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Tips for Success in the 2015 SNAP-Ed Plan

Tips for Success in the 2015 SNAP-Ed Plan. Food and Nutrition Service June 2 nd , 2014 Seattle, Washington Andrew Riesenberg, Western Star Morrison, Mountain Plains Nancy Ranieri, Midwest. Goals. Discuss expectations for 2015 SNAP-Ed Plan submissions.

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Tips for Success in the 2015 SNAP-Ed Plan

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Tips for Success in the 2015 SNAP-Ed Plan Food and Nutrition Service June 2nd, 2014 Seattle, Washington Andrew Riesenberg, Western Star Morrison, Mountain Plains Nancy Ranieri, Midwest

  2. Goals Discuss expectations for 2015 SNAP-Ed Plan submissions. Discuss how public health approaches can enhance nutrition education.

  3. If you build a pool, will people swim?

  4. New in the 2015 SNAP-Ed Guidance

  5. Nutrition Education and Obesity Prevention Approaches Individual or group-based nutrition education, health promotion, and intervention strategies Comprehensive, multi-level interventions at multiple complementary organizational institutional levels Community and public health approaches to improve nutrition

  6. Community and Public Health Efforts that affect a large segment of the population rather than targeting the individual or small group. Dietary Guidelines, smaller portion size, fewer sugary drinks, and reducing sodium are examples of public health approaches.

  7. Ten Essential Public Health Services

  8. Multi-Levels of Programming REACH

  9. Focusing on Food and Activity Environments

  10. Q&A

  11. Coordination and Collaboration • States should coordinate other federally funded nutrition education and obesity prevention programs • A written agreement should be kept on file • Examples • Smarter lunch rooms as part of school wellness policies • State Nutrition Action Coalitions (SNACs)

  12. Definition of PSE Policy: A written statement of an organizational position, decision, or course of action. Systems: unwritten, ongoing, organization decisions or changes that result in new activities reaching large proportions of people the organization serves. Environmental Change: Includes the built or physical environments which are visual/observable, but may include economic, social, normative or message environments.

  13. Implementing PSE’sand the Role of SNAP-Ed SNAP-Ed providers can implement community and public health approaches that affect a large segment of the population rather than solely targeting the individual or small group. Provide consultation and technical assistance to create PSE changes that ultimately benefit low-income households and communities.

  14. PSE’s PSE’s are more effective when paired with individual, group, and community-based strategies. Changes should not be standalone and must support educational or marketing strategies used in SNAP-Ed.

  15. Financial & Cost Policiesallowable costs Compensation for State level staff to plan, oversee, and/or monitor the use of SNAP-Ed funds. Point-of-purchase or point-of-decision making signage that promotes healthy food choices or physical activity Resource kits with strategies for PSE’s. Preparing data reports and sharing of information. Conducting environmental scans or assessments of the food activity environments where nutrition education is provided.

  16. Financial & Cost Policiesunallowable costs Costs associated with infrastructure, construction, or other capital improvements to retail stores, sidewalks, trails, bicycle paths, or dining facilities. Financial incentives to community partners or retailers to support environmental or policy changes. Salaries, license or permit fees for retail store staff, farmers market managers, or food service workers for service operations Costs associated with refrigeration units in grocery or convenience stores.

  17. Q&A

  18. The SNAP-Ed Plan • States must use project templates that reflect the Guidance • Multi-year plans • Targeting • Must use relevant sources • Alternative methodologies are allowed • It must describe reasonable methodologies the State will use to determine the proportion of the low-income target audience that may be reached

  19. SNAP-Ed Plan Requirements Identify methods the State will use to notify applicants, participants, and eligible individuals to the maximum extent possible, about the availability of SNAP-Ed activities in local communities.

  20. What Makes A Plan Easy To Read Cover letter that clearly states the amount of funds requested Consistency/logical flow of information Show FNS what has changed from FY 14 Logical flow of materials SMART Objectives Budget for appropriate activities

  21. Additions to Project Templates Objectives Audience Food and Activity Environments Project Description and Educational Strategies Evidence Base Environmental Supports

  22. Budget • Examples: • Staff: Description of job duties is tied to specific accomplishments within the project. • Travel: include mileage, # of staff, how many days, per diem, lodging, how attendance will benefit. • Supplies: include items, price, and quantity.

  23. You Don’t Need to Do It All!

  24. Q&A

  25. THANK YOU!!

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