’ based on management of Airspace Configurations • PROVIDES processes that support utilisation of more dynamic and flexible elements • DESCRIBES a seamless ASM/ATFCM/ATS process with advanced real time management of Airspace Configurations as well as continuous sharing of information enabled by SESAR

  3. Airspace Configurations – Background Airspace Configuration (as defined in the Airspace Strategy and mentioned in the SESAR Target Concept of Operations []): “Is a pre-defined and coordinated organisation of routes and their associated airspace structures, temporary airspace reservations and ATC sectorisation”

  4. Levels 1,2 & 3 fixed in time Levels 1,2 & 3 interactive Independent national ASM Consolidated Network mngt Fixed ATS Route System Free Route Airspace (FRA) Fixed Scenarios Dynamic Airspace Configurations Continuous process Time constrained snapshots AMC & FMP separated Integrated civil/military function Fixed sectors Proactive sector management Static TRA/TSAs Moving/Mobile/Variable Areas CDRs Conditional Structures (CDS) Europe-wide CBO sharing CBO only between neighbours AUP, CRAM, eAMI,….. SWIM enabled NOP FUA 2017 Directions of Work Current v. New

  5. Airspace Configurations – Background Airspace Configurations: • Comprise: • Pre-defined fixed or flexible route options • Optimised trajectories (e.g. FRA) • Optimised sectorisation • Environmental constraints (if determined) • Initially expected: • To be pre-planned strategically • Capable of being dynamically adapted • To respond to different performance objectives • Finally expected: • To become fully dynamic (towards 2020+)

  6. 1 H before OPS Days before OPS Years before OPS OPERATIONS Integrated Civ/Mil Function (AMC/FMP/Sector planning) High Level Policy Body EUR Network Manager Civil AOs Military Airspace Users Military AOs Civil AOs Military AOs EUR Network Manager Integrated Civ/Mil Function (AMC/FMP/Sector planning) EUR Network Manager Civil ATS Unit Military ATS Unit Civil Airspace Users Airspace Configuration – Cycle Strategic Level 1 Pre-tactical Level 2 Tactical Level 3

  7. Days before OPS Year(s) before OPS European airspace policy SES II Regulations Cross-Border airspace policy National/FAB airspace policy National/FAB airspace design and AOM Military Airspace Users Civil Airspace Users High Level Policy Body EUR Network Manager Environmental constraints (e.g. quotas) Historical/anticipated military traffic demand Local/FAB/Network capacity/complexity constraints Local/FAB/Network performance targets Historical/anticipated civil traffic demand Airspace Configuration – Deliverables Strategic Level 1 PRELIMINARY (PREDEFINED)AIRSPACE CONFIGURATION SENT TO NOP

  8. 1 H before OPS Days before OPS Anticipated over demanding flows Reserved/segregated airspace requests Planned activation of Airspace Structures, e.g. FRA Civil and Military traffic demand Anticipated Hot-spots Civil AOs Military AOs EUR Network Manager Integrated Civ/Mil Function (AMC/FMP/Sector planning) Known environmental constraints Anticipated capacity/complexity constraints Weather constraints Anticipated sector number, layout, configuration Staff Anticipated airport constraints Airspace Configuration – Deliverables Pre-tactical Level 2 AGREED (REFINED)AIRSPACE CONFIGURATION SENT TO NOP

  9. X H before OPS Days before OPS Reserved/segregated airspace requests Planned activation of Airspace Structures, e.g. FRA Civil and Military traffic demand Anticipated Hot-spots Anticipated over demanding flows EUR Network Manager Integrated Civ/Mil Function (AMC/FMP/Sector planning) Military AOs Civil AOs Anticipated airport constraints Anticipated capacity/complexity constraints Weather constraints Anticipated sector number, layout, configuration Staff Known environmental constraints Airspace Configuration – Deliverables CONTINUOUSLY: NEW AIRSPACE CONFIGURATION FOR EVERY NEXT TIME PERIOD! Pre-tactical Level 2 SENT TO NOP

  10. Until next Hour 1 H before OPS Civil and/or Military Ad Hoc request Real-time Hot-spots Real-time critical flows (e.g. in FRA) Real-time airport constraints Real-time ATC sector constraints Integrated Civ/Mil Function (AMC/FMP/Sector planning) EUR Network Manager Civil ATS Unit Civil AOs Military ATS Unit Real-time local and/or FAB airspace performance Sudden real-time constraints (e.g. security) Sudden adverse weather constraints (e.g. CB) Military AOs Airspace Configuration – Deliverables Tactical Level 3 FINETUNED AIRSPACE CONFIGURATION SENT TO NOP

  11. ASM Directions of Work– Work Area 2 Development of Airspace Configuration Process • 2012-2017 • Develop detailed criteria for definition of Airspace Configuration • Develop process and procedures for Airspace Configurations development • Define roles and responsibilities of actors involved • Describe functioning of the Joint Civil-Military function • Describe the required dynamism • Develop operational requirements for systems supporting ACs • Define final ops requirements and implement in the network system • Promote local/regional CDRM processes

  12. Thank you for your attention!

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