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Turnu Magurele Pollution Crisis: A Call for Environmental Action

To live in better conditions, man has always used natural resources like animals, plants, and minerals. However, the misuse of resources has led to pollution in Turnu Magurele. The city faces air, water, soil, and vegetation pollution due to industrial activities and improper waste disposal. The excessive levels of pollutants are harming the environment and the health of residents. Awareness, community engagement, resource conservation, and environmental protection are crucial for combating pollution and safeguarding the balance between health and the environment in Turnu Magurele.

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Turnu Magurele Pollution Crisis: A Call for Environmental Action

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  1. Polluation Brief introduction To live in better conditions, man has always used natural resources:animals, plants, trees, minerals, coal, salt,oil,natural gas, water. From the use of natural resources(primary)and resulted unusable products, such as gases, powders, liquids or solids that have been permanently disposed of in nature.

  2. Although benefits from being a harbor city, Turnu Magurele is danger exposed by mass pollution. The main source of pollution in the city is a Chemical Mill. It is responsable for environmental pollution because it does not meet environmental protection standards.

  3. Sources of pollution in our local horizon • Air Component • Sources of pollution • 1.Fixe:Pollution sources Chemical Ammonia Hydrogen Sulfide Nitrogen UVCP:Pyrites household waste, dumps, Boilers Central Heating

  4. Indicator of ammonia exceeded normal values at the station automatic air quality monitoring Turnu 2, located on the banks of the Danube in the city of Turnu Magurele, look for the Environmental Protection Agency(EPA)Teleorman said on Tuesday.According to measurements made between November 23 December 4, 2007, the average was recorded hourly for up to three times higher then the limit value negotiated by the protocol signed with the Bulgarian side.

  5. Water pollution Sources of pollution: Integrated UVCP Waste dumps Industrial waste discharges Shipping

  6. Because of high domestic water hardness, it can affect the health of consumers, especially children and elderly people whose immunity system is prone to various diseases and disorders such as dyskinesias gall and kidney stones. As water pollution prevention measures is necessary to provide treatment facilities and ensuring good conditions in the transport of pollutants.

  7. Soil pollution Soil is a mixture of plant materials, minerals and animals that are formed in a very long process, it may take thousands of years. The soil is necessary for the growth of most plants and essential for all agricultural production. Soil pollution is the accumulation of toxic chemical compounds, salts, pathogens (disease causing organisms), or radioactive material that can affect plant and animal life.

  8. Sources of soil pollution: Integrated waste dumps, domestic waste, chemical fertilizers, pyrites.

  9. VEGETATION POLLUTION Vegetation is affected by acid rain, a phenomenon caused mainly by air pollution by chemicals improperly disposed of chemical. In this way the vegetation is poorly developed, canopy leaves are whitish, spotted and trunks are gnarled.All of these lead to the formation of a desolating landscape. Another cause that leads to deterioration of vegetation is represented by deforestation.

  10. A telling example is the clearing of forest and other forests around Banciu and the surrounding areas, that led to the destabilization of soil. People should have to deal with more than replanting or halting deforestation problem.

  11. CONCLUSIONS • Awareness of the negative effects • Informing the community on environmental issues • Saving resources, less waste • Nature protection • Care of green spaces • To ensure the balance between our health and environment

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