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Hammurabi Essential Question: Who is Hammurabi and how did he impact civilization?

Hammurabi Essential Question: Who is Hammurabi and how did he impact civilization?. Who is Hammurabi?. King of Babylon from 1792-1750 B.C. Babylon=North of Sumer on Euphrates R. How did Hammurabi impact civilization?.

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Hammurabi Essential Question: Who is Hammurabi and how did he impact civilization?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Hammurabi Essential Question: Who is Hammurabi and how did he impact civilization?

  2. Who is Hammurabi?

  3. King of Babylon from 1792-1750 B.C.

  4. Babylon=North of Sumer on Euphrates R.

  5. How did Hammurabi impact civilization?

  6. Babylon=center of trade, then empire when Hammurabi conquered other cities

  7. Hammurabi build city walls, temples, irrigation, planned city streets

  8. Hammurabi created a code of law -1st known written code of laws -Contained 282 laws -Collected laws from many city-states and put together into 1 code -1st step toward a justice system

  9. 1. What should happen to a boy who slaps his father?

  10. 1. What should happen to a boy who slaps his father? Cut off the boy’s hand

  11. 2. How is the truth determined when one man brings an accusation against another?

  12. 2. How is the truth determined when one man brings an accusation against another? The accused must go and leap into the river. If he sinks, the accuser shall take possession of his house. If he floats, the accuser is put to death and the accused gets to keep the accuser’s house.

  13. 3. What should be done when a “sister of god” (nun) enters the wine shop for a drink?

  14. 3. What should be done when a “sister of god” (nun) enters the wine shop for a drink? Burn the nun

  15. 4. What should be done if a son is adopted and then the birth parents want him back?

  16. 4. What should be done if a son is adopted and then the birth parents want him back? Birth parents can’t reclaim the son.

  17. 5. What happens to the merchant who fails to arrest bad characters gathered at her shop?

  18. 5. What happens to the merchant who fails to arrest bad characters gathered at her shop? Merchant is put to death

  19. 6. What happens if a man is unable to pay his debts?

  20. 6. What happens if a man is unable to pay his debts? Sell the man’s wife and children to pay debts. They shall work 3 years in the house of the person who bought them.

  21. 7. What should be done to the carpenter who builds a house that falls and kills the owner?

  22. 7. What should be done to the carpenter who builds a house that falls and kills the owner? Carpenter shall be put to death.

  23. 8. What should be done about a wife who ignores her duties and belittles her husband?

  24. 8. What should be done about a wife who ignores her duties and belittles her husband? Throw the women into the water. If she dies then the husband can marry another. If she lives then she returns to the house of her husband.

  25. Code is based on the “eye for an eye” system of justice. They were different punishments based on social class. Wealthy often just had to pay fines. Slaves usually were killed.

  26. Reflection: 1. Do you think Hammurabi’s laws were fair and just? Why or why not? 2. Do you think our laws today are fair and just? Why or why not?

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